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We will consider the categories of “new” and “valuable” in relation to creativity and activity.
Already at the level of subject orientation in the world preceding goal setting, i.e. at the level of separating the self as a subject from the environment, activity not only necessarily assumes an active attitude towards the environment, but also potentially admits as something possible and something not undesirable a certain creative element, a creative approach, that is, an innovative, non-standard, excellent approach, the techniques and intensity of its application to the object from the already known, routine, procedurally, structurally and substantively trivial, from ordinary, familiar, tested and tested with existing experience (even with governmental experience, not necessarily someone else's experience) how the relationship between man and the world (including the inner world of the subject) and the numerous concrete phenomena of the objective world.
The pattern of such an approach is associated with an objective and conscious need by the subject of orientation in a situation; and further or in parallel - with the need to realize the real situation as a problem, with the release from the environment (from reality) of a particular specific object (whether it is a thing or a process, material education or spiritual, "concept" or "construct", a phenomenon external to subject of life or his own inner reality - including “external” or internal speech, text, “letter”, “simulacra”, and so on., etc.) not only as an object, specific “cash givenness” with its specific properties and features, but also - by all means - as a problem: some Something, whose existence as it is at the moment, and especially as it is-for-me, for whatever reason, does not suit the subject completely or does not partially satisfy - not only the subject of the consumer, but also the subject of the thinker (not satisfied, and therefore "disturbing" - with the seeming "mystery" of his own: "perplexing" incomprehensibility, arbitrariness, injustice even in his subjective picture of the world).
Where the subject does not see (with the most varying degrees of awareness, up to “feeling”) this or that problem, he does not have and cannot have any reason, reason and cause for action, and even more so for creativity. However, the presence of a problem, implying the possibility and desirability of creativity, does not mean at this stage that creativity will take place with necessity: the subject may see a problem in the situation, which is the reason and even dictates the objective necessity of action, but is identical in its content and character or similar to those already known to him from his own or “alien” experience. In this case, the problem that “puts” reality before the subject may induce or even force to activity, but this activity itself, as a rule, will not be creative (we emphasize: as a rule, because in the field of artistic creativity the uniformity of tasks solved by the artist and the characteristic author’s “Handwriting” does not necessarily eliminate the creative approach, but it can be otherwise: in the case of replication by the author of a creative find, however, this is the subject of a separate conversation).
Activity one way or another, but always associated with the "new". In general, any activity, being commensurate with the model of the desired future, will certainly bring the subject into the sphere of the unknown, into a world not yet mastered, the world to come, and the “given” world makes it a world transformed by a doer: “Through the psychic in the form of knowledge about being , about the world, the behavior of people is determined not only in cash but now absent - not only by the immediate environment, but also by events taking place in the most remote corners of the world, not only the present and the past, but also the future. When, knowing the patterns of development of nature and social life, we are able to foresee the future course of events, we introduce the future into the determination of our behavior ”[Rubinstein, 1957, pp. 243–244]. The presence at the behavioral level of the future in the present is real, and often quite material, as a vivid example as a goal, a prerequisite for creativity, but this example itself may be trite, by no means requiring any creativity to follow it; in the absence of a direct example, the output into the unknown, the transcendence of the subject itself into the future can be produced in a “mastered” way with the help of “tried” means; one way or another, with the presence or absence of an example, the development of the future as the creation of a “new” may turn out to be quite successful, but not necessarily creative, but in the everyday “flow of life” more often and not at all creative. We note, and definitely the creative nature of aspiration for the future (in projective activity, for example, this aspiration is quite obvious) is not so necessarily connected with the metaphysical procedures of transcendence in the future, even more so with the transcendence in Nothing, with the “spirit” reason to the psychologically explicable and knowable, but every time enigmatic (especially subjectively enigmatic) metaphysical, sometimes an irrational comprehension of being; striving mainly takes place within the boundaries of rational behavior, rational thinking and to the banality of today's material world.
In principle, the same thing that characterizes “creative” (more precisely, potentially creative) in the primary stages of subject orientation in the world also applies to the stage of goal-setting, so that potentially creative here can acquire real relevance - to the stage actual awareness of the problem as a task and its “acceptance” as its task: to determine the essence and nature of the task, to realize the object of reality as a possible object of activity and to choose the purpose of the activity (its desired result). “Rejection” of a perceived problem as a personal task means evasion from activity, refraining from it. But even as a task, it can be taken directly "given" by the situation, what circumstances "require" - and no more. And in this case, the activity of the subject, as a rule, will not be creative. Finally, although freedom (psychological freedom) is immanent in activity, even a person makes his free choice by virtue of subjective feeling and his own understanding of freedom as a set of personal imperatives, by no means always using all the objective possibilities of free preference that exist in objective reality, but his choice It turns out to be even less creative than objectively free.
Due to these circumstances, it seems to us a fundamentally erroneous rather widespread idea that every goal setting and every goal necessarily contains an element of creativity. In fact, the goal necessarily involves only the activity and a certain initiative of the subject, and a creative attitude to the subject and plan of activity is only possible here and only preferentially, both in the process of goal-setting and in the goal of the subject itself. Or even very desirable and quite realistically possible, but not necessarily; Often it is objectively necessary, but it is by no means always realistically feasible even with the objective necessity of creativity.
1. What is goal setting?
? this is a designation of the supposed results of creativity
? this designation of the project of any activity
? this designation of the meaninglessness of creativity
? this designation of the purpose of creativity
2. Is it possible to take into account the undesirable in goal setting?
? why on earth
? can't
? can
? depending on what goal setting
3. Who among psychologists believed that it is possible to introduce the future into the determination of our behavior?
? Ponomarev
? Melik-Pashayev
? Rubinstein
? Soloviev
4. What is a simulacrum?
? Severe illness
? False disease
? The mark that gained the content
? Lost Content
? Mortal longing
5. How are intelligence and creativity related?
? intelligence is not related to creativity
? creativity is a property of intelligence
? they are not related at all
? this connection is ghostly


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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius