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Methods of enhancing creativity and creative management problems


Markov S.L., Zakharov A.I. Methods of enhancing creativity and creative management problems

Annotation. The article discusses the classic and modern methods of enhancing creativity and creative problem solving. A classification method is proposed that allows combining all known methods of activating creativity into a single system. The advantages and limitations of the three fundamental methods of activating creativity are analyzed: brainstorming, sylectics and morphological analysis.
Key words: methods of activating creativity, classification of methods, brainstorming, synectics, morphological analysis, advantages and disadvantages of methods.

Today the world is moving from an informational to a conceptual or creatological epoch, the essence and main source of development of which is creativity. Creativity acquires the status of the essential criterion, the driving force and the objective function of the economic development of modern society. J. Hawkins in his book "Creative Economy" (2001) revealed the decisive influence of creative ideas, patents, copyrights, trademarks and original designs on the growth of the modern economy, on the development of the most successful companies in the world.
Accordingly, R. Florida put forward the idea that a creative economy gives rise to a new class of independent professionals or a “creative class”, which today is becoming the main resource and production factor and begins to determine not only the development of individual companies, the growth and prosperity of cities, but also the power of states competing in the global geopolitical space [2]. In this regard, at the present time, the problem of enhancing the creative potential of all production participants, including management personnel and scientific and technical workers, and ordinary employees of the company, is becoming extremely topical.

At present, in theory and practice of activating creative potential and stimulating creative activity, quite a lot of material has been accumulated, the use of which allows us to significantly improve the quality of generating new ideas and making managerial decisions. Among domestic authors, G. S. Altshuller and G. Ya. Bush, V.O. Molyako, I.L. Vikentiev, M.I. Meerovich and others [1].
Among foreign authors whose works are regarded as classical, such researchers as A. Osborne “Brainstorming” (1939), F. Zwicky “Morphological Analysis” (1942), William J. Gordon “Sinectic” (1952), F. . Kunze "Catalog method" and M Weiting "Method of focal objects". The most famous modern authors of the methods of enhancing creativity are Edward de Bono, T. Busen, H. Geshko, A. B. Wangandi, and others [3; four; 7; eight; 9].

The field of knowledge related to the study of methods of enhancing creativity today begins to reach the state of information oversaturation, terminological diversity and in a certain sense, the state of "postmodern chaos."
Many authors empirically discover new creative techniques and tools of creativity, describe them as independent methods of enhancing creativity, create their new modifications and improve existing ones. New variations of the methods are proposed on the basis of subjective preferences, personal experience in solving specific problems with different groups and in unique conditions. The modern level of development of the theory and practice of activating the creative potential of the individual requires streamlining and classification of existing methods of creativity, their reduction into a single integral system.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing methods of enhancing creativity, disclosing the advantages and limitations of the most well-known methodical systems of creative problem solving. One of the tasks is to find and find such a way of classifying existing methods, which would allow to bring them together into a coherent, harmonious and mutually agreed system.

The multiplicity, diversity, diversity, and even a certain redundancy of existing methods for the development of creativity and their modifications, allows them to be classified for a variety of reasons. In this case, the best classification is the one that is more conducive to the realization of the research and practical goals set. At the same time, the desire to create a holistic system of methods that accommodates all existing methods, and at the same time open to new systems and technologies, involves the use of several with constitutive bases. The chronological system of classification of methods can be supplemented by classifications for substantive, procedural organizational grounds. So, as the three large groups of methods for activating creativity can be chosen: 1. Basic methods (the three pillars of the activation of creativity). 2. Classical methods of enhancing creativity . 3. Special and modern methods of enhancing creativity.
І. Three basic methods or "three pillars" of revitalization include: 1. Classical brainstorming (Alex Osborne). 2. Synectic (William Gordon) 3. Morphological analysis (Fritz Zwicky)
ІІ. Classical methods of enhancing creativity (methods of creative problem solving) contain such methods as: The method of catalogs (F. Kunze). The method of focal objects (C.Witing). Forced analogies (R. Olson). Forced transfer and forced comparisons (J. Wikoff). Method of heuristic questions. Kipling method (5Ws / H). Modifications of the method of questions (D. Poya, T. Eyloart, R. Crawford, D. Pearson A. Osborne, etc.). The method of associations, the method of garlands of accidents and associations (G. Bush). The method of free associations: "The stream of consciousness". The method of analogies and metaphors. Metaphorical thinking (G. Morgan). Visual thinking (P.MakKim). Guided visualization. Reversal method. Method inversion problems (C. Thomson). The smart card method or Mind Mapping (T. Büzen). Lateral thinking (E.De Bono). Method 6 thinking hats (E.De Bono). Fan model, provocation method (E.De Bono). TRIZ - the theory of solving inventive problems (the classic version (G.S. Altshuller) and modern modifications - M.I. Meerovich and others) [1; 2; 4; 7; 4; 8].
III. Special and modern methods of enhancing creativity include such techniques: Thirsty (willing) thinking (A. Van Gandhi). The method of progressive abstraction (H. Geschke). The method of multiple reformulations (T. Rickards). Reframing matrix (M. Morgan). Algorithm of relations (G. Krovits). The method of collapsible matrices (G. Simon). The method of enhancing the differences (D. Breybruk, C. Lindblum). The method of "Focus Groups" (R. Merton, E. Dichter). The method of analysis of the force field (K. Levin). The method of research boundaries. List of defects. Modeling. The method of blooming lotus. DO IT (R. Olsen). Eight rules for problem solving, Simplex (M. Basdur). Osborne-Parns problem solving model. Creative Disney strategy (R. Dilts). Solving problems with the subconscious. Work with dreams and images (D. Glauberman). Method "3B". "Catching ideas." “Indirect strategies” (B. Annaud, P. Schmidt). The method of "random incentives." “Other sensory languages” (D. Adams). The method of "pop-up assumptions." The method of "Alternating activity of the Left-Right Hemisphere". The method of "entering the peaceful space." The method of "What if ...", (Als ob). Game and humorous approach. Edison method. Trial and error method". The method of manipulative verbs. “Scamper” (B. Eberl). “Transform” (D. Ayyan, D. Berg). Method wise advisers (S. Parnz). Creating a personal Hall of Fame (M. Mikhalko). "Superhero" or the method of Napoleon. The method of "point of view of others." The system “Universal wanderer” (D. Koberg, J. Bagnal). The system "Game perception" (G. Left) and other methods. [3; four; 7; eight; 9].

The three fundamental methods such as Brainstorming, Sinectic and Morphological Analysis deserve particular attention , the basic principles, goals, techniques and procedures of which formed the basis for the creation of numerous and diverse modern methods of activating creativity.
1. Classic brainstorming is one of the most widely used and effective methods for creating diverse ideas. Classic brainstorming is a predominantly verbal method of solving problems and generating ideas and is carried out in small, specially organized groups of equal participants (3-12 people). Effective implementation of the method requires a well-trained leader - a facilitator, a secretary, a well-defined problem and two separate stages of the process (generating ideas and evaluating them).
Brainstorming is based on two fundamental principles:
1. Quantity produces quality. 2. Deferred evaluation of ideas and is governed by four basic rules: 1. Any criticism is prohibited 2. The most unusual and fantastic ideas are welcomed 3. The number of ideas is more important than quality 4. Ideas are combined and improved [6].
Currently, there are a large number of variants of classical brainstorming, built on its basic principles.
In order to maximize the coverage of all existing variations of the method, it is possible to conditionally combine them into three large groups: a) variations created on the basis of a change in the structure or procedure of a classical brainstorming session; b) variations that emphasize the group character of the generation of ideas; at). variations are based on the integration of brainstorming with other well-known methods of enhancing creativity.
Variations built on structural and procedural differences include: Reversible (negative) brainstorming. Combined brainstorming. Shuttle Brainstorming. "Question Brainstorming". Brainstorming with stops (Stop-And-Go Brainstorming). Gordon Method (Technique of Sequential Disclosure). Didactic Brainstorming (Didactic Brainstorming). Rawlinson's brainstorming session (J. G. Rawlinson, 1970). Kaleidoscopic brainstorming or the Multiple Intelligence Conference (Murthy). "The method of crazy ideas" (Wildest Idea Technique). Brainwriting or “Brainwriting” [7, 9].
Group brainstorming techniques include: Group Brainwriting Technique. Brainwriting with the general fund (Brainwriting Pool). Gallery Method (The Gallery Method). Brainwalking or Brainstorming in Motion. 6-3-5 Brainwriting (6-3-5 method, method 635). Circular Brainstorming and Round Table Method (Round-Robin And Roundtable Brainstorming) S. Kagan (1992). Group exchange method (Group Passing Technique). The method of nominal groups (A. Delbeck, E. Van de Ven, 1971). Mass Brainstorming (The Buzz Session) (J. Donald Phillips, 1948). Phillips Method 66. Blue Leaf Method (Blue Slips Technique) K. Crawford (1920). The Pin Card Technique method. Brainwriting Game Role-brainstorming (Rolestorming Technique) created by R. E. Griggs (1985) and described by A. B. Wangandi (1988). The method of rotating roles, (Rotating roles).
Brainstorming techniques combined with other well-known methods include: Team Idea Mapping. Cluster Brainstorming (Bubble Method). The Classic Сluster Brainstorming Method (The Bubble Method). The KJ (KJ) or Generic Similarity Chart method. The Trigger Method (J.Ye. Bujake, 1969). Imaginary Brainstorming. Avia Cliche (Arthur B. Wangandi). Battelli -Bildmapping Brainwriting was developed by researchers from the Institute in Frankfurt, Germany. (J. Warfield, H. Geshko and R. Hamilton 1975. Visual Brainstorming method. Rightbraining. Braindrawing) or Braindrawing). Brain Sketch (Brain Sketch) or Brainstorming with Sketches (Arthur B. Wangandi, 1988). Military Version Brain Sketch about Sturm (The Military Brainstorming Version) as part of the Process Assessment, was developed in the armies of Great Britain and Australia (G. Klein, M. Sebell, etc.). Directed Brainstorming. Brainstorming with predetermined variables (Variable Brainstorming. Value Brainstorming. Brainstorming Deluxe (Greg Bachman, 2000). Electronic brainstorming, online brainstorming or brainline (Peter Lloyd) [4, 7, 8, 9].
Among the main advantages of brainstorming are:
1. Organizational. a) ease of mastering and use. This is an inexpensive, simple method that requires little material resources, and its rules are easy to understand, learn and use; b) the insignificance of the time needed to conduct a brainstorming session; c) the possibility of using all available specialists in the management apparatus.
2. Substantial. but). the existence of rules and a structured procedure contributes to its high efficiency; b). many ideas can be created in a short time, and each new idea can generate other ideas; c) laziness, routine thinking, rationalism, internal and external barriers, stereotypes and inertia of thinking are overcome. Going beyond the limits of standard thinking; d) other people's ideas are refined, developed and supplemented; e) the method stimulates creative thinking, activates intuition and imagination; e) brainstorming develops the creative abilities and creative thinking of the group members; and) the universality of the method creates the possibility of combining it with other methods.
3). Team. but). creates a spirit of cooperation and provides an opportunity for broad participation and involvement of each participant; b) the work of all participants of the process is activated. They are deeply involved in the course of generating ideas and discussing them; c) interactive interaction generates a synergistic effect d) it is democratic, in which each participant is equal and each idea is accepted; e) equalizes all members of the group, as the authoritarian leadership in the process of its application is unacceptable; f) a benevolent psychological microclimate creates conditions for looseness, activates intuition and imagination; g) the generation of ideas takes place in a comfortable and creative atmosphere; h) the method leads to the improvement of socio-psychological intragroup processes.
At the same time, brainstorming has certain disadvantages and limitations : 1. Organizational. but). the effectiveness of its implementation depends on the experience, abilities and personality of the facilitator, special training, high skill, ability to improvise, sense of humor; b) if control is lost, the process can become chaotic and uncontrollable, while the flow of generation of ideas can be interrupted, and criticism and negative evaluation become more active; at). a large number of ideas put forward creates difficulties in choosing the most practical solutions that can be translated into concrete actions; d) the difficulty of transforming fantastic and insane ideas into rational and productive solutions. 2. Substantial. but). Lack of guarantees for quality results; b) the method does not contain reliable criteria that determine high-quality, effective solutions and which determine the direction of "producing" creative ideas; c) brainstorming eliminates the management of the creative process of generating ideas from within; d) the lack of transformative novelty of the ideas put forward, the difficulty of obtaining high-quality, revolutionary ideas; e) in the process of brainstorming, solutions are generated aimed at reducing the cost of products, improving the design, and not at nominating fundamentally new products; e). the method is more applicable to solving organizational and technical problems and simple tasks that have a single solution; g) the method is not applicable when solving a problem requiring preliminary development and calculations; h) the method does not guarantee a thorough development of the proposed idea. 3. Team. a) individual participants may experience difficulties in advancing their “crazy” ideas; b) some participants strive to become leaders of the creative process at the expense of those who are less developed and prepared; c) individual participants may insist on their authorship of the ideas discussed.
2. The second "whale" of the process of enhancing creative potential and solving creative problems is the "Synectics". The basic principles of the method of synectics were proposed by V. Gordon and D. Prince in the 1950s. However, at present, the authorship of synectics is attributed to V. Gordon, who developed the basic principles and procedures of the method and published them in his book [5].
Synectics is a method of group creative activity based on the conscious control of subconscious activity and on the targeted use of the intuitive and metaphorical thinking of the participants.
The methodological basis of this method is the principles of the unity of the world, universal connection and analogy and the theoretical assumption that all things, even the most dissimilar, are somehow connected to each other, physically, psychologically or symbolically.
In this sense, synectics is understood as the process of opening or creating new connections, as a synthesis of new creative ideas and solutions. The essence of synectics is to make the unfamiliar familiar, and the familiar new and unfamiliar.At the same time, the transformation of a long-time acquaintance into an unfamiliar one is accomplished by breaking the already existing semantic connections and creating a new, “fresh” context. To facilitate the algorithmization of this process, in the synectic, two types of mechanisms, techniques or operators are used:
1. Non-operational mechanisms that combine such mental processes as intuition, inspiration, abstraction, free thinking, the use of distant associations, the use of unexpected metaphors.
2. Operational mechanisms include such consciously applied methods as: 1. Direct analogy; 2. Personal analogy (empathy); 3. Symbolic analogy. 4. Fantastic analogy.
Among the advantages of sylecticismThe following can be distinguished: a) the method is an internally controlled, directed and algorithmized procedure for obtaining high-quality solutions; b) the method allows to find the most original ideas and solutions; c) the method contributes to the revitalization and development of the creative imagination and abilities of the participants, forms in them a special kind of thinking and vision; d) the sylectic can be easily combined with other methods of activating creativity.
Accordingly, the disadvantages and limitations of the synectics are:
a) the application of the method of synectics requires high skill of the leaders of creative groups, and their preparation requires a lot of time and is associated with significant material costs; b) synectics does not include a preliminary analysis of the problem or task; c) the method is based on the principle of interrelation and analogy between objects and phenomena and does not take into account other universal principles for the development of complex systems and the laws of creative thinking.
3. The third whale of the revitalization of creativity is the morphological analysis or the method of multidimensional matrices., proposed in 1942 by F. Zwicky [8]. The methodological basis of the method is the principle of system analysis of new connections and relationships, processes and phenomena. The original idea of ​​the multidimensional matrix method is to understand the new, as an unexpected combination of known elements, processes, ideas, or a combination of the known and the unknown. In this case, the matrix method allows this to be done not by trial and error, but purposefully and systematically.
This model is based on the understanding of the creative process as a sequence of two stages: the combination of elements of knowledge and the subsequent selection of useful combinations. A. Poincare. At the same time, it should be noted that, according to Puincare, the generation and selection of useful combinations takes place at a subconscious level, and numerous variants of ideas, passing through filters that pass the most beautiful and harmoniously arranged combinations, enter the consciousness.
The essence of the morphological analysis is in an effort to streamline the process of considering the various solutions and systematically cover all the main options for the structure of the object being improved.
The systematic combination of various alternatives allows you to discover options that have not previously been considered. The practical goal of morphological analysis is to create the maximum number of alternative ideas and combinations and compile the most complete list of possible solutions. The creative mechanism of the method is the systematic creation and selection of the most optimal combination of elements.
The morphological analysis algorithm is the construction of multidimensional tables in which the vertical axis is the main parameters, characteristics, variables, or factors of an object, process, or problem, and the horizontal axis indicates the greatest possible number of known options for implementing these parameters. At the final stage, the largest possible number of combinations of alternatives and the choice of the most effective and functionally valuable are written out.
In turn, based on the "Morphological Analysis" today developed a number of effective methods such as: Attribute lists. The attribute association method (R. Crawford, A. Van Gandhi). System SCIMITAR (D. Carson). The method of detailing components (Waikin). Modification matrix of the sequence of actions. "Morphological forced communication" (D. Koberg and D. Bagnall) [4; 8; 9].
Benefits of morphological analysisare as follows: a) the method allows you to create the most complete lists of solutions to the problem; b) the method allows to find new, unexpected and original ideas; c) the method is effective in solving applied problems and design problems, designing new machines and searching for new technological and solutions; d) simplicity of form and efficiency of the method; e) the advantage of this method is that it can be used by each employee individually.
At the same time, the disadvantages and limitations of the methodinclude the following characteristics: a) information redundancy of morphological matrices, the presence of a large number of solutions; b) the simplicity of the approach to the analysis of the object and the absence of criteria for the selection of essential parameters of the system; c) this method does not guarantee that all parameters of the system under study will be taken into account; d) the complexity of the method, the need to consider a large number of options, the difficulty of choosing the optimal solution; e) the absence of criteria and procedures for the selection of decisions from the resulting set of options; e) morphological analysis increases the probability of obtaining an effective solution, but does not guarantee it.
In connection with this reserve, the improvement of this method is to conduct a full and in-depth analysis of the problem posed, a complete analysis of systems, processes and resources. The most important way to improve the method is to develop rules and criteria for choosing the most useful combination of a substantially excessive number of options and determining the most effective solution to the problem.

At present, creativity is becoming the main source, driving force and target function of economic development, and the problem of enhancing the creative potential of staff acquires high importance and relevance.
The great diversity and diversity of the existing methods of enhancing creativity and their modifications require their ordering, structuring and various forms of classification. At the same time, the desire to create a holistic system of methods that accommodates all existing methods, and at the same time open to new systems and technologies involves the use of several with constitutive grounds, including temporary, procedural and organizational factors. The common advantages of the fundamental methods of activating creativity are their focus on overcoming laziness, routine thinking, internal and external barriers, stereotypes and inertia of thinking. They stimulate creative thinking, activate the intuition and imagination, develop the creative abilities and creative thinking of the group members. The general disadvantages of the methods are:that their effectiveness depends on the experience, abilities, excellence and personality of the facilitator. The methods do not contain reliable criteria that determine the quality, effective solutions and which determine the direction of "producing" creative ideas. They do not include a preliminary analysis of the problem or task, do not provide a transformative novelty of the ideas put forward and do not guarantee obtaining a high-quality creative result.
Today there is a need to develop more integral, holistic methods of creative vision, which would include the most effective existing methods as its components and stages.

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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius