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Basic principles of creative advanced education


Markov S.L. Basic principles of creative advanced education

The leading goal of the modern system of higher education is the formation of a highly qualified, competitive specialist who is able with the maximum benefit for society to realize his creative potential, to effectively and humanely solve diverse life problems that are becoming more complex and unpredictable.
The rapidity of all socio-economic processes, the unexpected changes, the growth of complexity, dynamism and novelty of diverse problems lead to the so-called “futuresha”, which lies in the inability of society, the entire educational system and a particular person to change and transform their structures in time and adapt to the requirements of the unfamiliar, qualitatively new reality.
It is generally accepted that today in developed countries an information society has been formed, in which development and success are determined not by material resources, but by possession of the greatest amount of information, as well as the ability to process it quickly.
However, the avalanche-like growth of information, the continuous accumulation of knowledge, the rapid, unlimited and often irregular increase in the number of different theories, concepts and texts led to a glut and information overload of the modern picture of the world. As a result, a paradoxical cognitive situation has developed in the social, scientific, and educational environment, which is that further growth and an increase in the amount of information begins to inhibit the development of diverse systems and organizations, hinder the effective implementation of knowledge and the adoption of quick and effective decisions. In this regard, today the primary goal is not the accumulation, storage and transmission of information, but the task of its streamlining, systematization and hierarchization. In modern science and the education system, the priority goal is to search for reliable methodological foundations, fundamental principles and universal structures, on the basis of which it is possible to carry out a substantive simplification of information, develop new compact means of representation and knowledge transfer.
An important condition for successful functioning in the modern world is no longer the possession of information, or even the ability to search for it independently, but the ability to create new information, to freely generate ideas and solutions when meeting new, unexpected problems. The main criterion and condition for the success and growth of systems and organizations is the ability to predict new trends and changes, the degree of saturation of the process of functioning with the elements of creativity, increasing the knowledge intensity of the material and ideal product.
Today, at the beginning of the new millennium, a qualitatively new creatogenic society is being formed in the world at a fast pace, the distinguishing feature and criterion of which is recognition, anticipation of new development trends and successful adaptation to them, the ability to effectively and humanely solve qualitatively new, complex and unfamiliar problems, generate new discoveries and ideas, and resolutely implement them in practice.
At the same time, the functions and main tasks of all social institutions, first of all, management and education, change dramatically in a creator society. Today's students will live in a qualitatively new society, face problems that the modern education system cannot fully anticipate. The immediate future, thought E. Torrens (1993), will be completely different for today's students, who in reality will meet and will work with something that does not yet exist. At the same time, this activity will require from them such abilities, skills, attitudes and knowledge that we cannot even imagine today. Therefore, in order to prepare students for meeting with unfamiliar problems, they should be taught creativity, which is an effective means of survival and adaptation.
The leading scholars of our time agree that only those individuals, organizations and nations will be able to achieve success and even survive, who can freely use the inexhaustible potential of creativity. In this regard, the priority task of modern education is not the translation of knowledge, but the awakening and shaping of the creative potential of students, raising a professional who is able to solve diverse life problems and conflicts, make the right choice and make responsible decisions, generate and implement bold and original ideas.
The modern system of higher education must quickly and adequately respond to the challenges of time, take into account and provide for the most pronounced trends in the development of society and science, boldly carry out structural transformations, flexibly change their methods and means, and acquire an ever more creative and advanced character.

The necessary structural and substantive transformations of the higher education system, aimed at providing it with a creative, anticipatory character, should take into account such opposing, interrelated and interpenetrating trends in the development of society, science and education, such as:
1. Globalization and universalization of the education system, the creation of interstate educational and information systems, the spread and deepening of international relations between educational institutions, the implementation of joint educational projects and scientific research, the synthesis and integration of scientific knowledge and academic subjects, the creation of single cycles of fundamental disciplines.
2. Individualization and humanization of education - the statement of the uniqueness, uniqueness and absolute value of each person, the individualization of education, the consideration of personal characteristics and interests of each participant in the educational process, the growing role of the independent search for knowledge and internal motivation of students.
At the same time, the improvement of the higher education system and the provision of a creative, humanistic and advanced character to it is based on the implementation of a system of such initial principles:

1. Priority and imperative of creativity. The implementation of this principle is based on the creation of a creatoric, developing, stimulating, educational environment, the main components of which are:
- Recognition of creativity as the highest value, the main goal and the basic criterion for evaluating any type of activity, the approval of the prestige of creative activity.
- Encouragement of such manifestations of creative activity of all participants in the educational process such as: producing non-standard ideas, questions and points of view, cognitive courage, originality and flexibility of thinking, independence and critical thinking.
- Ensuring freedom of choice and opinion, pluralism of cultural trends, theories and points of view.
- Creating conditions for the dialogue of students with outstanding, talented individuals. Concentration in higher educational institutions of bright creative personalities, talents, innovators and the best specialists of different specialties. Providing the most favorable conditions for their creative work.
- Ensuring the completeness, objectivity and availability of information.
- Creating conditions for the rapid implementation of creative ideas and achievements of university science in practice.
- Introduction of new special courses to deepen understanding of the nature and value of creativity, its basic laws, essential mechanisms and techniques for creating new, conducting trainings and games to enhance the creative potential of students.
- Development of students' creative imagination and ways to use it in creative and innovative activities, the formation of adaptive flexibility, readiness and openness to new, complex and unusual situations, conditions and circumstances.

2. The humanism of learning consists in the recognition of the highest and unconditional value of all participants in the educational process, in the priority development of the students' personality.
The national doctrine of the development of education in Ukraine defines the process of humanization of education as the main direction of its development in modern society. At the same time, the main task of modern domestic education is not the transfer of knowledge, but the full development of the personality [2]. In turn, according to the basic provisions of the state program "Education", humanization of education consists in asserting a person as the highest social value, in opening up his abilities and meeting diverse educational needs, in ensuring priority of universal human values ​​and harmonious relations between man and the environment, society and nature .
The implementation of the principle of humanistic education includes a number of such components and stages:
- Personally-centered approach to learning , which involves mutual respect and recognition of the absolute dignity of the subjects of the pedagogical dialogue, treating each person as an independent value, and not as a means to achieve individual goals.
- Orientation on personal growth and self-development of the individual. Promotion of comprehensive, general cultural, socio-moral and professional development of the student. Teaching in this case is understood not as a translation of information, but as the activation and stimulation of the free process of independent search and assimilation of meanings.
- Attitude to the student as a subject of independent work and creativity. Giving the student the right to be a subject of learning and communication, development of each student's ability for self-development, the formation of high self-esteem, a sense of self-sufficiency and faith in their own abilities, the ability to rely on their own strength, the desire for independent, fulfilling life and successful, productive activities.
- Creating an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and trust, conditions that fill the learning process with intellectual emotions, give students the opportunity to experience the “taste of success”, to experience the joy of creativity, a sense of satisfaction from cognition, intellectual activity and creative discoveries.

3. Democratic learning.
- Recognition of students as equal, full participants in the educational process.
- Ensuring the basic rights of students, feelings of security and freedom of choice and thought.
- Elimination of non-constructive criticism, giving all participants of the educational process the right to make mistakes.
- Tolerance, respect for the opinions of others, solidarity, rejection of primitive egoism.
- Formation of students' skills of productive interaction with other individuals and partners, the ability to work in a team, a sense of responsibility, openness to other cultures, racial and national tolerance.

4. Priority of fundamental and methodological knowledge. The process of continuous and unlimited growth of knowledge, the satiation of information with the modern picture of the world with necessity requires a qualitative transformation of knowledge transmitted and acquired during the educational process. These tasks can be based on the following principles:
- Ontologization and universalization of the educational process. Integration of knowledge and training courses based on fundamental interdisciplinary connections, focusing on deep, universal principles and laws of the structure and development of the world. Search for new, capacious, compact, holographic forms and methods of knowledge representation and translation.
The main directions and goals of modern higher education should be the fundamentality and integrity of the provision of information and knowledge, focus on the underlying fundamentals and systemic interrelations between various processes of the surrounding world, as well as the introduction of common cycles of fundamental disciplines into education, united by common principles and goals for deep interdisciplinary communication [3]. Acquaintance of students with the fundamental principles and deep connections and structures underlying the modern integrated scientific picture of the world will allow creating some initial “cognitive maps”, “frames”, “generative matrices” that can not only accumulate large amounts of information, but also serve the basis for the independent creation of the necessary new information, to generate new ideas and solutions.
- Priority of methodological knowledge. The increase in weight and the role of the methodological component of knowledge, arming students with modern methods of knowledge of the world, effective technologies and techniques for solving diverse problems and generating new ideas. The students' mastery of the basic principles, the underlying principles of various sciences, some fundamental matrices built on the basis of the essential structures and mechanisms of the world’s development will allow them to master the universal method of creative interaction, productive dialogue with the environment, to form a constructive world view and a creative, global vision of the world.

5. The dialogue of learning. Approval and implementation of new subject-subject, individually-equal relations of cooperation and co-creation, free interaction of unique, independent, equal subjects of the educational process.
- Cooperation and co-creation, a joint search for truth. The use of active learning tools: debates, discussions, didactic and business games, trainings, joint search and problem solving, as well as means and conditions for the development of creative abilities.
- Increasing the communicative and professional competence of the student, ensuring the integration into the society of each participant in the pedagogical process, developing their abilities for autonomous existence and coexistence.

6. The problem of learning. This principle is realized on the basis of the disclosure of the essential laws of creative activity, which in reality manifests itself as a process of searching, posing and solving problems. The main task of organizing problem-based learning becomes the search and creation of problem situations that would put the student in the position of the discoverer, activate his independent search activity, and form the need for new knowledge needed to solve the problem.
- The assimilation of knowledge and the formation of intellectual skills in the process of self-creation and resolution of problem situations, which takes place under the guidance of a teacher.
- Formation of students' position of the creator and independent researcher. Encouraging them to independently raise questions and problems, to proactively create and solve problem situations.
- Creation of creative problem situations that not only require the student to find new knowledge, but also encourage them to independently search for effective ways to solve the problem and lead to the fullest use of internal and external capabilities and reserves. Such problem situations bring the student closer to real life, they are taught to creatively solve various life problems and conflicts.

7. The variability of training. This principle is realized both through the application of innovative didactic approaches and through the use of various teaching aids: nontraditional lessons, didactic games, trainings and discussions.
- The use of various innovative approaches , strategies, forms and means of training.
- Increasing the diversity and novelty of educational material, the implementation of various, including contradictory approaches, concepts and points of view on the object;
- Stimulation in students of the desire for meaningful manipulation of objects and phenomena, the formation of the ability to consider them from different points of view, the formation of the ability to ask questions and identify hidden connections between objects.

8. Individualization of learning consists in taking into account the individual psychological characteristics and level of development of each unique personality, the ability to create unique external and internal conditions that optimize the process of learning and development.
- Search and vision in each student of his originality and originality, the desire to identify and develop his unique creative abilities, encouraging the manifestations of individuality and originality.
- The choice of pedagogical influences that cause emotional and cognitive resonance, finding the key, a kind of means that reveals the potential of each student, awakens and develops his unique abilities.
- Providing the student free time for his beloved creative activity, in which his most significant and deepest motives are manifested. At the same time, the pleasure itself, caused by their realization, provides extraordinary ease and effectiveness of training, as well as the performance of real creative activity.

9. Активизация самостоятельной работы студентов является чрезвычайно важным фактором повышения степени креативности учебного процесса. Она осуществляется посредством реализации ряда взаимосвязанных задач.
- Пробуждение собственной активности студентов и их интереса к процессу познания, личностной заинтересованности в учебе и творчестве, формирование потребности в получении и самостоятельном поиске новых знаний, поощрение проявлений активности и инициативы, формирование устойчивой положительной мотивации к познавательной, исследовательской и творческой деятельности, развитие потребности в творческой самореализации и самосовершенствовании.
- Создание условий для активного включения учащихся во все виды творческой деятельности, привлечение студентов к реальной исследовательской и научной работе, предоставление возможностей применять знания на практике, планировать и оценивать свои действия, создание условий и поощрение проявления инициативы, самостоятельного поиска знаний и саморазвития.
- Развитие основных навыков и приемов самоорганизации студентов, предоставление им возможности самостоятельно планировать, контролировать и оценивать результаты своей деятельности, обучение их методам самостоятельного поиска знаний, воспитание самостоятельности, любви к умственным усилиям, умения преодолевать препятствия.

10. Прагматичность обучения. Приближение обучения к практике, установление тесных связей между теоретическими знаниями и реальной, повседневной практической жизнью. Практическая организация знаний, предоставление каждому студенту возможности осознать их полезность, понять, зачем они нужны лично ему, представить, как они будут помогать ему решать реальные жизненные проблемы.
- Установление глубоких содержательных связей между усваиваемыми знаниями и реальной, практической жизнью.
- Усвоение и закрепление наиболее обобщенных, сущностных приемов творческой деятельности, объединяемых в универсальный творческий метод, привитие навыков и умений продуктивного решения разноплановых жизненных, в том числе и познавательных, противоречий и конфликтов, что открывает возможность переноса усвоенных знаний и применение их в любых новых и незнакомых условиях.
- Овладение студентами практическими умениями и навыками , а также такими конкретными эвристическими средствами и приемами, как мозговой штурм, синектика, метод фокальных объектов и контрольных вопросов.
- Формирование у студентов способности осуществлять ответственный выбор и принимать самостоятельные эффективные решения.

11. Application of the latest information technology and technical training. Wide and effective use of the world information network "Internet". The introduction of distance learning. The use of audio and video equipment. Exemption of students from reproductive activity, the use of wide possibilities of computer and copying equipment.

12. Культурологический принцип. Данный принцип направлен не только на овладение студентами базовыми профессиональными знаниями, но и найвысшими достижениями общечеловеческой культуры. Культурологический принцип базируется на индивидуальном, самостоятельном и добровольном усвоении универсальных культурных ценностей. Реализация принципа лежит в основе формирования целостной картины мира, духовности, внутренней культуры студентов, глобального видения и планетарного мышления.

13. Развитие психологической культуры высшего образования включает следующие шаги.
- Внедрение в учебный процесс активных методов обучения, разработку развивающих, коррекционных программ обучения, а также коммуникативных, креативных тренингов и дидактических игр.
- Диагностику индивидуально-психологических и личностных качеств студента, выявления разноплановых причин отклонений в развитии личности, профилактику и коррекцию этих отклонений.
- Оказание психологической помощи и психологической поддержки при выборе жизненного пути и профессиональной карьеры, в том числе в процессе профессиональной адаптации.

14. Валеологический принцип. Отношение к здоровью участников педагогического процесса как к базовой высшей ценности. Именно здоровье должно рассматриваться обществом как приоритетная ценность, цель, результат и необходимое условие успешной деятельности всех участников учебного процесса. Формирование у студентов выносливости, эмоциональной уравновешенности, психической устойчивости, готовности действовать в новых, необычных и экстремальных условиях.

Целью и содержанием качественной трансформации системы высшего образования является переход от традиционного и предметного образования - к творческому и опережающему, от авторитарного к диалогическому образованию сотрудничества, от обучения ориентированного на передачу "знаний, умений и навыков" - к развивающему, направленному на утверждение уникальной творческой индивидуальности студента. При этом личностное и творческое измерения образования определяют основное, наиболее приоритетное направление развития современной системы образования.

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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius