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10. Theophrastus Renodo and his newspaper


In 1631, the 1st FR appeared. politic The newspaper publisher which became Theophrast Renad. In fact, it marked the beginning of a newspaper in modern times. understanding of this word, i.e. politic official.

first printed news from German, ital. newspapers, then- more and more attention to internal information, and the news first-hand. A certain part of the newspaper came from above. There is a version that some materials were written personally by the cardinal and the king. Renad did not hide the fact that the newspaper sends Richelieu. Revenues edition did not bring. It was especially hard after the death of Reshilie and Lud-13. Relationship with Cardinal Mazarin did not exist. Printing house was moved to the suburbs. In 1651, Renado died in poverty, but his sons continued the work. They published the opposition newspaper Courier France in Paris, which became one of the leading publications before the VFBR. From May 1792 began to go out daily. Aug 10 1792 ceased to exist after the overthrow of the monarchy.


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Journalism History

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