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5. Predecessors of the newspaper (antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance


Various historians speak differently about the origin of journalism. Some attribute the birth of journalism even to the tribal system, because at this time, the collection, storage and transmission of information became the most important component of human activity. However, this is the so-called still wrong because pony

journalism and information are inextricably linked, but nonetheless different. Most journalism historians date back to the history of journalism from antiquity.

Many believe that the first newspapers began to be made in ancient Rome. And this is not entirely true. The forerunners of newspapers are indeed news reports circulated in ancient Rome about the events that took place in the city.

Handwritten scrolls called “The daily affairs of the Roman people” were hung out on the squares and delivered to politicians or simply to noble citizens.

5. Predecessors of the newspaper (antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance

However, this dating also requires a reservation, because, before us, it is not a journalistic phenomenon, but a Prague journalistic phenomenon. The same can be said about the times of the emergence of Christianity, when the main form of information is the Exchange of Mills. Speeches by the preachers. The next stage is the emergence of writing and the transfer of information with the help of rice. It is at this stage that the first pragazeta appear, for example, “acta diurna senatus” (an act of information diurorm) can be said about the times of the appearance of the Church, when the basis of antiquity is continuous, but, nevertheless, __________________________ to the Senate), created by order of Julius Caesar . She had the features of a newspaper, but the newspaper itself was not.

Another example of a newspaper was the Chinese newspaper King Pao (The Metropolitan Herald). Published on a printing press, paper in Beijing, beg. since 911. But she was not actually a newspaper

5. Predecessors of the newspaper (antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance

. Prerequisites:

1. The development of market exchange.

2. The formation of capitalist production relations. Strengthening the bourgeoisie as a class that bears and imposes its ideology in the people who are engaged in ideology. service of this class - journalists.

3. the evolution of the spiritual sphere of social life, the rise of science, art to the extent that requires information exchange, a necessary condition for the further development of these areas of human activity.

4. Technical and material readiness for newspaper production (the presence of a printing press and newspaper paper).

All these factors became historical reality precisely in the era of the transition from feudalism to capitalism. This is the time when one after another occurs geographic. discoveries, shipping developed, the economy, social life of Europe changed.

Along with the dissemination of information, instutut censorship appears, for example

5. Predecessors of the newspaper (antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance

The Worms Edict (German Wormser Edikt) is a decree issued by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V on May 25, 1521 at the end of the work of the Worms Reichstag 1521, which declared Martin Luther a heretic and criminal, prohibiting the publication and distribution of his works.

5. Predecessors of the newspaper (antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance

The reaction of the Catholic Church to the victory of the Reformation was the appearance in Rome in 1559 of the first "Index of Prohibited Books" published by the Vatican. He introduced censorship of publications, circulated in the countries of the Catholic world.


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Journalism History

Terms: Journalism History