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11. the birth and development of journalism in Italy, Hungary, Southeast Europe, Turkey, Scandinavia


This time geographer. discoveries, closer shopping. politic and cultural. communication between state-you. This is the time when information gradually becomes a commodity. The first to realize it were the inhabitants of Venice in the 13-14 centuries. V. became a kind of information hub of Europe. It was a major port and trades. the center to which information has flown from all over the world. The Venetians understood that the information was necessary for the merchants, and there appeared special people who were collecting information, processing it, recording it on special leaflets and selling it. Newsletters were very popular and were sold for one newspaper (venitsian.monuet).

These leaflets contained a wide variety of information: polit., Pokommerch., Sensational., Entertain. They were bad quality, completely anonymous, because it was more important what was being said, and not who said. It’s far from a real newspaper. Info-I was often at the level of rumors . Efficiency was not. There was no periodicity either. Gradually, “org-tions” appear, occupying the production and sale of news in Liska. Interstate messengers spread throughout Europe, delivering newsletters to their destination.

Developed in other places under the control of English, German., French press. In spite of the fact that in Italy and Holland, the first attempts at publishing news have been taken earlier, regular visitors appeared here later, and Jour-ka developed slowly. This is connected with the economical development of this country with the fact that for a long time they find themselves dependent on other states.

Italian kingdoms and princes-va - under the heel of the powerful Austria. In the 16-17th. here first attempts were made. ed. I Mr.. the oldest italian print g-th b. ed. e FatorEllo.1636g, Florence. Among the first periodical publications are the Nazi GargAs weekly, which was published in Rome in 1716. and the Genoese Mr. Assarino "Il Sinsero". The appearance of the first political policy is referred to the end of the 18th-early 19th century. Politicization of the Italian press. The link with the Young Italy group. The roars of the editors of the war were abroad and were illegally distributed in Iran. It-I Jour-ka got. in 1870 avvn.raz. (the liberation of Italy and the formation of a unified state-va).

Prior to that, only one city was published in Rome - the Vatican organ “Osservatory Romano” (“Roman observer”).

The position of Jour-ky in Hungary (part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) b. not better. The first g-you Latin and German.yaz. in the beginning. 18th century One of them is “Mercurius Hangrius” (“Hungarian Mercury”). 1780 - the first. Mr. Ta on Hungarian. Language. The press in V. evolved slowly, as in I., was tested on itself the air of the roar of the ideas of the 30s-40s-19v. Founder nat.zhur-ki counts. Hungarian poet and revolutionary Lajos Kosuth.

Development Jour-ki in the Southeast. Europe (Greece, Yugoslav., Bulgaria) was restrained by Turkish rule. In Turkey, Mr. ta appeared. only in the 1930s. This is b. the register of decrees and the order of the sultan and the description of the court holidays. Authentic Turkish. You appeared. in the 60s in London. They were published by emigrants. Appeared Satiria.Printed sheets, lit. children's magazines. 70s in Constantinople - 81 r. Only 16 in Turkish, 29 - in Fr. After the Russian-Turkish war, strict censorship was introduced in Turkey, which slowed down the development of Jour-ki.

In the Scandinavian countries, Jour-ka received half a century ago in the 18th century, although the first Swedish city appeared. in 1645 Subsequently, she became the official body of the Kingdom. The name has changed many times. Among the editors are Swedish. writers, including Strindberg.

The most representative in the era of stan.pechat b. Danish periodicals. Already in 1770, Christian VII proclaimed freedom of the press, a framework b. narrowed after VFBI. First Mr. ta appeared. in Copenhagen in 1663 in Nec. From 1666 he appeared in Danish. - for example, "Danish Mercury". Early fuss and w-ly. The first is called. "Stranger" (German). In the 50-ies 18v - W-ly in Danish. Most popular b. "Minerva" magazine


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