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22. The history of the emergence and formation of the newspaper "Times"


The formation of "The Times" is a key stage in the history of not only the British, but also the world press. First, this periodical marked the peak of printing in England in the nineteenth century. Secondly, the activity of this newspaper is indicative from the point of view of upholding the freedom of the press. As a result, "The Times" has become a force that does not submit to power and exerts a direct influence on the processes taking place in the country - a real "fourth power". The fact that for Abraham Lincoln "The Times" of this period was "one of the greatest forces in the world" speaks of the weight of such influence. Even Queen Victoria herself complained about the influence of this print edition.

1785 Then English typographer John Walter began to publish the newspaper "Universal Daily Register" ("Universal Daily Journal"). And the newspaper got its present name in 1788. For articles against the dukes, he was sent to prison, from where he continued to lead the newspaper. This concept was kept by followers. His son John Walter II managed to undermine the monopoly of the government press and get out of its ideological pressure. During the war with Napoleon they sent a correspondent to cover events on the continent. Britain's first own correspondent abroad

The newspaper adhered to the "golden mean". As her support, she chose the middle class and focused mainly on its traditional values.

In The Times, the first ever military correspondent in the history of the British press, William Russell. Crimean War.


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Journalism History

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