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31. Engels - publicist


The collaboration of Marx and Engels lasted a lifetime and grew into a deep friendship. Engels became not only a like-minded person, a comrade-in-arms and co-author of Marx, but also regularly helped him financially (in 30 years Marx received about 6 mil. French Francs in gold from Engels).

After the closure of the Cologne Gazette, Marx and Engels published the German-French Yearbook almanac in Paris, collaborated with the Forward newspaper and the German-Brussels newspaper, where they published articles about the principles of the communist press. In 1848, they founded the "Union of the Just", which was soon renamed the "Union of Communists". His slogan was "Proletarians of all countries, unite!". In fact, it was the first communist party. In February 1848, Marx and Engels wrote its program, the Manifesto of the Communist Party.

  31. Engels - publicist


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Journalism History

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