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19. French press between the two republics (1848-1870)


From prisons released the journalists sitting for crimes in the region of the press. Remove the pledge and coats of arms. collection In St. with this, beg. burne increase in the number of newspapers diff. watered for example In Paris, more than 200 gt in tech. weeks. The previous g-s continued for some time. of them even increase.

Wed Mr. -t generated by the farm., the most noticeable were: “Vre Republik”, “representative of du Pepel”, “Amia du pepl” (“Friend of the people”). At this time mn g-you called the names of the publications since the FBI. The most the word “people” was often encountered, but the poor did not wait for the rev-ing of Spanish. hopes. In June, Paris is back on barracadas, but their defenders are b. shot. In power, Cavaignac, his bloody rule is to try to destroy all the gains of the roar. B. dissolve everything is watered. clubs, strikes and mutual aid offices are prohibited. In July of the 48th b. announced state of siege in Paris b. 11 newspapers are closed. One of them will be released last month in the mourning frame. It b. tale that the right to vote in Fr. only the rich have it.

A number of laws were adopted, which are enlarged. coat of arms. collection, expanding the list of punishable actions of the press, limit the distribution of g-t.14 Jan. 1852 g adopted new. Constellation, the banner of the paradise. next coup, the result was the Second Empire. In power, Napoleon III. Again ascended Preliminary Permit Act. Needed received the right to publish a material on politics. Almost required public about meetings of pr-va and parliament. The seal was handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This made impossible the existing democratical seal. At the same time, broadly repr. half-press, entertaining har-ra.

In the 55th, appeared. first international fr. carts line Kale-Dover. Since 1860 - transatlantich.liniya with the United States. Soon the editor and Mr. were able to use the telegraph for urgent. connection with nat. collect, exchange, inf-mi agents. In 1846 - the first. newspapers kiosks. Now at all stations. A breakthrough in printing technique.


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