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2. phenomena of journalism in antiquity


Among other phenomena of Prague journalism, we can name epistolography (letters) and historiography. In ancient times epistols were of very different content, from intimate, personal to so-called open, which can be called journalistic texts. Open letters were created by the authors most often not for a specific addressee, but for the general public, although they sometimes had a specific addressee. In them, the author expressed not so much his position as a private person, as the public position of a political group. So-called letters of great public importance or possessing actual information interested many. They corresponded and hung out in crowded places and replicated. In the later centuries of antiquity, even the genre of fictitious fiction writing emerged, which came close to the genre of the antique novel. There was a science of writing letters. In Demetrius of Falevsky in his treatise on the syllable (3rd century BC), on the rules for writing letters. Basic requirements - clarity of syllable and freedom of presentation. Epistolography is richer than all represented by a collection of letters C (more than 500). Among them is a passionate journalistic text. The letters were replicated by special secretaries of the freedoms. Letters of this kind played the role of current newspapers.

Historiography, too, can be considered one of the phenomena of journalism. In antiquity, historical notes were kept in the form of great chronicles, annals, lists of victors and consuls. The famous text “eufmerida” is a diary of events at the court of A.Makedonsky.

Annals and rhetorical biographies, memoirs, autobiographies became the subject of replication and acquired operational-political issues. status. One of the first authors of political memoirs can be considered Guy Gracchus (151-12g.g. BC). Another example of journalistic historiography can be considered the famous notes of J. Caesar about the Gallic war. The basis was based on real reports to the headquarters, i.e. real facts. C. published his notes under the heading "6", indicating that they were made in the course of events. In essence, we are facing an auto-panegyric (self-praise) and the self-justification of a state that has been implemented. coup (Republic - Empire). The presentation of events is not from the first person, but on behalf of a non-direct participant in the events. The style is dry, honed, transparent. Reminds style politich. documents. Traces of publicism, we can find in the literature of a later time, the time of early Christianity. Then the sermon became the main genre of eloquence . The word “Gospel” itself is translated as “good news,” and therefore implies a narration about something for the purpose of not only acquaintance, but the formation of a worldview. The first preachers used rhetoric in many ways. tools of antiquity. Very often the sermon had didactic goals. In order to bring the content of the stated thoughts closer to the audience, relevant events for the listeners were included in the text.

Among the phenomena of prazdraphnalistika can be called and texts of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. - Chronicles, sagas. The epics of the Middle Ages contained explicit political motives. Researchers note their informative, propaganda capabilities. Their relationship with practical politics, which determines the relationship of such works to the public (“a song about Roland”, “A song about Ludwig”). The task is to unite France around the monarch. You can talk about publicism and poetry of the Renaissance - Dante, Petrarch. Often in the poetic text - clear propaganda of political views.


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Journalism History

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