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14. general characteristic of the print VFBR


1789 - VFBI a way to watered. the arena of the bourgeoisie, the collapse of feudalism and the ideology of the aristocracy. In many ways, it was prepared by the Enlightenment and the ideologists of enlightenment Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau.

The FBI did away with the legacy of the old regime, was the beginning of a series of politic. movements in different. countries. She prepared and English. bourgeois 17th revolution, and the 18th American war of independence. Revolution history nach. write people taking directly involved in it. Hot breath of the era - in newspapers, magazines, books. There is a becoming politic. press and the birth of the press in the present. understanding of the word. One of the FBI publicists, Camille Desmoulins, wrote: “Under the old regime there was a period. Leaf that reported on the weather. Today, journalists are public authorities. Newspapers sprinkle every morning like manna from heaven. ” The importance of printing was understood by all polit. in batches. Almost everything is outstanding. FBI activists edited newspapers .: Mirabeau, Demulen, Robespierre, Marechal, Marat, Babeuf, and others. In the XIX century literature, the Goncourt brothers wrote that "journalism came out of the bowels of the revolution fully armed and, barely, became the scene of great battles."

Already in the second. floor. 18th century In Fr. observing revitalization of periodicals. Newspapers were sold on the street, there were in most cafes (1800 cafes), in the shops of embankments, etc. The number of brochures coming out is huge. And in 1789 for a journalist - the beginning of a new era, the cradle of politic. print. The role of the books is over. The turn of the newspapers has come. So spoke contemporaries.

Polit. attack on the power of early. Brissot March 16, 1789 typed Prospect of one of the first. revolutions French Patriot newspapers.

April 1 is the second avenue of this newspaper, where Brissot reported that she will start publishing in April at 4 p / week. Indicated and subscribed. price. Brissot becoming. in front of him the task of preparing a revolution with pom. newspapers and in appeal to the reader his Mr. Tut political, free and independent.

Almost simultaneously with "Fr. Patriot "and without a prelude. The magazine is published by the General States Newspaper.

If in 1789 there were 60 feathers in the whole kingdom. editions, then from July 14, 1789 to August 10, 1792 there were 500 newspapers. And it was not the result of tech. revolution. New polygraph. technique will appear only in 1815. Bye in fr. the era of personal journalism.

For 24 hours, you could manually print 3 thousand copies. newspapers (maximum circulation). Paper b. low quality Many defects affected print quality. Nevertheless, newspapers are extremely popular.

Until 1789, advertising is in its infancy. Brissot in "Fr. Patriot "placed privately ads. Demoulin began all kinds of announcements. Most of these kinds of ads were on a daily basis. The Paris Chronicle. Newspaper production was expensive, but cost-effective.

In the first. the years of the revolution appeared. evening newspapers . At first, the monarchy did not pay attention to print as a means of classes. fight But the fall of the Bastille accelerated the advent of royalist newspapers. The first was the "Newspaper of the National Policy", One of the most significant was Mr. "Friend of the King": Only government acts are allowed to print on white paper.

The increase in the number of Mr. roar. directionality continued. In the beginning. 1791 in Paris appeared. “Daddy Ducheon”, published by Hebert. Her language was close to the language of the lower classes.

The overthrow of the monarchy led to the disappearance of the royalist press.


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Journalism History

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