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20. 21. Factors contributing to the emergence of a mass newspaper in France. Millau and his newspaper "Petit Journal"


Politicians and organizations in the provinces, having assimilated what support the local press could provide them, themselves began to organize a system of direct and indirect subsidies to newspapers, which noticeably cease to play the role of doublers of their Paris sisters. This process is also increasingly promoted by the technical development of communications - telegraph, mail, road communications. Many political parties with headquarters in Paris already have branches in the provinces. In order to ensure a certain degree of unity of their editorial offices, they, following the example of news agencies, create a correspondent network whose task is to supply unified information to “their” newspapers. The industrial revolution, technological progress, numerous improvements in the printing process, reduction in production costs, an increase in the speed of information dissemination, etc., take the newspaper enterprise to a qualitatively new level: finally, conditions are being created that contribute to the industrialization of printing. In addition, there is a truly massive reader, people receive compulsory education.

Before her, the newspaper was the subject of culture, distributed by subscription, which was intended financial, political and cultural elite. Its content, language and price precluded reading the newspaper by a new social class that had just gained literacy. Moise-Polydor Millau released a completely new product: the content of the newspaper, its form, its price, its readership, its distribution and promotion system changed. Under her influence, the entire daily press underwent an update. The uniqueness of "Pet Journal" was that it was a project developed by a merchant.


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Journalism History

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