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28. German journalism 19 in


In 1840, King Frederick William IV came to the throne of Prussia, with which opposition circles pinned their hopes for a liberal government course. He is a proponent of press freedom reform. But this is a hoax. The most permissible form of political activity was journalism. “The Rhenish newspaper on politics, trade and handicrafts” - published from January 1, 1842 in Cologne, as opposed to the influential “Cologne newspaper”, the body of the Catholic party. It is funded by a group of representatives of the liberal bourgeoisie opposing the government. In order to make a real competition to the Cologne Gazette, publicists were attracted: Bruno Bauer, Köppen, Hess, and others. The newspaper does not rise above the level of a conventional liberal publication, but K. Marks began to work in the Rhine Gazette. The authority of the newspaper is increasing. His first articles were devoted to the debate on freedom of the press. During parliamentary debates, in separate speeches it was said that the freedom of the press in Prussia was under constant threat. It was proposed to name the press as an integral part of any fishery. But Marx does not agree: “The writer does not have to exist and write in order to earn. The ultimate freedom of the press is not to be a fishery. ” In 1842, Marx became the editor of the Rhine newspaper, replacing Rutenberg. The direction of the newspaper is changing, it acquires a pronounced revolutionary-democratic character. More often there are articles sharply criticizing the order in Prussia. Marx attracts collaborators from revolutionary-democratically-minded circles. An increasing place is occupied by socio-economic problems. He began to hold meetings with a number of employees and members of the supervisory board at which social issues were discussed. All these changes are productive and very noticeable, they contribute to the growing popularity of the newspaper. The newspaper became the spokesman of the democratic circles of Germany. Circulation increases: the first month of the newspaper’s existence was 400, by August 1842 it was 850, November was 1800, January 1843 was 3400. The government saw harm and the newspaper was closed, a wave of protest swept across Germany. After all, their ideas had a large number


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Journalism History

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