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The subject, goals and objectives of the discipline "Organizational behavior." Factors shaping the organizational conduct.


2 approaches to the concept of “org. behavior"

1) The very notion of "behavior" (Saint-human)

Behavior is a system of interrelated reactions carried out by living organisms d / adaptation to the environment.

2) in the center- “organization”, its structure, interrelations, its contacts.

Org. Behavior is a field of knowledge, a discipline that studies the behavior of people and groups in organizations to find the most naib. effectiveness of methods to control them to achieve the goal of the org-tion. O. p. engaged in the formation of behavioral models, the development of skills for controlling behavior, practical use, and received. skills.

Basics practical tasks O. p. yavl .:

- Forms of basic theoretical ideas about human behavior in the organization.

- identification of ways to improve the efficiency of labor. activities of people both individually and in group mode.

- the study of methods of describing slaves and groups, the ability to praise themselves.

- development of organizational culture and management image.

Goals org. behavior like science :

- systematic description of the behavior of people in different. situations in the labor process.

- objectively explanation of the reasons for the actions of individuals and groups in the definition. cond.

- predicted employee behavior in the future.

- mastering the skills of managing the behavior of people in the labor process.

Factors that make up pp:

- people

- organizational structure

- technology

- external environment of the organization

1) Basic. Har-ka people in the org-tion, the degree of individual responsibility for the final result of the org-and

and creativity in the workplace.

Terminology staff org-tion:

- arms

- labor resources

- frames

- staff

- human resources

- human capital

"The ancient Chinese recipe control people."

The hungry authorities are easier than the well-fed, the hungry want bread, and what you want is fed right away;

the poor are easier to manage than the rich, the poor need money, and what the rich need not immediately say;

the same people control is easier than different.

2) Organizat. This page establishes a formal relationship between people and groups, sets the framework and forms of power.

Trends change org. pp.

- simplification due to reduction

- consolidation

- hiring times. slave

- the transition from the traditional. pp to cp-oriented team work.

3) Technology.

Work at every workplace with their own technology?

4) Environment. Changes in the external environment affect the organization and leave alternatives to it

or change or transform.


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior