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Changes in the organization and management of innovations


Main types of changes in organizations

  • Strategic course
  • Merge several organizations into one
  • Transition to a new planning system
  • Changing Principles or Markets
  • The introduction of new technology
  • Introduction of a new management style
  • Restructuring

Forms of employee resistance to change:

Types of resistance

Resistance factors

Logical, rational objections

-time to adapt

- economic costs as a result of changes

- doubts about the technical feasibility of changes

Psychological and emotional attitudes

- fear of uncertainty

- inability to adapt to change

-apatia to management

-the need for security

Sociological factors

-supporting group values

-the desire to maintain friendships

Methods to overcome resistance:

  • Awareness
  • Involvement in decision making
  • Support
  • Negotiations to secure innovations
  • Maneuvering
  • Co-optation - providing the person who is most opposed to innovation leading role in decision making
  • Compulsion


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior