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Perception as a factor in human behavior in an organization. Barriers of perception.


Perception as a factor in human behavior in an organization.

Perception can be defined as the process of obtaining information from the environment and processing it.

Perception is the process and the result of transforming the individual's sensory experience and understanding the image of one’s environment.

Perception carries a subjective character, contains the possibility of complete or partial distortion of information or its loss. The peculiarity of the selection of information is that it is selective (elect.) Character.

In accordance with the senses h / c perceives:

- visual information

- sound

- tactile

- smell

The information obtained by means of the senses is always factual and always this information of a given moment in time.

Perception is influenced by: personal factors (interest, intuition, personal characteristics of the perceived); factors of a situation (social situation, time, office. situation); stereotyping of perception (realized by reducing a complex phenomenon to a definite stereotype and simplified representation); object factors (novelty, dynamism, background); selectivity of perception.

Systematization is carried out in 2 ways:

1) Logical processing.

2) Using feelings, emotions, beliefs.

The barriers of perception include:

- stereotypes.

- the projection of a person of his feelings, moods, motives of activity on other people, including the false notions of people that people want what he wants.

- first impression.

The process of human perception by man consists of 2 parts:

1) first impression

2) familiarity with his personal characteristics.

The perception of a person is affected by:

- physical har-ki

- soc. har-ki

- personal data (gender, age, education)

There are 3 aspects of the situation that affect perception:

1) the place where the meeting is held.

2) the reason for the cat. a meeting takes place.

3) an important influence is made by who or on whose behalf the meeting was organized.

For the correct perception of a person in the org-tion it is necessary to manage the impression.


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior