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The business behavior of workers. Circular model of employee behavior management


The business behavior of employees. (antipode: inertness)

Business behavior should be understood as the unity of professional activity and professional communication.

We will focus on the group that represents the leader of any rank and his subordinates.

Rights and obligations of members of this group:

The head has the right to: establish and maintain the scope of work, order, demand and control.

Subordinates have the right to: criticize, if necessary, and appeal against its actions in the prescribed manner.

Responsibilities: the duties of the head include everything related to management (planning, organization, administration, control, analysis)

Responsibilities of subordinates:

Official - business instructions

Informal Responsibilities: Behavior Standards for Offices

Slave must:

- keep the border between themselves and the head

- to present the work in finished form

- not to make serious decisions without discussion with the head

- not to interfere in the affairs of the head

- to draw attention not to yourself, but to your work

- appreciate the time of a manager and prevent situations of discrediting him

Approach to business behavior:

2-a approach to understanding the business behavior of workers:

- the manager's ability to organize individual workplaces, while achieving effective results depends on the employees themselves

- business behavior, as the ability of the head to the associated organization of work, and in this case the final result depends on the quality of the partnership cooperation.

Factors affecting business behavior:

- professional requirements

- individual responsibility for the work

- contingency in the results of work with others

- in business conduct, personal interests are correlated with the interests of other employees and the company as a whole.

Properties of business behavior:

- functional certainty

- temporary assignment

- self-organization (employee business behavior can be deployed as a personal program within the overall program)

- motivational autonomy (personal motivation for quality work)

- predictability - is possible if the team is well coordinated.

- scenario reproduction (scenario (leader or interrelation of all team members) - dependence on 2 types of management - open / closed scenario)


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior