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Organic and mechanical organization models


Organization as a subject of organizational behavior.

Organization design factors .

Key points of the behavioral field of organization.

1) the goals of the organization

2) organization model

3) organizational structure

4) organizational culture

5) communication

6) external environment

7) motivation

8) evaluation of the results of labor and remuneration

9) leadership style

10) changes in the organization and management of innovations

11) behavioral marketing

The main goal of the organization’s existence is formulated through a mission: a benchmark for setting goals, influencing the image, conditions for motivating staff, the basis for the formation of the organizational structure, gives the organization certainty.

Requirements for objectives :

- concreteness and measurability

- temporary assignment

- reachability

- goals must be mutually supportive

Organization Model:

There are 2 main classical models of the organization: mechanical organizations and organic organizations

Differences between mechanical and organic organizations.



Centralized hierarchy of authority


Top-down communications

Lateral communication decision making by staff from different departments

Active use of standardization

Active use of mutual consistency

Clearly defined tasks and roles, strict division of labor

Fuzzy tasks of the distribution of roles and labor in general

The main criterion is maximum efficiency and performance.

The main criterion is maximum satisfaction, flexibility, development

Application of external and internal environment stability, low level of uncertainty of external conditions

The rapid variability of the external and internal environment

Organizational structure.

Organizational structure is a formalized system of tasks and subordination on the basis of which formal relations between people in an organization are built.

Elements org. structures :

- links (divisions, departments, groups)

- levels (steps of management)

- connections (horizontal and vertical)

The mechanical model is the basis for building the following organizational structures:

- linear

- functional

- linear-functional

- divisional (commodity, market, geographical structure)

Organic Models:

- project

- matrix

Methods of integration of organizational units:

  • rules
  • Procedures
  • Charts
  • Hierarchical management structure
  • Meetings


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior