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Leadership in organizations. Organizational leadership styles


Leadership in organizations

Influence - the ability to influence other people, their behavior, attitude, feelings in various ways (request, persuasion, etc.)

Leadership attracts influence.

Leadership - the ability to influence individuals and groups of people, their behavior, lead to the achievement of goals.

Leader’s functions - setting goals, motivating activities, forming an organizational culture.

There are formal and informal leaders.

Features of effective leadership:

  • Vision
  • The trust
  • Communications
  • Flexibility

Leadership Theories

  • The theory of personality traits (theory of traits). The theory was aimed at identifying certain personal qualities of a leader and developing a methodology for perceiving such traits in the character of people.
  • Behavioral Leadership Theory. At the core is the concept that the effectiveness of a leader is not determined by his personal qualities, but by his style of behavior with subordinates
  • Leadership theories based on situational analysis. Theories are based on the thesis that when choosing a management style, preference should be given to a style that most closely matches and takes into account the particular situation.
  • Theory of charismatic leadership qualities. The ability to convince and lead people.
  • The theory of social learning. The subordinates, together with the leader, focus attention on their own behavior and on the behavior of others, on environmental factors, and try to consciously change one another’s behavior.
  • Leadership replacement concept. In certain situations, a leader may have little or no influence on his subordinates.

Leader / manager. Leadership and management

The leader is a respected person.

Leadership is not management. Management focuses on people doing things right. Leadership is about people doing the right thing.

The difference between the manager and the leader.






Inspires, "lights"

Works on the goals of others

By purpose

Basis for action - plan

The basis of action is a vision of perspective.

Relies on the system

Relies on people

Uses arguments, conclusions, logic

Uses emotion





Makes decisions

Turns them into reality

Does the job right

Does the right thing



The identity of the leader and the type of organization.

  1. Dramatic organizations

The organization’s behavior is determined by the manager, for whom the enterprise is a scene where a performance with one hero is shown.

Relationships between employees - unstable.

  1. Depressive organizations.

The motto of the head - somehow hold out.

No motivation.

  1. Schizoid organization.

The manager's philosophy - human relations are unstable, short-lived, the reality is changing quickly - the most reliable way out - to keep the distance with the employees, to shift the responsibility to the subordinate managers.

Manual is not visible.

  1. Paranoid organization.

In such an organization, power is concentrated at the very top, workers are used to gather information about what is happening in reality.

Conservative workers.

  1. Forced organization.

Characterized by the desire to be regardless of the circumstances or from someone else's personality. Organization has a strict order. Relationships between people are based on job descriptions and hierarchy.

Management leadership styles.




Nature style

All power and responsibility is in the hands of the leader.

The prerogative of setting goals and choosing means.

Communications go from the top down.

Delegation of authority with the retention of key leadership positions.

Making decisions separately by level based on participation.

Communication in two directions.

Removing responsibility from the leader and renouncing power in favor of the group.

Providing self in the desired mode for the group.

From bottom to top.


Attention to rigor and order.

Ability to predict the result.

Strengthening personal commitment to work through participation in management.

It allows you to start a business as you see it without intervention in the leadership.

Weak sides

Curbing individual initiative

Decision-making process is delayed, time is spent more.

Staff loses driving direction without a leader.


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior