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Motivation, as a factor in the behavior of the individual. Motivation model.


Motivation and performance of the organization.

The work process is focused. conscious. activities of people using their mental and physical efforts, available means of production, natures. and soc. resources d / creation of comrade-in, spiritual and cultural values. the provision of services, the accumulation and transmission of information with the aim of meeting the needs of h / ka and society.

Motives - that which causes certain actions of h / ka, is motivating. causes of behavior and actions arising from the impact of needs.

The structure of the motives of labor action:

1) Awareness h / l their needs, the satisfaction of a cat. possible through labor.

2) The idea of ​​those benefits, a cat. h / k can get as a reward for labor.

3) Mental construction of the process, through the cat. Impl-mia connection m / y needs and benefits.

Levers of action, causing action opred. motives calling. incentives.

Stimuli m. actions of other people, promises, carriers of commitment or opportunity.

Motivation is the process of stimulating oneself or an employee to act, directed. to achieve the goals of the organization.

Types of staff incentives to increase his work. activities.

1) financial incentives

2) improving working conditions

3) staff participation in labor profits

4) flexible slave. graphics

5) enrichment of the content of labor

6) the expansion of labor. functions.

Motivation model

  Motivation, as a factor in the behavior of the individual.  Motivation model.

Needs create motives, a cat. characterize the employee's desire to get opred. good

Motives: 1) primary, is the innate basis on the physiology of h / ka; 2) general (motivating), are congenital, but not based on physiology; 3) secondary (acquired). (Ex: we want to be rich and professionals).

Men-ram recommendations for motivation :

1) Remember that it is motivation that determines the type of behavior.

2) Motivation should not be confused with performance indicators. Motivation is one of the factors influencing the result.

3) Find out the deep or superficial motivation of labor. behavior h / ka.

Labor motivation is a psychol. the power of h / ka is the determining direction of his behavior in the org-tion, the level of effort and perseverance when meeting obstacles.

Aspects of labor. motivation:

1) orientation of behavior (choice h / com type of behavior d / his org-tion: discipline, responsibility).

2) The level of effort (how hard is the h / k in the framework of the selected behavior).

3) The level of perseverance.

Labor behavior motivated on the deep ur-not - this is a cat. is chosen for its own sake.

Labor-like behavior with top motivation is the behavior chosen for the purpose of receiving material rewards or avoiding punishment.

The type of behavior is chosen because of the consequences of the behavior.

Difference of motivation from performance indicators:

The performance indicators are an assessment of the result of the behavior of the h / ka, the determination of whether the h / c is good or bad does its job.

The indicators of work-you are influenced by factors: individuality, luck, availability of work.

Motivation is one of the factors influencing the result of work.

Motivational sequence

Initial data   Motivation, as a factor in the behavior of the individual.  Motivation model. Indicators function Desired result



-Z / P


-Quality of work

-Moral satisfaction


-Customer service level




- Type of behavior


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior