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Motivation and career


Motivation through career opportunities

Career is a person’s work experience.

Career advancement - moving to more responsible and higher paid types of work.

There are 4 types of career:

  • Stable - it develops with the constant participation of a person in a certain type of work throughout life
  • Linear - is formed in the sequential transition from one job to another, with each subsequent work depending on the previous one in terms of responsibility, required skills and abilities corresponding to the level of hierarchy in the organization
  • Spiral - a career in which a person is engaged in different types of work, depending on each other
  • Intermediate - a person often changes the types of work and at the same time each subsequent differs from the previous one

Linear career stages:

  • Preparation for work
  • Admission to the organization
  • Carier start
  • Mid career
  • Career end

Creating a motivational work environment

Environment creation factors:

  • Setting goals
  • Accuracy of performance assessment
  • Reward distribution system

Setting goals:

  • To motivate employees
  • To achieve organization goals

Requirements for objectives:

  • Concreteness
  • Difficulty

Specific and difficult goals influence motivation and performance indicators due to the following factors:

  • Attention of employees is focused on activities related to achieving the goal
  • Employees are forced to make more efforts to develop an action plan to achieve the goals.

The purpose of performance evaluation:

  1. To encourage a high level of motivation and achievement of high results
  2. Get the right information for making management decisions
  3. Distribution of remuneration for work. Remuneration should be given either to individual results, or to group, or to organizational

The performance evaluation system includes:

o Selection of a combination of formal and informal assessment. If a formal assessment is carried out, the performance indicators and assessment methods are set in advance (chart). An informal assessment is carried out in the course of ongoing work.

o Selection of factors to be assessed. Basically, the characteristics, type of behavior and results are evaluated. When evaluating by type of behavior, the focus is on the actions of the person at work.

o Selection of assessment methods: objective, subjective criteria, development of a rating scale.

o Choosing who is evaluating


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior