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Conflicts in the organization. Types, causes, ways of conflict resolution


Team building activities

  • Help the group experience success
  • Try to strengthen the trust of members of the group to each other, and especially to the leader.
  • Develop a sense of belonging to a group for a sense of being chosen
  • Make sure that group membership answers motivation of belonging, respect and self-respect.
  • Maintain the group's faith in the tasks


The nature of conflict in an organization

Conflict - disagreement between 2 or more individuals

Constructive conflict is caused by objective reasons and leads to the removal of the causes of disagreement.

A destructive conflict can be caused by both objective and subjective reasons, and is most often transferred from the business to the personal sphere.

Types of conflicts :

  • Intrapersonal (intralevel) - the requirements for a person does not correspond to his interests and needs
  • Interpersonal (interleave)
  • The conflict between the individual and the group
  • Intergroup conflict

Causes of conflict:

  • Resource allocation
  • Task Interdependence
  • Difference in purpose
  • Differences in perceptions and values
  • Difference in behavior and life experience
  • Lack of information

Consequences of the conflict:

  • Functional
  • Dysfunctional

Prevention measures — ongoing monitoring of signs of business conduct.

Interpersonal conflict resolution styles:

  • Evasion
  • Smoothing
  • Compulsion
  • Compromise


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior