Group as a subject of organizational behavior
The concept of groups, types of groups.
The group occupies a key place in the organization: the natural form of the united individuals, the structural element for building the organization.
The group has a positive impact on the individual employee and the organization as a whole.
The processes that take place in a group are called group dynamics.
A group is a relatively separate union of two or more persons interacting with each other for a sufficiently long period of time, perceiving ourselves as we are, i.e. the community to which they belong to the main elements of the structure.
Group concept:
1. Interaction:
- Common interests and goals
- Similar group member attitudes towards goals and interests
- The possibility of obtaining as a result of the interaction of moral or material remuneration
2. Belonging to a group
- The natural desire of a person to unite with other people
- The possibility of self-realization in society.
Group formation and its characteristics
Processes determining the development of the group:
Transformation of the collective into a self-regulating social collective.
Stages of development of the group are not isolated from each other, the processes can take place simultaneously.
Group structure depends on:
Group norms - it is common to understand generally accepted standards that have been established in the group as a result of the long-term interaction of its members.
The basic rules can be reduced to several groups:
Meaning :
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Organizational behavior
Terms: Organizational behavior