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Stages of formation of the discipline "Organizational behavior"


History and stages of formation of organizational behavior.

4 stages of development:

- classic

- Hawthorne experiments. Formation of management people. relationship.

- humanistic

- culturological

1) Classic most developed in the 20-30s in Europe and the USA.

Founders of scientific management: Henri Fayolle, Frederick Taylor.

The path to the effectiveness of the organization: in increasing the productivity of labor, the rationality of the organization of the labor of workers and employees.

Accounting for personal characteristics was derived from the study.

The most famous in the development of scientific management is F. Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor believed that if the time and effort that each employee spends on output is reduced through cooperation, the production process will be most effective.

4 principles of Taylor:

1) learn ways with the help of which employees perform their tasks, collect all the informal information about the work available to the employee.

2) systematize the new methods of performing tasks in the form of rules and standard operating procedures.

3) carefully select employees with skills, abilities, and skills appropriate to the task being solved.

4) set the average or acceptable level of the problem to be solved, and then give a reward (for exceeding the level of the above).

2) Hawthorne experiments are aimed at studying the dependence of material factors on labor productivity.

The result of the experiment: productivity is not directly dependent on physical and economic factors, is a consequence of the establishment of informal relations m / y workers.

The existing role is played by social group incentives in the behavior of the employee.

The dependence of the involvement of participants in the productive process of leadership and strengthening of communications in the group (upstart, brakes and master).

3) Humanistic.

The concept of people. relations was improved in the study of organizational psychologists (Maslow, D. McGreger, F. Herzberg).

The focus of research: the problem of the humanization of labor, taking into account the personality psychology and needs.

4) Cultural.

The focus of work: the quality and the establishment of organizational culture of op. It is an interdisciplinary science interconnected with the following disciplines:

- the basics of men-ta;

- theory of organization;

- personnel Management.


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior