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3.8. Personality and Consumer Choice - Consumer Psychology


As for the impact on the choice of personal characteristics, these include, first of all, motivational-volitional, communicative features and the rational and emotional ratio in the personality profile. In our studies, it was shown that the more goal-oriented were more cautious in economic behavior, they paid less attention to secondary attributes of the product, such as packaging, and more to the content (quality, functionality) 33 .

The more persistent expressed search activity in consumer behavior, consistency and avoidance of the influence of situational authorities.

Independence is also highly significant and is associated with activity in the search for information about a product and the evaluation of its properties.

As for such qualities as determination and self-control, they turned out to be associated with risk, the desire for novelty, and the absence of fear of buying new untested goods.

Self-control is highly significant due to the priority of the utility of the product (it may be easier for a person with high self-control to track this utility). In addition, the higher the self-control, the greater the risk in shopping.

The influence of social (communicative) motives also affects consumer behavior. So, people with a higher level of empathy (empathy, complicity, motive and ability to put themselves in the place of another) are more worried about the correctness of the choice of goods. This is due to the fact that in a buying situation empathetic people are more susceptible to the emotional context of communication. Rational evaluation of the goods often occurs after they have made a purchase.

People with a pronounced affiliation need (the desire to establish emotional contacts), i.e. those who constantly need accession, approval, support, to a greater extent when choosing a product rely on information obtained from advertising. The more expressed the need for accession, the more often when buying a person listens to the opinions of other people, less attention is paid to the objective qualities of the product, because in a situation of purchase good relations with the communication partner, the seller, are important for him.

Sensitivity to rejection by others, as well as empathy, is negatively related to the thoroughness of studying the characteristics of a product. A person who is more condemned by others will be more likely to feel guilty, showing meticulousness, careful perseverance and distrust. The longer and more attentively such a person in the store examines the characteristics of the product, the stronger his negative emotions associated with the fear that they will think badly of him. The fact of exaggerating the social context of buying more sensitive to the rejection of people is manifested in their inherent concern about the correctness of the choice of goods. Thus, those involved in communication about the purchase more often make an irrational choice.

Test questions:

  1. What does the effect of veblen mean?

  2. What stages usually distinguish in the buying process?

  3. What is a superselection?

  4. What are the productive tactical methods of dealing with the super-choice you remember? Which of them are used by you?

  5. List the main forms of market power over the consumer.

  6. What are the economic causes and psychological consequences of super-choice?

  7. What is the therapeutic function of things?

  8. What are the needs that are taken into account by the classification of J.F. Krolara. Use them to compile a sales description of a product.

  9. What effects, contrary to the traditional understanding of the rational behavior of the buyer, do you know?

  10. Describe the blocks, stages and mechanisms of consumer choice according to the Kotler model.

  11. What forms of attracting attention are indicated in the Howard-Shesa model as input stimuli?

  12. Which of the above consumer choice models focuses on managing the purchase by a selling firm?

  13. What are the extreme positions in the views of economists on the place of the consumer in the market system?

  14. Are there specific features and psychological consequences of the position of the consumer in the domestic market? Imagine your thoughts on this.

  15. What personal qualities complicate the buying process, if we consider it from the point of view of maximum rationality?

  16. Watch yourself as a customer. What individual qualities influence typical consumer behavior?

  17. What are the extreme positions in the views of economists on the place of the consumer in the market system?

  18. What individual qualities influence typical consumer behavior?

19. Give examples of different satisfaction with work and income, income and consumption.

20. Relate civilian satisfaction with other types of economic satisfaction.


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Economic psychology

Terms: Economic psychology