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3.2. Forms of market power over man - Consumer psychology


  3.2.  Forms of market power over man - Consumer psychology

Let's name some forms of power of a market society over a person:

- imposed requirements (the market through advertising forms all new and new needs or forms of their satisfaction);

- accelerated consumption (things live shorter and shorter lives for technologically planned reasons or for reasons related to fashion);

- anticipating consumption or credit (life on credit increases psychological stress, anxiety and, as a rule, increases the value of a thing);

- selection from marginal, i.e. insignificant differences (the increasing flow of things differs insignificantly, and this complicates and psychologically aggravates the choice of the necessary alternative).

In addition, the discomfort of caring and at the same time frustrating, binding advertising accumulates. After all, advertising is a free product. His consumption causes unconscious guilt. According to the psychoanalytic point of view, the need to remove this feeling is one of the factors provoking a purchase.


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Economic psychology

Terms: Economic psychology