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4.3. Personal characteristics of the poor - the psychology of poverty and wealth


The time constant: the poor have a current orientation and short-term outlook, temporary orientation is not presented as the ability of the individual to postpone the satisfaction of his desires (to postpone the current less valuable goals in the name of achieving later, but more important).

Spatial constant, poverty often combines an external locus of control, i.e. a person believes that the events of his life are controlled by chance, luck, stronger personalities, or forces beyond the control of his understanding, and not due to his own behavior.

The energy constant: the desire for success is poorly expressed, there is no predominance of the motive of achievement over the motive of avoiding failure (people are more afraid of defeats, disappointments than they desire success).

Information constant: low self-esteem (also self-esteem, self-confidence). The basic setting of a person with a "market" psychology - the willingness to be responsible for the specific result of his work - is formed precisely among people with high self-esteem and level of aspirations.


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Economic psychology

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