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5.6. Influence of volitional qualities on the attitude to money - Psychology of money


By the method of N. Stambulnova (as well as a number of other methods), it is possible to reveal the manifestation of volitional qualities in various situations. Will, as is known, is one of the components of the structure of personality, partly innate, partly brought up. We present some results (see Table 5).

Table 5

The influence of some qualities of a person on his attitude to money

Strong-willed qualities

Attitude to money

Resoluteness and expression of self-control

Reduced inferiority complex and less envy

Resolute and independent

Do not consider money as the sole support

Avoid liability

Insecurity, compensator for deficits in personal qualities

Purposefulness and determination

Money as a form of autopsychotherapy spends money according to its goals.

Other qualities

Tolerance to rejection

Focus on making money, less frustration over their absence

Achievement motive

Financial self control


Frustration, concern about financial uncertainty


Feeling guilty about spending


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Economic psychology

Terms: Economic psychology