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6.3. Ethics and Ideology of Entrepreneurship - Psychology of Entrepreneurship


The overcontrol of the economy by the state, which led to stagnation in our country, was replaced by open opposition of business to the state, an extreme manifestation of individualism. The hopes of the population are connected with the fact that domestic business will follow the path of gradual integration of entrepreneurship into the system of social life, in which the sharp corners of business will be softened by relevant laws and regulations.

Entrepreneurship is a complex and ambiguous field of activity. The result of this activity, if we consider it through the prism of national economic goals, is the allocation of resources. In a market economy, planning as such takes place, but is demarcated between many subjects. The decisions of individual economic actors are not determined by a comprehensive central plan, but by prices for goods and services dictated by the market. In this system, an entrepreneur who determines the fate of investment and production on the basis of market signals is assigned a central role. He is responsible for the economic well-being of the country. In this regard, it is advisable to talk about the ideology and ethics of entrepreneurship.

There are different opinions about the social orientation of entrepreneurial ideology. Some believe that it is focused on the subordination of society to the interests of capital. Others believe that entrepreneurial ideology is aimed at self-isolation, a kind of alienation of business from the state. Closer to the truth is the consideration of the ideology of entrepreneurship as a system of ideas, reflecting the social class's perception of its own functions in society and including its relation to other classes, the purpose of which is to maintain or change the material institutional structure of society 37 .

There is a contradiction in the very nature of entrepreneurship: on the one hand, the striving for maximum profit and selfish protection of one’s private ownership interests, on the other hand, a social role, i.e. the need to reckon with the interests and values ​​of society, to have a sense of responsibility towards them.

The concept of social responsibility in business was most developed in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. In addition to the initial ideas, according to which it meant, first of all, compliance with the laws governing the social functions of the entrepreneur, its essential features were considered actions that satisfy social expectations and even anticipate them. The highest level of social and moral responsibility requires participation in the formation of public expectations in the business process, when you need not only to respond to requests, but also to form them, thereby taking a leading role in the social life of society.

There is an opinion that only representatives of large and sometimes medium-sized businesses have a developed sense of awareness of belonging to their class, and therefore only they can be considered carriers of an entrepreneurial ideology. The ideological and ethical systems of large business and the so-called small business are different. But the differences between ideology and psychology of the entrepreneur and the manager of the company have been smoothed out in recent years: both entrepreneurs and managers are carriers of entrepreneurial ideology, but the leading role is still in that, and in another case, belongs to large and medium-sized businesses.

As for the factor of culture and social atmosphere, it is he who contributes to the process of special adaptation and selection in the formation and change of entrepreneurial psychology, as a result of which, as G.K. Hins, a type of entrepreneur and forms of entrepreneurship that are dominant in a given nation or country are created 38 .


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Economic psychology

Terms: Economic psychology