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2.2. The identity of the head.


Leader - a person who is officially assigned the functions of managing a team and organizing its activities. The head is legally responsible for the functioning of the group (group) before the appointed (elected, approved) authority and has strictly defined sanctioning opportunities - punishment and reward, subordinate in order to influence their production (scientific, creative, etc.) activity. Unlike a leader, a manager has formally regulated rights and duties, and also represents a group (team) in other organizations. This is a person engaged in the establishment, regulation and implementation of organizational and legal relations in the working team.

Currently, there are various approaches to the study of the personality of the leader.

Collective approach based on the idea that the manager must have special personal qualities that ensure the success of management activities. Typical managerial assessment systems based on this approach contain sets of professionally significant qualities (PWC).

So, A.I. Kitov (1984) identifies four substructures in the structure of the personality traits of a manager : managerial abilities, political qualities, professional qualities, and organizational qualities.

The limitations of the analyzed approach are as follows:

- perceptions of the manager’s personality as a set of qualities related to the success of activities through weights did not contribute to the analysis of its dynamic characteristics. The possibility of personal development was only stated, and it was assumed that it occurs as a simple change in individual qualities, isolated properties.

- abstractedness of the understanding of managerial qualities, their problem with certain management situations;

- the subjectivity of the identification and understanding of professionally important qualities; the absence of a distinction between general qualities and specific ones that are characteristic of the leader as a person.

Close in content to the above approach is a competitive approach . He assumes that managers have special personal characteristics or a certain level of development of common properties that distinguish them from other people. The search for these personal characteristics is carried out by comparing a group of managers and people who are not in this category, successful and unsuccessful managers of various official levels. This approach is most fully developed in the studies of E.S. Chugunova (1986). In the structure of the personality of a manager, she identifies administrative and organizational skills, moral and ethical characteristics, qualities of mind, professional skills, social orientation, motivation.

In the analyzed approach, when analyzing the structure of the personality traits of a manager, special characteristics of the personality and their substructures are subjected to evaluation , as they are extremely important for the performance of management activities. The special structure includes those qualities that distinguish an effective leader from an inefficient one.

Within the framework of the above approaches, the authors postulate the invariance of the external environment and the limitation of opportunities for the development of the manager’s personality in activities, as evidenced by the development of ideal, reference models of the manager’s personality, which are basically static, inflexible, and neglecting the compensatory capabilities of the manager. As a rule, the “ideal manager” models assume the presence of encyclopedic knowledge and outstanding personal qualities.

Partial approach formed in the course of practical activity of psychologists and involves the correction of personal ways of orientation in the environment. Formation of the personality of the head is indirectly associated with the development of individual operations and actions included in management activities, with the psycho-correction of the relationship system. At the same time, special attention is paid to the study of the development of thinking and the creation of algorithms for solving managerial problems.

Engineering-psychological approach was reflected in the analysis of management systems and considers the manager as a decision maker. In this approach, limited to the study of psychological processes of processing the leader of information and its individual characteristics, manifested in management activities.

Reflexive Value Approach (Yu.D. Krasovsky, 1991) studies the personality of the leader through the formation of his reflexive-value management concept. The manager's ability to integrate is manifested in the formation, understanding and self-correction of his own managerial concept, which consists of a series of intersecting "conceptual models" of activity. This is a kind of program for the implementation of the strategic plans of the head.

The content of the management concept is individual, and its elements are: strategic plans; economic indicators; problems arising from the performance of indicators; causes of problems; managerial remedies; functional units that implement these tools; information on the status of the activity.

Representatives of the analyzed approach believe that the main personality neoplasm, which is formed in the course of the managerial activity of the manager and ensures the integration of managerial decision-making processes, is a system of strategic ideas that perform a semantic function in the individual managerial concept.

Numerous researches of the person of the head are carried out in the social - psychological approach . Here, various personality models of the manager of a production organization have been developed and empirically proved, the influence of the manager’s personality on managerial performance, managerial potential and orientation of the manager, professional development forecasting, managerial interaction and influence, social and perceptual processes in management have been studied; role conflicts and socio - psychological orientation.

Situationally - an integrated approach examines the driving forces of the development of the personality of the leader in various management situations and life events. To study the mechanisms of personal development of the leader A.V. Filippov (1990) distinguishes between complex (assessment of activity in the whole range of its functions) and local (assessment of one function) forecasting and expressive assessment.

Analysis of the influence of individual factors and conditions on the development of the personality of a manager in management activities suggests a factorial approach . Researchers study groups of factors. The first group includes situational and institutionalized, which include production, organizational and social conditions. The effectiveness of personal development in the managerial activity of a manager is associated with the structure and objectives of the organization, its period of existence and size, type of organization. Such variables as the communication system, the hierarchy of power, the scale of control, the nature of information support, the system of values ​​of the organization, and the technology used are essential.

It should be emphasized that R.L. Krichevsky and A.V. Margina (1991) single out the factor of value exchange between interacting subjects of management. This exchange is deployed at several levels in accordance with the development of the organization. The influence of this factor is as follows. The value contribution that the manager makes mainly in relation to individual members of the group, realizing the set of useful for subordinate qualities, the result of which is the attribution of certain significance to the head by the subordinates. However, the results of a study of the influence of situational factors are often interpreted in their connection with the efficiency of management, without considering the internal mechanisms.

The second group of factors consists of individual factors of the development of the leader’s personality, which include personal prerequisites and demographic variables. Highlights are factors of paramount importance for development. These include: adaptive mobility, contact, factor of integration of social functions, roles and leadership, level of training and knowledge.

Functional approach implemented in the study of the work of masters and heads of departments of industrial organizations.

Based on the developed dynamic functional personality structure of the leader (V.F. Rubakhin, A.V. Filippov), where the psychophysiological (primary cognitive processes of the leader) psychological (motivational, emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres, temperament, character, abilities) became the main substructures , interests, knowledge, skills and skills of a leader), social (moral qualities of a leader), A.L. Zhuravlev proposed to allocate a general and special personality structure. If this three-component structure can be considered common, then the following substructures are a special structure of the leader’s personality: ideological and political qualities, professional competence of the leader, organizational and pedagogical abilities, moral and ethical qualities. These specific components of the structure of the personality find their correspondence in the structural-functional organization of the activity of the head of the production team.

The combination of the above substructures of the personality determines the typology and personal uniqueness of the leaders ("leader-political leader", "manager-specialist", "leader-organizer", "leader-mentor").

The image approach is characterized by the study of individual and personal qualities and the creation of technologies to form the image of a manager that corresponds to the conscious and unconscious needs of a particular social group. The authors identify the main individual and personal qualities that the leader must demonstrate for his success: strength, generosity, justice, authority, kindness. The main disadvantage of this approach is that, creating the image of an ideal leader, the authors pay attention only to external characteristics.

In the conditions of a change in the form of ownership, an intensive formation of an economic-psychological approach to the study of the psychological laws of the economic behavior of various types of managers takes place . Attention is paid to the development of the personality structure of a manager-entrepreneur, his value and economic orientations (V.А. Khashchenko, 1994); motivation and responsibility (E. Dorofeev, 1996), business activity (A. L. Zhuravlev, V. P. Poznyakov, 1993, 1995, 1998), subjective economic status (A. L. Zhuravlev, 1998), psychosocial identification (M.A. Kiseleva, 1997), ideas about the phenomenon of trust (V.A. Sumarokova, 1997), personal qualities (E.N.Sivashchenko, 1998), self-assessments (S.A. Matoshchuk, 1998) and attitude to change forms of ownership (MV Kiryukhina, ME Kolesnikova, 1998).

It is established that the socio-psychological dynamics in the structure of the values ​​of the personality of managers reflects the following phenomena:

one) the primary focus on economic values, a pronounced material interest are becoming leading in the structure of personal values;

2) the formation of an individualistic orientation through the development of personal interest;

3) the emergence of new socio-psychological types of leaders, gradually generating new social groups (AL Zhuravlev, 1998, p.9).

four) increasing the importance of economic values ​​in the structure of value orientations of managers;

five) increasing the social sensitivity of members of labor collectives to the financial incomes of their managers.

In addition, links have been established between the amount of income of workers and their estimates of the personality of the manager (N.V. Volkova, V.A. Polukhin, R. B. Gittelmacher, 1998, p.105).

Integrative approach provides for the identification of deep psychological mechanisms that integrate the personality and activities of managers. Allowing managers belonging to different psychological types and operating under significantly different conditions to achieve objectively high results in management. At the same time, the features of the managerial activity of a specific manager are determined by the integral-functional qualities, the overall integrated leadership ability, the self-concept, and the features of professional self-awareness.

Related to the integrative approach is the concept of "strength personality "(A. Antonovsky, G. Krampen, A. Shapiro). As a system-forming factor, the power of an individual is considered, including a sense of responsibility, self-reliance, a desire for leadership and leadership, the ability to persuade and social activity.

The feeling of internal consistency, which determines the strength of the personality of the leader, is based on self-perception, self-representation, models and standards of management. The high level of consistency implies: an understanding of one’s own inner world, its self-government and meaningful management activities. The consequence of this level of consistency is the leader’s conviction in his ability to achieve his goals - self-efficacy. The influence of self-efficacy on productivity and psychological features of management activity is revealed. The strength of a manager’s personality, based on a sense of internal consistency, determines cognitive, motivational and affective processes. In addition, according to the authors, the possibility of the formation of the personality power of the leader is not denied.

Acmeological approach aims to develop professiograms of various types of managers, structures of a professional leader in conjunction with the image of the world, the psychological-acmeological model of the formation of the professional self-consciousness of the leader’s personality.

The most developed model is a professional EA Klimov, which includes the following components:

one) properties of a person as a whole (image of the world, orientation, attitudes to the outside world, features of manifestation of creativity, intellectual and operator features of individuality, emotionality, professional expectations, understanding of their place in professional community);

2) specific features, motor skills, abilities, skills, actions of a professional;

3) specific features, the reception of information, its processing and decision-making, gnostic skills, abilities and actions of a professional;

four) awareness, knowledge, experience, professional culture (specific features, orientation in the field of science and theoretical knowledge, professional knowledge of the subject area);

five) psychodynamics (the intensity of the experiences, the speed of their shift, the load and the difficulties in this professional field);

6) understanding of their age and gender issues in connection with the requirements of the profession.

According to A.K. Markova, the structure of the personality of a professional includes: motivation (orientation of the personality and its types); personality traits (abilities, character and his traits, mental processes and states) and integral personality characteristics (self-awareness, individual style, creativity as a creative potential) that determine the uniqueness and uniqueness of the leader.

Analysis of the above approaches to the development of concepts of the personality of a manager shows the following:

- the analyzed approaches are based on the author's idea of ​​the structure of the personality, the mechanisms of its change and psychological requirements for the leader;

- the authors do not have unity in the definition of the components of a multi-level personality structure of a manager;

- most of the models were developed on the basis of research on the personality of the leader of the primary workforce and do not reflect the changes taking place in modern society;

- a significant influence on the methodology for developing the personality structure of a manager was exerted by classical personality models built by B.G. Ananyev, A.G. Kovalev, V.S. Merlin, V.N. Myasishchev, K.K. Platonov, N.I. Rainwald, S.L. Rubinstein and L.I. Umansky ;

- the modern stage of studying the personality of a manager is characterized by the transition from descriptive to integral models, when generic concepts of personality come to replace fragmented research with a more consistent description of the manager’s managerial development and search for the integral basis of his personality structure;

- there has been a tendency to search for the core of the leader’s personality structure;

- in understanding the phenomenon of the personality of a manager, psychosemantic, autobiographical, experimental psychological, clinical, psychological, and age approaches have been insufficiently developed.


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Psychology of management

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