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6.7. Portrait of a young Russian entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship Psychology


Are there any specific features in the portrait of a Russian businessman? The definition of entrepreneurship, given at the beginning of the topic, focuses on the independence of the activities, which implies choice, risk, responsibility. Our studies of small and medium-sized businesses have shown that young Russian entrepreneurs have a symptom complex of autonomy and autonomy that is especially pronounced 41 . True, high levels of autonomy are often combined with reduced responsibility.

Cross-cultural studies (ie, comparative studies of a phenomenon conducted in different cultures, in particular, in different countries) also showed that Russian entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses are more alienated from society and psychologically protected from social disapproval. than the German. This is due to the fact that Russian entrepreneurship is developing in an unbalanced market in the absence of real and consistent support from the state and in a socio-cultural environment of disapproval, often showing open opposition of business to the state and the extreme manifestation of individualism.

Each society is characterized by its own psychological type of entrepreneur, formed and changed as a result of adaptation and selection under the influence of cultural and social factors. As G.K. Hins, this process creates a dominant type of entrepreneur in a given nation or country and forms of entrepreneurship 42 .


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