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Economic psychology


Economic psychology - a branch of psychological science about the economic behavior and mental processes of a person related to the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. The subject of study of economic psychology are the psychological laws of economic behavior and interaction between people as subjects of economic relations.


  • 1. History
  • 2Tasks of economic psychology
  • 3Methods
  • 4Main sections of economic psychology
  • 5Organizations
  • 6Notes
  • 7 Literature
  • 8Links


The concept of “Economic Psychology” was first introduced by the French sociologist and criminologist Gabriel Tarde in the work “Economic Psychology” (La psychologie économique) in 1903. He is considered (along with American George Cato and Hungarian Laszlo Garai) to be the founder of this interdisciplinary science.

Tasks of economic psychology

Economic psychology sets itself the task of applying a psychological approach to assessing economic reality and developing appropriate theories and practices of influencing the economic world. [one]


The methods (methods of obtaining facts) of economic psychology are the same as in psychology (see the article Experimental Psychology).

The main sections of economic psychology

1) Characteristics of economic psychology as a branch of science

  • The subject of economic psychology
  • The object of economic psychology
  • Methods of economic psychology

2) The history of the development of economic psychology

  • Economic psychology abroad
  • Economic psychology in Russia

3) The concept of man in economic psychology
4) Property psychology
5) Money psychology
6) Psychological aspects of consumer behavior
7) Psychology of wealth and poverty
8) Psychological assessment of the quality of life
9) Economic socialization
10) Making economic decisions
11) Investment Psychology
12) Psychology of home finances
13) Psychology of entrepreneurship
14) Psychological and economic aspects of offenses
15) Employment and unemployment psychology
16) Psychological aspects of macroeconomics
17) Psychological and economic aspects of taxes and taxation
18) Differential economic psychology
19) Problems of economic psychology in the global world


In 2009, in the city of Saratov, the first in Russia Center for Psychological and Economic Research was opened, which deals directly with issues of economic psychology (Center for Psychology and Economic Research at the SSSEU at the SSC RAS).

The main publishing body of the Center is an interdisciplinary international peer-reviewed journal Psychology and Economics, published in 2008 (ISSN 2070-4437). The magazine is devoted to the problems of integration of psychological and economic trends.

In 2000, Kaluga State University opened specialization 02.04.06 - Economic Psychology. Since 2000, the main direction of economic psychologists in Kaluga has been Consumption Psychology (other names: Consumer Psychology, Consumer Behavior Psychology). In 2000 and 2002, All-Russian conferences on economic psychology "Psychology and Economics" were held in Kaluga. The organizers were the Russian Psychological Society, Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, Kaluga Scientific Center, Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kaluga State Pedagogical University.

created: 2016-09-10
updated: 2021-03-13

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Economic psychology

Terms: Economic psychology