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The term "individual" usually refers to a person as a single representative of a particular social community. The concept of "personality" is applied to each person, since he individually expresses the significant features of a given society. Self-awareness, value orientations and social relations, relative autonomy in relation to society and responsibility for their actions are indispensable characteristics of the personality, and its individuality is something specific that distinguishes one person from others, including both biological and social characteristics inherited or acquired.

Personality is not only a consequence, but also the cause of social and ethical actions committed in a given social environment. Economic, political, ideological and social relations of a historically defined type of society are refracted and manifested in different ways, determining the social quality of each person, the content and nature of his practical activities. It is in its process that man, on the one hand, integrates the social relations of the environment, and on the other, he develops his special attitude to the outside world. The elements that make up the social qualities of a person include: a socially determined goal of his activity occupied social status and performed social roles; expectations regarding these statuses and roles; norms and values ​​(ie culture), which he guides in the course of their activities; the sign system she uses; body of knowledge; level of education and special training; socio-psychological characteristics; activity and degree of independence in decision making. A generalized reflection of the totality of recurring, essential social qualities of individuals belonging to any social community is recorded in the concept of “social personality type”. The path from the analysis of social formation to the analysis of personality, the reduction of the individual to the social, makes it possible to reveal in the person the essential, typical, naturally formulated in a concrete historical system of social relations, within a certain class or social group, social institution and social organization to which the person belongs. When it comes to individuals as members of social groups and classes, social institutions and social organizations, it is not the properties of individuals that are meant, but the social types of individuals. Everyone has their own ideas and goals, thoughts and feelings. These are individual qualities that determine the content and nature of his behavior.

The concept of personality makes sense only in the system of social relations, only where it is possible to speak of a social role and a set of roles. At the same time, however, it presupposes not the uniqueness and diversity of the latter, but, above all, the individual’s specific understanding of his role, his internal attitude to her, free and interested (or, on the contrary, forced and formal) her performance. Man as an individual expresses himself in productive actions, and his actions interest us only to the extent that they receive an organic objective embodiment. It is possible to say the opposite about the personality: it is actions that are interesting in it. The very accomplishments of the personality (for example, labor achievements, discoveries, and creative successes) are interpreted by us, first of all, as actions, that is, deliberate, arbitrary behavioral acts. Personality - is the initiator of a consistent series of life events, or, as accurately determined MM. Bakhtin, "the subject of admission."

Currently, there are two basic concepts of personality: personality as a functional (role) characteristic of a person and personality as its essential characteristic. The first concept is based on the concept of the social function of a person, and more precisely, on the concept of a social role. For all the importance of this aspect of understanding of personality (it is of great importance in modern applied sociology), it does not allow us to reveal the inner, deeper world of a person, fixing only his external behavior, which in this case does not always and not necessarily express the real essence of a person. A deeper interpretation of the concept of personality reveals the latter not in the functional, but in the essential sense: it is here a clot of regulative spiritual potencies, a center of self-consciousness, a source of will and a core of character, a subject of free actions and supreme power in the inner life of a person. Personality - the individual focus and expression of public relations and the functions of people, the subject of knowledge and transformation of the world, rights and duties, ethical, aesthetic and all other social norms. The personal qualities of the person in this case is a derivative of his social lifestyle and self-conscious mind. The person therefore is always a socially developed person . Personality is the totality of its three main components: biogenetic inclinations, the impact of social factors (environment, conditions, norms, regulatory) and its psychosocial core - “I”. It is like an internal social personality, which has become a phenomenon of the psyche, which determines its character, the sphere of motivation, manifested in a certain direction, the way of correlating its interests with the public, the level of aspirations, the basis for the formation of beliefs, value orientations, worldview. Man as a person is not a certain finished reality. He is a process that requires incessant spiritual work. The main resultant property of the individual is the worldview .


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Terms: Sociology