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5.10. Cash Personality Types - Money Psychology


The first to develop the simplest monetary typology of personality was N. Forman (1987). The data of H. Goldberg and R. Lewis are in good agreement with his data. Typology is easily complemented by new types identified in the process of life observations and special studies. The following is augmented typology (see Table 6).

Table 6

Cash types of personality

Personality type



It is fascinating in itself the accumulation of money. Inherent fear of loss, distrust of others. With the help of money, it gains a sense of security, security.


Uncontrollable spending money, especially in periods of depression, there is a feeling of its insignificance, rejection. This behavior is often unconscious outlet. Money has a therapeutic meaning, is a symbol of protection, security. They make a person more healthy and happy. Often these are people with low self-esteem, confident that money increases it. However, the pleasure of owning money is temporary.

Money bag

Captured by money, which considers the best way to achieve high status and approval of others. Money is a source of power for him, providing power


Feels superior to others when you manage to buy things for smaller amounts. Annoyed if you have to pay the asking price.


Cheerful and optimistic when accepting a challenge, receiving a win or loss from a game. Money for him is a symbol of freedom.


Money is valuable as a piece of art. Well understands their value in this sense. By type of activity closest to the "shopkeeper." By profession can be anyone, often collecting becomes the main occupation.

The end of the table. 6


Indifferent to money, accumulation, shopping. Willingly instructs close people to manage earned money, freeing up time for work. Often found among creative workers.


The person for whom money is quite conscious and definite value. Lack of money perceives tragic. Adheres to the ethics of things and hoarding.

The envious

Envious and hostile to successful people, not able to take responsibility for their failures. In the case of monetary luck, arrogant to those who have less money.


Ready to live on handouts, not responsible for anyone or for anything. Social representative


A pronounced tendency to obtain benefits by deception. Optional rich man

More systematic studies have revealed the extent to which various factors influence money attitudes and monetary behavior. These include gender, age, social environment, economic status, personal characteristics. As an example, consider some attitudes towards money in men and women (Table 7).

Table 7

Sexual differences in money



Give money a higher value (competition). Great competence in handling money, risk appetite for the purpose of acquiring it.

Subject to obsessive ideas and fantasies about money. Experiencing frustration at their absence, envy of those who have them. Spend more money in a state of depression (autopsychotherapy). They believe that earnings depend on efforts and abilities.

In the economic behavior of a person there must be harmony, within certain limits he should not deny himself the demands of the soul. Studies have shown that people maintain their health longer, remain mentally balanced and physically strong, if they do not deny themselves the pleasure of spending money. People who deny themselves everything have lower rates of personal, financial achievements, pessimism.

Dissatisfaction with the material status has psychological consequences. Unfulfilled needs, debts, small savings, disappointing comparisons with others, loss of financial control over life can cause anxiety, depression, anger, helplessness and even serious diseases.

The processes of dissociation, economic, social and ideological stratification occurring in society have aroused heightened interest in the topic of money. The study of the psychology of attitudes towards money is one of the topical topics of economic psychology. This is one of the necessary components of economic socialization.

Test questions:

  1. What are the socio-cultural features of the attitude to money?

  2. What are the features of the attitude to money in different social groups?

  3. How does money affect the relationship between people and countries?

  4. How does money influence personality formation?

  5. What are the incentives to increase earnings?

  6. What are the gender differences in relation to money?

  7. What emit cash types of personality?


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