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4.5. Problems of the Psychology of Wealth - The Psychology of Poverty and Wealth


Scientists paid much less attention to the problems of the psychology of wealth. We denote some of them. In addition to researching attitudes toward the rich and the ethics of wealth, attempts were made to identify the personal problems associated with wealth. Thus, sudden welfare changes (winnings, inheritance) are often associated with devastating consequences in relation to social identification (reflecting oneself as a representative of another layer), problems of transition to other values, interests, norms and behavioral patterns. Adaptation to wealth is often accompanied by exacerbation of personal problems due to lifestyle changes (financial security, increased leisure time).

Wealth is not always associated with the experience of happiness, which is why the expression “the rich also cry” has taken root. In itself, wealth, high income, removes some problems and generates others. It turns out that the increase in money shifts the axis of concern to the interpersonal parameters. Welfare, freeing a person from financial and economic problems, strengthens his experiences in the field of intrapersonal, characterological problems that are worse solved with the help of money.

Test questions:

  1. What is the problem of wealth and poverty?

  2. What are the main characteristics of the psychological portrait of the poor.

  3. Are there any particular psychological causes of poverty in Russia, in your opinion? Briefly list them.

  4. Analyze the signs of the psychology of poverty in relation to the country as an economic entity (for example, living for today, etc.)

  5. What psychological qualities distinguish people who are well off from poor people?

  6. What are the main characteristics of the psychological portrait of the rich.

  7. What psychological problems are typical for the rich?


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Economic psychology

Terms: Economic psychology