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test questions - 8 Perception types and properties, physiological mechanisms


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Conversely, negative experiences lengthen the time period.

A characteristic feature of time is its irreversibility. We can return to the place of space where we left, but we cannot return the time that has passed. Due to this, we perceive the passage of time, establishing, in turn, for this purpose an objective order of an irreversible sequence of events. Moreover, we establish this order on the basis of causal dependencies of following one event after another.

In addition to establishing the order or sequence of the preceding and subsequent events, we are using temporary localizations, that is, we know that such an event should occur at a given time. Localization of time is possible because we are using certain values ​​of time intervals. Such intervals can be day, week, month, year, century, etc. The existence of these intervals is possible because a certain change of events alternates in them, for example, sunset and sunrise. So, by the number of sunrises, we can judge how many days, weeks, months, years have passed.

Since time is a directional quantity, a vector, its unambiguous definition implies not only a system of units of measurement (second, minute, hour, month, century), but also a constant starting point from which an account is kept. At this time, radically different from the space. In space, all points are equal. There must be one privileged point in time. The natural starting point in time is the present, which divides time into its past and future. It is as if directly given as something cash; from him the gaze is directed to the past and the future.

However, the present has its position in a series of mediated events, i.e. there are points from which time is calculated. Such a point for a particular person is his birth, for humanity - a certain generally accepted point, for example, the birth of Jesus Christ.

Thus, in the perception of time by man it is necessary to distinguish two aspects: the subjective and objectively conditional. The subjective aspect is connected with our personal assessment of passing events, which, in turn, depends on the fullness of this time period with events, as well as their emotional coloring. The objectively conditional aspect is associated with the objective course of events and a series of conditionally agreed points of reference, or time intervals. If the first aspect reflects our sense of time, the second aspect helps us navigate in time.

test questions

1. Describe perception as a cognitive mental process.

2. What is the relationship of sensation and perception?

3. What do you know about pattern recognition theories?

4. Tell us about the physiological basis of perception. What is the reflex essence of perception? ;

5. Describe the basic properties of perception.

6. What do you know about the illusions of perception?

7. How do you know the classification of forms of perception?

8. What are the differences in individual perceptions?

9. Expand the basic patterns of perception development in children.

Sample Answers

. What role do the left and right hemispheres of the brain play in ensuring the perception?

Perception is called “the mental process of reflecting objects and phenomena of reality in the totality of their various properties and parts with their direct effect on the senses” [2, p. 81].

The left brain hemisphere is responsible for consistent perception, analytical perception, the establishment of similarity of objects and phenomena. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the holistic perception, the general perception, the specific visual perception, the establishment of differences [1, C. 54].


Bibliography for answering questions

2. Kondakov, I.M. Psychological dictionary. - M., 2000. - 427 p.

.Maryutina, TM Psychophysiology. - M .: Publishing house MGPPU, 350 p.

.Pryazhnikov, N.S. The psychology of labor and human dignity. - M .: Academy, 2004. - 318 p.

.Stolyarenko, LD, Fundamentals of Psychology. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2002 - 672 p.

.Physiology of higher nervous activity / HH Danilova, A.L. Krylov. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005. - 478 p.

Recommended literature

1. Ananiev B. G., On the problems of modern human knowledge / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology. - M .: Science, 1977.

2. Ananiev, B. G., Rybalko, E. F. Features of space perception in children. - M .:

Enlightenment, 1964.

3. Vekker L.M. Mental processes: In 3 tons. T. 1. - L .: Izd-vo LSU, 1974.

4. Wind L. A. Perception and learning: Preschool age. - M .: Enlightenment, 1969.

5. Velichkovsky BM, Zinchenko V.P., Luria A.R. Psychology of Perception: Proc. allowance. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1973.

6. Vygotsky L. S. Collected Works: In 6 t. T. 2 .: Problems of general psychology / Ch. ed. A.V. Zaporozhets. - M .: Pedagogy, 1982.

7. Gelfand S. A. Hearing. Introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics. -M., 1984.

8. Gibson JJ Environmental approach to visual perception / Translation. from English under total ed. A. D. Logvinenko. - M .: Progress, 1988.

9. Gregory RL Eye and the brain. Psychology of visual perception / Per. from English - M .:

Progress, 1970.

10. Zaporozhets A.V. Selected psychological works: In 2 tons. T. 1: The mental development of a child / Ed. V.V. Davydova, V.P. Zinchenko. - M .: Pedagogy, 1986.

I. Krylova A. L. Functional organization of the auditory system: Tutorial. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1985.

\ 1.LeoptevA. N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - 2nd ed. - M .: Politizdat, 1977.

13. G. Lerner. And, Psychology of perception of volumetric forms (but images). - M .:

Moscow State University, 1980.

14. Logvinenko A.D. Psychology of Perception: A textbook for students of psychology departments of state universities. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1987.

15. Logvinenko A.D. Visual perception of space. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1981.

16. Logvinenko A.D. Sensual bases of perception of space. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1985.

17. Luria A.R. Sensations and Perceptions. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1975.

18. Neisser, W. Cognition and reality: The meaning and principles of cognitive psychology / Trans. from English under total ed. B. M. Velichkovsky. - M .: Progress, 1981.

19. Silent R.S. Psychology: Textbook for students. higher NSD. studies. Institutions: In 3 kN. Prince one:

General principles of psychology. - 2nd ed. - M .: Vlados 1998.

20. General psychology: Course of lectures / Comp. E.I. Horns. - M .: Vlados, 1995.

21. Rock. I. Introduction to visual perception. - M .: Pedagogy, 1980.

22. Rubinstein S. L. Fundamentals of general psychology. - SPb .: Peter, 1999.

23. Fress P., Piaget J. Experimental Psychology / Coll. articles. Per. from fr .:

Issue 6. - M .: Progress, 1978.


Часть 1 8 Perception types and properties, physiological mechanisms of perception
Часть 2 8.5. Subject and background in perception - 8 Perception types
Часть 3 test questions - 8 Perception types and properties, physiological mechanisms

See also

created: 2014-09-07
updated: 2024-11-15

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