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Intrapersonal conflict


Internal conflicts are often played by the voices (subpersonalities) of our Parents.

Intra-personal conflicts - conflicts that occur within the individual between its structures, elements and components.

In particular, there may be conflicts:

  • conflict of mind and feelings
  • between the primary children's drives and the demands of society (in Freud's psychoanalysis).
  • between interests, needs and impulses (in the theory of the activity of S.Ya.Rubinshtein and A.N. Leontyev). Watch the Fight Motives
  • between subpersonalities ↑ (in psychosynthesis. Assadgioli) or polarities (in gestalt therapy.
  • between meanings (in the theory of cognitive dissonance by L. Festinger) See Conflict of meanings in the theory of cognitive dissonance

Intra-personal conflicts usually occur when there is no order and master in the soul, when there is no clarity in the priority of values, when a person has forgotten what reason is and does not remember that, in addition to body and soul, there is also spirit.

Experiencing intrapersonal conflict

The experience of intrapersonal conflict, like any conflict, is very diverse. For people who are prone to experience, intrapersonal conflict is accompanied by strong emotional experiences. For people who are prone to analysis, intrapersonal conflict is a reason to delve into oneself with interest. For people with a developed sense of humor and a detached attitude to all - intrapersonal conflict is a reason to sharpen and have fun.

Much depends on the status of the notion of "intrapersonal conflict" for a person. For people with a very lively imagination, this is a reality, while others talk about intrapersonal conflicts no more than a metaphor.

Pros and cons of using the metaphor "intrapersonal conflict"

On the one hand, as a tool in the hands of an experienced and responsible psychotherapist, modeling intrapersonal conflict can push the client to useful and constructive reflections on important topics for him.

On the other hand, talk about the conflict of subpersonalities, the creation and reproduction of this conflict can lead not to an end to the conflict, which, perhaps, there was none, but just to its creation.

Played in the conflict - believed in the conflict. Believed in the conflict - went to be treated by a psychotherapist. The psychotherapist now has a job, you have something to do


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