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Eustress, stress and distress. stress prevention methods


Stress (from the English. Stress - load, tension; state of increased tension) - a set of nonspecific adaptive (normal) reactions of the body to the effects of various adverse factors — stressors (physical or psychological) that violate its homeostasis, as well as the corresponding state of the nervous system of the body (or organism as a whole). In medicine, physiology, psychology, there are positive ( eustress ) and negative ( distress ) forms of stress. By the nature of the impact, they emit neuropsychic, thermal, or cold (temperature), light, starvation, and other stresses (radiation, etc.).

Whatever the stress, “good” or “bad”, emotional or physical (or both), its effect on the body has common specific features.

History of the term

For the first time, the term “stress” in physiology and psychology was introduced by Walter Cannon (born Walter Cannon [1] ) in his classic works on the universal fight or flight response ( fight-or-flight response ) [2] [3] [ 4] .

The renowned stress researcher Canadian physiologist Hans Selye in 1936 published his first work on the general adaptation syndrome [5] , but for a long time avoided using the term “stress” because it was used to denote the “psychological” stress (“fight or run away "). Only in 1946, Selye began to systematically use the term "stress" for general adaptive stress.

Stress physiology

General adaptation syndrome (OSA)

For the first time, physiological stress was described by Hans Selye as a general adaptation syndrome. The term "stress" he began to use later.

“Stress is the nonspecific response of the organism to any presentation of a requirement [...] In other words, besides the specific effect, all agents acting on us also cause a nonspecific need to perform adaptive functions and thereby restore the normal state. These functions are independent of the specific effect. Non-specific requirements imposed by exposure as such is the essence of stress

- Hans Selye, "The Stress of Life" [6]

Back in the 1920s, while studying at the University of Prague, Selye noticed that the onset of any infection is the same (fever, weakness, loss of appetite). In this well-known fact, he saw a special property — universality, non-specificity of the response to any damage. Experiments on rats have been shown to give the same reaction both to poisoning and to heat or cold. Other researchers have found a similar reaction in people who have suffered extensive burns.

Under stress, along with elements of adaptation to strong stimuli, there are elements of tension and even damage. It is the universality of the “triad of changes” accompanying stress - a decrease in the thymus, an increase in the adrenal cortex and the appearance of hemorrhages and even ulcers in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - which allowed G. Selye to express the hypothesis of a general adaptation syndrome (OSA), which was later called “stress”. The work was published in 1936 in the journal Nature. Years of research G. Selye and his staff and followers around the world confirm that stress is the nonspecific basis of many diseases.

Selye identified 3 stages of general adaptation syndrome:

  1. anxiety reaction (mobilization of adaptive capacity - these possibilities are limited)
  2. resistance stage
  3. depletion stage

For each stage, characteristic changes in neuro-endocrine functioning are described.

Initially, Selye considered stress only as a destructive, negative phenomenon, but later Selye writes:

Stress is the nonspecific response of the organism to any presentation of demands. [...] From the point of view of stress response, it does not matter whether the situation we are facing is pleasant or unpleasant. What matters is the intensity of the need for adjustment or adaptation.

- Hans Selye, "The Stress of Life"

Later, Selye introduced an additional concept of “positive stress” ( Eustress ), and “negative stress” was designated as distress .

Adaptive energy

Developing the concept of stress, G. Selye in 1938 proposed the concept of short-term and medium-term adaptation (adaptation of adults at times much shorter than the lifetime), based on the concept of adaptive energy.

The concept of adaptation energy allows us to describe individual adaptation differences as differences in the distribution of adaptation energy according to the structural-functional scheme of the adaptation system (as well as in the amount of this energy). This scheme itself can be complicated, but it is the same within this species (for definiteness, Selye considers adult individuals of the same sex). In a number of specific physiological experiments, Selye showed that the redistribution of this resource increases the resistance to one factor and at the same time reduces the resistance to another. The concept of adaptation energy has acquired an "axiomatic" form (quotes mean that these axioms do not provide true axiomatics in a mathematical sense):

  1. Adaptive energy is available in limited quantities, given from birth.
  2. There is an upper limit on the amount of adaptation energy that can be used by an individual at any moment of (discrete) time. This amount can be concentrated in one direction or distributed between different directions of response to multiple environmental challenges.
  3. There is a threshold for the impact of an external factor that must be crossed in order to trigger an adaptation response.
  4. Adaptive energy can be active at two different levels of competence: the primary level at which the response generates in response to a high level factor, with high expenditure of adaptive energy and the secondary level at which the response is generated at a low level of impact, with low expenditure of adaptation energy.

In 1952, Goldstone proposed criticism and development of Selye’s theory. It complements Selye's laboratory experiments with a description of typical clinical cases confirming this picture. Goldstone argues that such a description of adaptation using adaptation energy is extremely helpful. At the same time, he refutes the first axiom, according to which the adaptation energy is present in a limited quantity, given from birth.

Goldstone proposes the concept of permanent production of adaptation energy, which can also be accumulated and stored in limited quantities, and demonstrates that this concept even better describes Selye’s experiments than the original idea of ​​constant adaptation capital. He also uses the work of Carrel [10] , who studied adaptation to the stimuli that lie below the anxiety threshold, and showed that such exercises nonspecifically enhance (“awaken”) the general adaptive response, which contradicts Selye’s purely expensive concept, which he later tried to overcome in its concept of eustress.

Goldstone argues that constantly incoming weak negative incentives are constantly being met and overcome by continuously acting adaptation. The initial effect of stimuli is to awaken the adaptation system and to bring it into a state of readiness for a faster and more effective response. Stronger stimuli may require a greater expenditure of adaptive energy than is produced; then the adaptation reserve is put into action, and if it is spent, then death occurs. There is a maximum possible rate of consumption of adaptive energy, and at this maximum the organism cannot cope with any additional stimulus. It describes how one stimulus can influence the individual ability of an adaptive response to other stimuli; The outcome depends on the specific situation:

  1. A patient who cannot cope with the disease is able to overcome it after a moderate additional stimulus.
  2. In the process of adapting to this new stimulus, he may acquire the ability to react more intensively to all stimuli.
  3. As a result of a strong stimulus, the patient may not be able to adapt to an additional strong stimulus.
  4. If he successfully adapts to the disease, then this adaptation can be destroyed by the impact of a second strong stimulus.
  5. For some diseases (in particular, adaptation diseases), the effect of a fresh, strong stimulus can defeat the disease. This impact is always associated with risk, but it can also normalize the work of the adaptation system.

Axiom Goldstone. Adaptive energy can be produced, although its production decreases in old age, it can also be saved in the form of adaptation capital, although the capacity for this capital is limited. If an individual spends his adaptive energy faster than it produces, then he spends his adaptive capital and dies when it is completely exhausted.

Modern models of adaptation and adaptation energy are based on the idea of ​​limiting factors (first proposed in 1828 by K. Spengler and known in the application to agrocenoses after von Liebig’s works, 1840) and the evolutionary principles of optimality leading from the work of J. B S. Haldane. Adaptation is presented as an evolutionarily optimal system of distribution of adaptive energy to neutralize the most harmful factors.

Stress and pharmacology

For the treatment of depletion of the nervous system (which is caused by prolonged (chronic) and / or intense stress) use nootropic drugs. Anxiolytics and tranquilizers are used to symptomatically reduce the severity of stress.

Further development of the theory of stress

It is shown that stress (as a classical non-specific reaction in G. Selye’s description) is just one of the reactions that make up the general system of non-specific adaptation reactions of the organism, because the organism, as a more sensitive system than its constituent subsystems, reacts to different strengths and qualities. stimuli that cause homeostasis to fluctuate within, in the first place, normal values, and stress is a reaction to strong stimuli.

The effect of group stress is shown, which manifests itself in groups and populations that are in difficult conditions of existence: in a typical situation, with an increase in the adaptive load, the level of correlations increases, and as a result of successful adaptation it decreases. The greatest information about the degree of adaptation of the population to extreme or simply changed conditions is carried by correlations between physiological parameters. Based on the effect, a method of correlation adaptometry has been created [12] . The method is systematically used in monitoring tasks [13] .

The application of the multiple regression method proved the possibility of predicting the level of stress long before its occurrence in order to identify individuals (or groups of individuals) who are particularly susceptible to stress. This method allows not only to detect in advance the level of stress tolerance of a person, but also with high accuracy to predict the indicators of the level of mental and somatic stress of people under stress .

Types of stress


The concept has two meanings - “stress caused by positive emotions” and “moderate stress that mobilizes the body.”


Negative type of stress with which the body can not cope. It undermines human health and can lead to serious illnesses. The immune system suffers from stress. People under stress are more likely to be victims of infection, since the production of immune cells drops markedly during physical or mental stress.

Emotional stress

Emotional stress is called emotional processes that accompany stress, and leading to adverse changes in the body. During stress, the emotional reaction develops earlier than others, activating the autonomic nervous system and its endocrine provision. With prolonged or repetitive stress, emotional arousal can stagnate, and the functioning of the body can be degraded .

Psychological stress

Psychological stress, as a type of stress, is understood by different authors in different ways, but many authors define it as stress due to social factors .

Using stress for interrogation or psychological manipulation

Lie detector - a device for checking the truth of a person’s words. In the program of questions for testing, methods are widely used that increase the stress on the interviewee so that he loses control over his behavior or answers.

“Interview Stress,” in personnel work, is a survey method in which the interviewer intentionally creates an atmosphere of nervousness and confuses the applicant for work with unexpected questions.

These methods are well described by the concept of "provocation" (and / or "trolling").

Common Misconceptions

Among non-specialists, there was a tendency to identify stress (and especially psychological stress) simply with nervous tension (part of the blame for the term itself, meaning “tension” in English). Stress is not just emotional excitement or nervous tension. First of all, stress is a universal physiological response to fairly strong effects, having the described symptoms and phases (from activation of the physiological apparatus to exhaustion).

Stage Stress

Three stages of development of a stressful situation
G. Selye proposed to distinguish three stages of the development of a stress reaction:

1) The stage of anxiety - characterized by a decrease in the size of the thymus gland, spleen, lymph nodes, which is associated with the activation of glucocorticoids.

2) Stage of resistance - hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex develops with a steady increase in the secretion of corticosteroids and adrenaline. They increase the amount of circulating blood, increase blood pressure, increases the formation of liver glycogen. In this stage, the resistance and the body’s resistance to extreme stimuli are usually increased. A person at this stage activates mental and muscular activity, mobilizes the will and desire to overcome unusual circumstances or an emergency situation. If the action of the stressor at this stage stops or weakens, the changes it caused will gradually return to normal.

3) Stage of exhaustion. However, if the effect of the pathogenic factor does not stop, it continues to be too strong and long, persistent depletion of the adrenal cortex develops. Again appear anxiety reactions. These processes are irreversible and end with the death of the organism (death).

Eustress, stress and distress.  stress prevention methods

Stress diseases
Somatic diseases
Although the adaptation syndrome has a protective and adaptive nature, in some cases, the response of the body may not be adequate to the conditions it has been caused. It may be stronger than necessary, too weak or distorted. And then this reaction becomes the cause of the following pathological changes in the body. These pathological changes G. Selye called "diseases of adaptation." Crucial is not so much strong, but rare excitement, how much trouble, which act constantly day to day. They quietly undermine human strength and cause chronic pathological processes.

Coronary heart disease. The most common disorder of the cardiovascular system, which occurs as a result of frequent psycho-emotional arousal, is coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. In the process of action of the stressor, the pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal glands are activated, adrenaline is released. As a result, increases the pulse, blood pressure, respiration. In the blood increases the level of fat-like substances - lipids. If the body does not spend their muscular effort, fat is deposited on the inner surface of the vascular wall. Subsequently, connective tissue is formed there, calcium accumulates. In these areas, the lumen of vessels narrows, their elasticity deteriorates, atherosclerosis develops, and subsequently coronary disease.

Arterial hypertension or hypertension occurs as a result of a violation of vascular tone, which is regulated by the nervous system.If a person is constantly confronted with situations in which psycho-emotional stress increases, the vascular tone all the time remains high, pathological for the daily needs of the body. This leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Язвенная болезнь. Постоянные расстройства нервной системы играют определенную роль, а в некоторых случаях и ведущую в возникновении заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта, таких как гастрит и язва желудка и 12-перстной кишки. В нормальных условиях желудочный сок действует только на стол, который попадает в желудок. Во время стресса, в результате возбуждения нервной системы, желудочный сок начинает выделяться независимо от того, есть в желудке что переваривать нет ли. Он нарушает целостность (разъедает) слизистую оболочку желудка и 12-перстной кишки. Когда это продолжается длительное время, на ней возникают эрозии, а затем и язвы.

Также следует сказать, что длительный стресс значительно ухудшает функции и возможности иммунной системы. А при снижении иммунитета у человека чаще обостряются хронические болезни, труднее протекают воспалительные, бактериальные, вирусные и другие заболевания.

Психические болезни
В психоэмоциональных последствий стресса можно отнести депрессию, «синдром хронической усталости», неврозы, в частности истерию и психастению. Синдром хронической усталости можно наблюдать чуть ли не у каждого второго человека работающего. Это связано с достаточно большими требованиями на работе, часто выполнением работодателем норм трудового кодекса, вследствие этого уменьшение времени отдыха у рабочего, недоразумения в семье. Далее бессонница, постоянная напряженность, раздражительность. Без надлежащей коррекции такого состояния может начаться депрессия, в свою очередь является стрессом для организма. И чтобы разорвать этот «замкнутый круг» наверняка придется обратиться к врачу специалисту.

Неврозы развиваются чаще у людей, которых по типу темперамента можно отнести к холериков и меланхоликов. Истерия - результат слабого типа нервной системы. Она характеризуется преимуществом эмоциональных реакций, близких к безусловным рефлексам. То есть процессы возбуждения резко преобладают над процессами торможения. В таком состоянии человек путает вымышленное с действительным, теряет критическое отношение к своему окружению, становится очень нервным, оскорбительной. Психастения оказывается в недоверии к своим способностям, памяти, снижении самооценки, преувеличении своих вымышленных страданий. Эти проявления имеют слишком навязчивый характер.

Стресс играет большую роль в этиологии синдрома Скумин, которой получило развитие в четвертой части пациентов после протезирования клапанного аппарата сердца и проявляется в виде навязчивых сомнений в надежности имплантатов, неоправданным страхом их поломки, устойчивым негативным отношением к физическим и психоэмоциональным нагрузкам, специфическим расстройством сна , чувством тревоги, растерянности, депрессивным фоном настроения.

Стресс и нервные процессы
Ориентировочный рефлекс
Каждому известно ощущение, которое возникает при ожидании нового необычного раздражителя. У человека обостряется слух, внимание, напрягаются мышцы. В физиологии такая реакция называется ориентировочным рефлексом. Если раздражитель, который вызвал ориентировочный рефлекс является вредным для организма, это может привести к стрессу. Примером может быть аварийная ситуация на дороге. Водитель концентрируется, напрягается, чтобы избежать аварии, но она все же случается. В результате - стресс.

Если стрессовая ситуация решается положительно, организм тренируется, заостряется внимание, воля. В энергичных и уверенных в себе людей любые трудности вызывают энтузиазм и успешно преодолеваются. Наоборот, у людей со слабой волей жизненные препятствия разрушают ориентировочный рефлекс, что делает их решительными и беспомощными.

Состояние аффекта
При действии чрезмерной и длительного раздражителя на нервную систему, процесс возбуждения может охватить нервные клетки головного мозга. В таком состоянии тормозные рефлексы не срабатывают и человек полностью теряет контроль над своими действиями. Такое состояние организма называется - состояние аффекта. Многие уголовных преступлений совершается именно в состоянии аффекта.

Способы борьбы со стрессом (стресс-менеджмент)

Признаки и причины стрессового напряжения
Важно знать события и в каких случаях является стрессогенными для вас - это поможет смягчить негативные последствия. Также важно научиться выявлять у себя признаки стрессового напряжения и переводить эти сигналы из сферы чувств (эмоциональной) в сферу разума (рациональную) и тем самым ликвидировать нежелательное состояние.

Signs of stressful tension: 1) Inability to focus on anything; 2) Too frequent mistakes in the work; 3) memory impairment; 4) Constant feeling of tiredness; 5) Very fast speech; 6) Thoughts disappear; 7) Unreasonable pains in the head, back, stomach; 8) Work does not provide the former pleasure; 9) Loss of sense of humor; 10) The number of cigarettes smoked increases dramatically; 11) Passion for alcoholic beverages; 12) Constant feeling of hunger or loss of appetite.

If you have some of these major signs of stress, try to find the cause. Causes of stress stress: 1) More often you have to do not what you would like; 2) You constantly do not have enough time - you do not have time to do anything; 3) You constantly want to sleep; 4) You see too many color dreams, especially when you are very tired during the day; 5) You smoke a lot and / or consume more than usual alcoholic beverages; 6) You almost like nothing; 7) You have constant conflicts, both at home and at work; 8) Feel dissatisfaction with life and do not want to live at all; 9) An inferiority complex appears; 10) You have no one to talk about your problem, no one understands you; 11) You do not feel respect for yourself. 12) Do you have some kind of chronic disease or are constantly worried about pain;13) You are not satisfied with your personal and sexual life.

Self-help methods
Обязательным является налаживание режима работы и отдыха. Отдыхать нужно активно, занимаясь любимым делом. Это может быть рыбалка, туристический поход, плавание, работа на дачном участке. Сон должен длиться не менее восьми - девяти часов. Полезно придерживаться определенной диеты согласно возрасту, полу, имеющимися болезнями вместе с тем с повышенным содержанием витаминов и микроэлементов. К специфическим методам можно отнести: релаксации - метод с помощью которого можно частично или полностью избавиться физической и психического напряжения. Релаксация является очень полезным методом, поскольку овладеть ею довольно легко. Но есть одно непременное условие - мотивация, т.е. человек должен четко знать для чего ей это нужно. Концентрация - предусматривает выполнение специальных упражнений на сосредоточение, внимание. Ауторегуляция дыхания - сознательно управляя дыханием, человек имеет возможность использовать его для успокоения, снятия напряжения, как мышечной, так и психической. Аутогенная тренировка - это влияние определенных умственных установок человека на изменение собственных представлений, переживаний, ощущений и других психических процессов, а также на состояние отдельных систем организма с определенной целью. То есть, другими словами, аутогенная тренировка это психофизиологическая саморегуляция без врача.

Профессиональная помощь
Профессиональную помощь при стрессе и его последствиях может предоставить психолог, психотерапевт, а в тяжелых запущенных случаях - психиатр. При необходимости врач назначит антидипресанты, зоспокийливи препараты, снотворные, адаптогены, корректоры имунной системы, лекарства для улучшения аппетита. Эффективны гипноз, физиотерапевтические процедуры - гимнастика, ванны, электросон, фитотерапия, применение адаптогенов [2] [3].

Методы профилактики стресса
Образ жизни - это повседневная жизнь человека с раннего утра до позднего вечера, каждую неделю, каждый месяц, каждый год. Составными частями активного и релаксационного образа жизни являются и начало трудового дня, и режим питания, и двигательная активность, и качество отдыха, и взаимоотношения с окружающей средой и окружающими, и реакция на стресс. Именно от человека зависит, каким будет его образ жизни - активным, продуктивным, здоровым или пассивным и бессмысленным. Вообще можно выделить несколько основных методов профилактики стресса. Это релаксация и аутогенная тренировка, оказание первой помощи при остром стрессе, аутоанализ личного стресса и противострессовым стиль жизни, который в себя включает:

• Defending their rights and needs; the establishment of low-level relations of mutual respect; careful selection of friends and making relationships that are encouraging and calm.

• Participation in an interesting, appreciative work, which is doomed to a real reward. Saving incentive workloads where overload and crisis periods are balanced by rest periods.

• Leveling dangerous events with useful goals and positive events to strive for.

• Keeping fit, good nutrition, liquid use of alcohol and tobacco.

• Spending energy on activities that generally bring a sense of satisfaction (work, social activities, recreation, cultural events, family, close friends, if necessary, being alone).

• Finding pleasure in simple activities - contemplation of the sunrise, blooming flowers, the surface of the sea, cooking a delicious dish, playing with a child.

• Enjoying the full and vigorous sex life, expressing directly its “sexual appetite”.

• Enjoying life in general; the ability to laugh at yourself; have a well-developed sense of humor.

• Ability to express natural needs, desires and feelings without justification.

• Efficient allocation of time, avoid stressful situations.

See also

created: 2015-03-29
updated: 2024-11-12

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