Infantilism - personality trait


Infantilism is a characteristic of a personality, expressing the immaturity of its psychological development, the preservation of traits inherent in earlier age stages. Human infantilism in the household sense is called childishness, which is manifested in the immaturity of behavior, inability to make informed decisions, unwillingness to take responsibility.

Under infantilism in psychology is understood the immaturity of the individual, which is expressed in the delay in the formation of the personality when its actions do not meet the age requirements. Some people take the immaturity of behavior for granted. The life of a modern person is quite impetuous; it is this way of life that pushes a person to such behavior, stopping adulthood and personality development, while keeping it inside an adult small and unintelligent child. The cult of eternal youth and youth, the presence of the most varied entertainment of modern culture, is what provokes the development of human immaturity, pushing into the background the development of an adult personality and allowing you to remain an eternal child.

Over time, the individual gets used to this way of life. He may not be young anymore, but he is carried away by his former irresponsible behavior, frivolity, entertainment, and the person does not want to part with such a life. He does not notice how many problems around generates such infantilism.

Often women complain about the immaturity of their men, and those in turn for women. People do not understand their immaturity of character, do not realize that in life it is necessary to show constancy and perseverance, and not to go on about their situational desires.

To understand more specifically what is human immaturity, one should find out the reasons for the formation of this quality.

Causes of infantilism often lie in the features of education. Often, mothers want to take care of the child for as long as possible, thereby pushing away his growing up.

Signs of immaturity are mainly expressed in the degree of maturation of the emotional-volitional sphere, in the preservation of children's qualities and inability to make an independent decision.

An interesting fact is that the infantile man and the infantile woman will not be able to live together and create a family, since they both need someone more mature than them who would act as parents.

What is infantilism

To understand what is human immaturity, you need to consider the corresponding signs of personality immaturity.

One of the signs of immaturity is the fear of responsibility. A person with childishness avoids situations in which something may depend on him. Personalities with infantilism of character rarely become leaders. They are not able to lead people, to be leaders, to inspire their will to someone.

Infantilism is manifested in the dependence of a person on the opinions of other people. A person has to do something that he does not want, just because he is afraid of criticism. He believes any word if it says that everyone is doing it and that it is approved by the majority. At the same time, a person with infantilism of character rarely has persistent life guidelines, in his life minute influences predominate.

The infantile person is gullible and naive, so he often falls prey to various scammers and scammers.

Infantilism of personality makes a person afraid of loneliness, even the fact of his probability horrifies. Such a person needs someone to be near, he is much quieter to be part of a certain group.

Infantilism creates spontaneous emotional reactions that are often inappropriate in certain situations. Infantile people do not know how to manage their emotions, so they are very direct and direct, which is why they are not tactful and not diplomatic.

Human infantilism is manifested in the inability to predict and calculate events. Such a person is lazy to think over and weigh the possible consequences of their actions, and does not know how to learn from mistakes.

Infantilism of young children is detected with great difficulty. Therefore, it is only from school or adolescence that one can actually see signs of immaturity, since it is at this time that they begin to appear more clearly.

Causes of immaturity lie in the peculiarities of parenting a child. This is manifested when adults do not allow the child to make independent decisions or take it lightly. Such behavior of adults is especially harmful when the offspring is in adolescence and the parents intend to restrict their freedom and do not allow themselves to think and act.

Infantilism of children is manifested in the fact that their gaming interests prevail over educational ones. They are not able to perceive the educational process and all the disciplinary requirements associated with it, which in turn leads to the maladjustment of the child in school, and outside the school - this is expressed in various social problems, which negatively affects the mental state.

Infantilism of children contributes to the development of abstract-logical thinking. Although sometimes due to school maladjustment, such children are confused with mentally retarded or autistic. However, such children are more productive and the ability to transfer the learned concepts to new, specific tasks.

A mature person is able to answer for his own words and deeds, while its gender does not matter. Infantile personalities do not consider it important to keep their promises, may forget about their responsibilities and dodge responsibility at an opportune time.

Causes of infantilism may lie in the peculiarities of the composition of the family itself. Often, such personalities grow up in single-parent families or when there is no relationship between parents. For example, a woman who single-handedly raises a son can be extremely strict and suppress masculine qualities.

If a woman who was feminine and kind becomes strict and firm in an instant, then this can cause the child to be confused, because in her mother's face he begins to see the face of his father. A strong woman goes against the laws of nature, which causes mental disorders in the child. Therefore, a child who does not know how to behave with such a mother simply behaves in such a way as to remain dependent for a longer time and not to do some adult and independent actions. In the opposite case, if the child is treated too loyally, they are allowed to have everything he wants, and they do everything for him, then they bring up irresponsibility and disorder in him.

Causes of immaturity may lie in the peculiarities of the course of the adolescent crisis, because it depends on its outcome how strong the personality will be in the future.

Male infantilism

Signs of infantilism can be especially clearly observed when two individuals of the opposite sex want to get married and one of them turns out to be unprepared. An infantile man may not even think about the need to marry once, because he is satisfied with this state of affairs in which there is no need to take on more responsibility than in unlawful relations. Such a man is absolutely not ready for the lifestyle of a married man, and it is difficult for him to understand what his woman requires of him.

Signs of male infantilism. The first sign - egocentrism. This feature reflects the obsession of the individual solely on his personality. When this property is typical for a child - it is quite natural. The manifestation of too pronounced egocentrism in an adult person causes confusion. So an infantile man considers himself a leader in absolutely everything, because of this he is sure that everything that surrounds him is only for him.

Such men consider themselves to be always right, so they do not perceive the discontent of others at their own expense at all. When it comes to relationship problems, then they usually talk about a lack of understanding and put the blame on others.

The next sign - dependent attitudes, which are expressed in the reluctance and inability to independently act in practice and maintain themselves in everyday life. Such husbands absolutely do not take the initiative to do household chores. Things like cooking dinner, cleaning and washing dishes behind them is a big problem for them, so they consider all this not to be a man’s occupation. They believe that once they took a girlfriend as a wife, it means that they immediately found both a mistress and a housekeeper in her appearance. And then they themselves often complain that the wife does not have time for her husband.

Men with infantilism of character spend a lot of time playing activities. They can sit on the Internet for hours, play games in online casinos. Such a man knows a lot of fun games and entertainment, so you can have fun with him.

The infantilism of a man engenders in him the inability to make important decisions, since for this it is required to have a developed willpower, which is not typical of him.

Men with infantilism of character often choose women who are much older than themselves, thereby arousing manifestations of parental care in them. If they find such a mature woman who is ready to help them in everything, then they provide themselves with the opportunity to remain a child forever.

Infantilism in women

Many people, because of their inexperience, believe that all feminas are infantile from birth.

What is the immaturity of the character of women? Men about a woman with the infantilism of character are always spoken of as a little girl in the form of an adult woman. Men treat such women with special trepidation and tenderness, they want to protect them, to shelter from cold and other misfortunes.

The infantilism of a woman suggests that a romantic man should always stand behind her. Sometimes it is these frivolous and spoiled women that are preferred by men who have achieved a lot in their life, who want to relax a little, and move away from their usual lifestyle.

In a woman with childishness in character, strong men find a distraction, they like to do stupid things together, listen to whims, protect from all sorts of disasters and just indulge. With such women it is easy, because they do not talk about the future, do not think about having children, and marriage, in fact, does not play a significant role for them.

Infantile women, in turn, dream of a man-daddy. In choosing a potential groom, they are guided by such criteria as secured, generous, responsible, courageous and not greedy. In general, they are waiting for a hero who will solve their problems, while they will be amazed at their helplessness.

It is important to say that a woman can really have in her character traits of immaturity, and maybe create it. For this, she specifically speaks in a high voice similar to a child. In this way, a woman tries to win the sympathy of a man. Or wants to seem very fragile and sensitive, especially so that a man does not scold her if she knows that she has done something wrong. A man, perceiving the high voice of a woman, hears not her, but the child, whom she pretends to be and instincts tell him that it is impossible to scold a child, he must be protected.

Infantilism creates naivety in the behavior of a woman, with which she shows a “sincere” misunderstanding of what is happening, while she is well aware of everything. Men near these women feel their strength and experience, which naturally favorably affects their self-esteem.

A woman with the immaturity of character is capable of portraying a grudge when in fact she experiences anger. Among other tricks of such femines in the “arms” are sadness, tears, a feeling of guilt and fear. Such a woman is capable of pretending to be perplexed when she does not know what she wants. Best of all, she manages to make a man believe that without him she’s nobody and that she’s lost without his support. She will never say that she does not like, she will sulk or cry and act up, but it is very difficult to bring her to serious conversation.

The true infantilism of a woman leads her life into chaos. She always gets into some stories, extreme situations, from where she needs to be rescued. She has many friends, her appearance is far from the image of a lady, she is attracted by jeans, sneakers, various T-shirts with children's or cartoon prints. She is cheerful, energetic and inconstant, her circle of communication mainly consists of persons much younger than her age.

Men love adventure because they cause an adrenaline rush, so they find an infantile woman with whom they never get bored.

According to the results of one study, it turned out that 34% of women behave infantile when they are next to their man, 66% say that these women live in the form of a frivolous girl all the time.

The reasons for the infantilism of a woman are that she acts in this way, because it is easier for her to achieve something from a man, she does not want to be responsible for her personal life, or she wants someone to take care of her, of course, same adult and wealthy man.

How to get rid of infantilism

In psychology, infantilism is a persistent characteristic of the personality, therefore it is impossible to get rid of it quickly. To get to the solution of the question: how to deal with infantilism, you need to understand that a lot of work is needed for this. In the fight against infantilism, you must have a lot of patience, because you have to go through tears, resentment and anger.

So, how to get rid of infantilism. The most effective way is considered the occurrence of big changes in life, during which a person must get into such situations and conditions where he will be without support and he alone will have to quickly solve problems, and then be responsible for the decisions made.

Thus, many people get rid of infantilism. For men, such conditions can be - army, special forces, prison. Women are more likely to move to a foreign country, where there are absolutely no acquaintances, and they have to survive without relatives and make new friends.

After experiencing severe stressful situations, a person loses his infantilism, for example, having lost material well-being, having survived the dismissal or death of a very close person who served as a support and support.

For women, the best way to deal with childishness is the birth of a child and the responsibility that came with it.

Too radical methods are unlikely to suit every person, and the following can happen: due to dramatic changes in life, a person can shut himself up or, failing to cope with his duties, he can regress even more (regression is a defense mechanism of the psyche that returns a person to lower stage of development of his feelings and behavior).

It is better to use more accessible situations, for example, to cook dinner yourself, then clean up, do unscheduled home cleaning, go shopping and buy only what you need, go and pay bills, leave parents or stop living at their expense. There are a lot of such situations in life, they sometimes seem insignificant, but one who knows what infantilism of character understands how infantile personalities behave in such cases, how burdensome these situations are for them.


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