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UML diagrams of cooperation (collaboration) (collaboration diagram) (purpose, components, rules of construction).


The syntax for the property representation is:

Name: Type = Value

The language provides the following standard stereotypes of visibility:

· “Global”

· "Local"

· “Parameter”

· “Self”

A message is a specification for the transfer of information between objects in anticipation of the required activity.

The following syntax is used for writing messages:

Return Value: = MessageName (Arguments),

  UML diagrams of cooperation (collaboration) (collaboration diagram) (purpose, components, rules of construction).

Fig.8.1 Synchronous message flow

  UML diagrams of cooperation (collaboration) (collaboration diagram) (purpose, components, rules of construction).

Fig.8.2 Asynchronous message flow

Iteration represents a repeating sequence of messages.

  UML diagrams of cooperation (collaboration) (collaboration diagram) (purpose, components, rules of construction).

Fig.8.3 Iterative and forked message flows

For the collaboration diagram, the following actions are performed:

1) the objects involved in the interaction are displayed;

2) the connections connecting these objects are drawn;

3) communications are marked with messages that send and receive selected objects. The result is a clear visual representation of the control flow.

  UML diagrams of cooperation (collaboration) (collaboration diagram) (purpose, components, rules of construction).

Fig.8.4 Asynchronous message flow


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System modeling

Terms: System modeling