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From game to models, from models to thinking. Split Cellular Automaton


(partitioned CA) Each cell is divided into three subcell: left, middle and right. The subsequent state of the cell depends on the states: the right subcell of the left neighbor, its own middle subcell and the left subcell of the right neighbor The cell of the reversible Delgado QCA divided into registers: states (state), gate (gate), timer (clock) and activity (active). Carlos A. P´erez-Delgado and Donny Cheung. Local Unitary Quantum Cellular Automata // arXiv: v1 [quant-ph] 31 Aug An important difference between a spacecraft and a neural network: a formal part of the cell state can be prescribed unchanged or almost unchanged, which means de facto introduce MEMORY, which is a necessary condition for thinking in artificial systems intellect 1) Introduction of global variables of the spacecraft, on which the path of execution of local transition functions depends; 2) synchronization of two spacecraft operation (coupled CA) according to the master-slave principle, and the spacecraft fields may not coincide in geometry; 3) The study of the hierarchy of spacecraft is similarly described in Complex Systems, 17 (2007) 47–64;

  From game to models, from models to thinking.  Split Cellular Automaton


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System modeling

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