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Cellular machines in the design and implementation of software and hardware systems


Currently widely used methods based on solving systems of partial differential equations turn out to be insufficiently effective in modeling the processes of creating structures whose size is comparable to the size of atomic surface defects, as well as in modeling multicomponent systems [1]. In microelectronics, spacecraft were used, for example, to simulate the etching process in the preparation of porous silicon [2] or the process of thermal oxidation of silicon [3]. C beg. 90s. XX century. Publications have appeared on the use of spacecraft in topological design, for example, in the study of planar graphs in problems of compacting packaging of VLSI elements [4]. In the functional and logical design, spacecraft applications are associated with the creation of embedded test structures and the task of hardware generating pseudo-random numbers [5]. Found the use of spacecraft in cryptography [6, 7] A separate direction is the development of specialized microprocessors for high-speed processing of graphic information in real-time mode on a bass spacecraft [8, 9]; here, the algorithmic and hardware components of the problem are connected [10]. And vice versa, it is possible to raise the question, with what hardware can this or that (or even the family) spacecraft be implemented? nineteen

1.A. N. Agafonov et al. Development of physical principles and algorithms for computer modeling of basic microstructure formation processes using probabilistic cellular automaton methods // Vestn. Himself. state tech. un-that. Ser. Phys.-mat. Sciences, 1 (14) (2007), 99–

Than O., Buttgenbach S. Simulation of anisotropic chemical etching of crystalline silicon using a cellular automata model // Sensors and actuators. Part a, 45 (1): 85, October

G. Sirakoulis et al. A new simulator for the automata process. Materials Science and Engineering, 7, 1999, pp

Fawaz S. Al-Anzi. Efficient Cellular Automata Algorithms for Planar Graph and VLSI Layout Homotopic Compaction // International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, Vol.1 1, 2003, paper

Biplab K. Sikdar et al. Cellular Automata Based Test Structures with Logic Folding // Proc. of 18th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID'05), 2005 - p

Benny Applebaum, Yuval Ishaiy, Eyal Kushilevitz. Cryptography by Cellular Automata or How Fast Can Complexity Emerge in Nature? // Proc. Conference Innovations in Computer Science (ICS2010), held in Beijing, China, January 5-7,

Somanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi. LCASE: Lightweight Cellular Automata-based Symmetric-key Encryption // International Journal of Network Security, Vol.8, No.2, 2009, p

Takeshi Ikenaga. Real-time Image Processing - PhD Thesises - Waseda University, Japan, 2001, 165c. 9.

Pradipta Maji et al. Theory and Application of Cellular Automata For Pattern Classification // Fundamenta Informaticae 58 (2003) 321–

Wudenberg M. Using the FPGAs


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System modeling

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