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8. The concept of "information system" (IP). The overall structure of the information system. Types of IP.


Information system (abbr. IS) - a system designed to store, search and process information [1] and the corresponding organizational resources (human, technical, financial, etc.) that provide and distribute information (ISO / IEC 2382-1 : 1993) [2].

An information system is designed to provide appropriate people with appropriate information in a timely manner [3], that is, to meet specific information needs within a specific subject area, while the result of the functioning of information systems is information products - documents, information files, databases and information services

The concept of an information system

The concept of an information system is interpreted differently, depending on the context.

A fairly broad understanding of the information system implies that its integral components are data, hardware and software, as well as personnel and organizational measures. [5] Widely [6] interprets the concept of “information system” of the federal law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, meaning the information system is the totality of information contained in databases and information technologies and technical tools that ensure its processing [7].

Among Russian scientists in the field of informatics, the most broad definition of IP is given by MR Kogalovsky, according to which, in addition to data, programs, hardware and human resources, the concept of an information system should also include communication equipment, linguistic means and information resources, which together form a system that provides "support for a dynamic information model of some part of the real world to meet the information needs of users." [8]

A narrower understanding of an information system limits its composition to data, programs, and hardware. The integration of these components allows you to automate information management processes and targeted end-user activities aimed at obtaining, modifying and storing information [9]. Thus, the Russian standard GOST RV 51987 implies under the IP “an automated system, the result of the operation of which is the presentation of output information for later use”. GOST R 53622-2009 uses the term information-computing system to designate a set of data (or databases), database management systems and application programs that operate on computing tools as a whole to solve certain problems [10].

In an organization, an information system is considered as software that implements an organization’s business strategy. At the same time, it is good practice to create and deploy a unified corporate information system that satisfies the information needs of all employees, services and departments of the organization. However, in practice, the creation of such a comprehensive information system is too difficult or even impossible, as a result of which the enterprise usually operates several different systems that solve particular groups of tasks: production management, financial and economic activities, electronic document management, etc. Some of the tasks are “covered” at the same time by several information systems, part of the tasks is not automated at all. This situation is called “patch automation” and is quite typical for many enterprises [11].

Information System Classifications

Architecture classification

According to the degree of distribution distinguished:

desktop (desktop), or local IS, in which all components (DB, DBMS, client applications) are on the same computer;

distributed (distributed) integrated circuits in which components are distributed across multiple computers.

Distributed IP, in turn, is divided into:

file-server integrated circuits (IC with a file-server architecture);

client-server integrated circuits (client-server architecture ICs).

In the file-server IC, the database is located on the file server, and the DBMS and client applications are located on the workstations.

In the client-server integrated information systems, the database and the DBMS are located on the server, and only client applications are located on the workstations.

In turn, client-server IP is divided into two-tier and multi-tier.

In the two-tier (English two-tier) IC, there are only two types of "links": the database server, on which the database and the DBMS (back-end) are located, and the workstations, on which the client applications are located (front-end). Client applications access the DBMS directly.

In multi-tier (English multi-tier) ICs are added intermediate "links": application servers (application servers). User client applications do not directly access the DBMS, they interact with intermediate links. A typical example of a three-tier architecture is modern web applications using databases. In such applications, in addition to the DBMS link and the client link running in the web browser, there is at least one intermediate link — a web server with the corresponding server software.

Classification by degree of automation

According to the degree of automation, IP is divided into:

automated: information systems in which automation may be incomplete (that is, constant staff intervention is required);

automatic: information systems in which automation is complete, that is, the intervention of personnel is not required or is required only sporadically.

“Manual ICs” (“without a computer”) cannot exist, since the existing definitions prescribe the mandatory presence of hardware and software in the IC. As a result, the concepts “automated information system”, “computer information system” and simply “information system” are synonymous. [8]

Classification by the nature of data processing

By the nature of data processing IP are divided into:

information and reference, or information retrieval IS, in which there are no complex data processing algorithms, and the purpose of the system is to search and display information in a convenient form;

IP data processing, or decisive IP in which data is processed by complex algorithms. These systems primarily include automated control systems and decision support systems.

Scope classification [

Since IP is created to meet information needs within a specific subject area, each subject area (scope) corresponds to its own type of IP. It does not make sense to list all these types, since the number of subject areas is large, but the following types of IC can be mentioned as an example:

Economic Information System - an information system designed to perform management functions in an enterprise.

Medical information system - an information system intended for use in a medical or medical-prophylactic institution.

Geographical information system - an information system that provides for the collection, storage, processing, access, display and distribution of spatial-coordinated data (spatial data).

Classification by scope of tasks (scale )

Personal IP is designed to solve a certain range of tasks of one person.

Group IS is focused on the collective use of information by members of a working group or division.

The corporate IP ideally covers all information processes of the whole enterprise, achieving their full consistency, non-redundancy and transparency. Such systems are sometimes called integrated enterprise automation systems.


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