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Neurobionics is a branch of bionics whose purpose is to study and model the activities and properties of the central nervous system of humans or animals to create new technical and cybernetic systems.

You may wonder, “Why is neurobionics so promising?” And the answer is extremely simple! We live in an era of dominance of digital and virtual technologies, at the time of global automation and robotics, and, most likely, humanity will not turn in this direction, and neurobionics is a tool that will allow us to go this way, solving problems and problems of the current computer world .

So what tasks is neurobionics designed to solve?

One of the most obvious goals is to increase the power and efficiency of computing devices while reducing their size. It's hard to imagine, but despite the constant advances in computer technology, current computers are still inferior to the biological brain. This also applies to the amount of data that can be stored, the speed of various operations, and the total number of these operations.

The second task is related to the creation of artificial intelligence. Most modern bots for communicating with humans or robots that mimic intelligence are somehow perfectly written programs with some self-learning abilities. And on
Against this background, the assumption of the creation of artificial intelligence based on the borrowing of natural material seems quite logical and correct.

The third, less obvious, but no less significant task is to study the central nervous system of humans and animals. Although we know a lot about nervous tissue, a fairly large number of aspects and mechanisms of its functioning remain unknown. Modeling the nervous system and the brain using neurobionics can simplify research in this area.

Also, thanks to this science, we can solve the problem of bioprosthetics of neuromuscular apparatuses (bionic prostheses, restoration of the activity of paralyzed muscles and damaged nerves, etc.), the problem of "symbiosis" and "integration" of a person and a machine, brain and computer. The results of neurobionics in the future may be applicable in medicine, clinical psychology, psychiatry.

created: 2019-10-27
updated: 2023-05-02

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