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In order to answer the question of what constitutes a vibra-image, we define what an image is. There are many different definitions of the term image, for example, the image - this is how we see the world. The most common image definition is as follows: an image is a visual display of data. The color image that we see depends not only on the properties of the object, but is a subjective function of our consciousness that transforms physical particles into visual images. It is known that the color vision of birds is better developed than that of humans, and most mammals have lost most of their color perception in the evolutionary period, when they were predominantly nocturnal, that is, the image perceived by a living object is always subjective. On the other hand, our usual optical image is characterized by the properties of light reflected from objects, i.e., an ordinary object itself can have countless images visible to the eye if the spectral composition of the incident light is changed. Therefore, the usual color image depends on the optical properties of the object, the properties of the light incident on it and the properties of the photodetector. Can the image of an object not depend on what kind of light falls on it? Yes, it can, for example, if it is thermal or thermal imaging. Thermal imaging is determined by the temperature of the object, but in order to see it, we need special thermal imaging photodetectors. Such a thermal photodetector receives the thermal radiation of the object itself and converts it into visible light according to a certain algorithm. Consequently, the distribution of the physical properties of an object in space is transmitted using primary images that depend on certain physical parameters or processes. Similar to a thermal image, an x-ray image displays physical information about the transparency of an object for x-rays. One can cite a large number of examples of the transmission or encoding of an image, when we do not even think about how the decoding occurs and what the original image is. For example, an image of a terrain map encodes the height of an object using color, and this text encodes letters and words using signs. All the above examples reflect the static (i.e., constant in time) properties of objects. And if you try to determine the image that characterizes the movement of the object, how can this be done? Everyone knows that for ordinary photography, movement and image are incompatible things. If the object moves, its image will be blurry or not at all. But after all, the speed of movement is the same property of an object, like temperature, which means that you can create an image that reflects the speed of an object, and if an object makes periodic movements, then that image should be called a vibrating image.

It is known that the vital activity of a person and any living object is associated with a number of periodic processes (breathing, pulse, sensory systems) occurring in the body. The intensity of the physiological processes associated with the state of the body when a person is calm and resting, the heart rate and breathing rate is minimal when a person is excited, the heart rate increases and breathing becomes faster. Various oscillatory processes are characterized by two main parameters - frequency and amplitude. Consequently, if one succeeds in obtaining an image of a person characterizing the frequency and amplitude of movement of each point, then this image should informatively reflect the psycho-physiological state of the person as a whole.

A vibra-image is an image, each point of which reflects the space-time parameters of vibration and movement of an object.

Vibraimage (eng. Vibraimage ) is a type of processing a video recording of an object or a group of objects based on the analysis and graphic representation of the vibration characteristics of these objects. The essence of processing lies in the fact that the parameters of vibration and the ratios of vibrating (pulsating, moving) areas of an object are encoded and displayed on the screen in the form of color zones superimposed on ordinary video recording. Vibration image is mainly used to determine and analyze the state of a living object (group of objects). In this case, a large number of informative dependencies identified in the course of a detailed study of the vestibular-emotional reflex caused the complexity of the software package, which must be used to correctly construct the vibraimage: the program itself must select a living object against a fixed background, be sensitive to changes in the object's parameters and keep the focus on object regardless of changes in its state. Each point of the vibraimage displays the vibration parameters (frequency or amplitude) of the object points in space. Vibration image [1] is one of the primary types of images (visible, infrared, X-ray), informatively characterizing the object. For the first time the term “vibraimage” was introduced by V. Minkin in 2002. [2] The main physiological process that determines the vibra image of a person is the vestibular-emotional reflex (VER), and the vibrai image shows the spatial and temporal change in the human condition. Vibro-imaging technology uses the results of well-known psycho-physiological studies (“every thought has a muscular manifestation” - I. M. Sechenov, “nervous activity consists of excitation and inhibition” - I. P. Pavlov, “human movements are discrete in time” - N. I. Bernstein , “Aggression is determined by the frequency and amplitude of reflex movements” (Konrad Lorenz) for calculating the levels of emotions and psycho-physiological parameters of a person.

Vibration image of a person

Pseudo-color vibro-image of the face, reflecting the amplitude of moving points.

Vibra-image registers and analyzes vibrations, motor activity and peculiarities of psychodynamics of a person, by algorithmic transformation of a usual video image into a new one — vibro-image, which informatively displays the emotional and psycho-physiological state of a person. The vibra-image combines modern technical achievements with fundamental knowledge in medicine and psychology and makes the remote and non-contact automatic determination of the psychosomatic [3] or emotional state of a person [4] real. Vibro-image parameters are also primary and informatively characterize a person, as well as EEG, GSR or ECG parameters.

The use of technology vibroimage

The technology of vibraimage allows you to remotely identify and measure the psycho-emotional, psycho-physiological state of a person. Since 2007, vibra-image systems have been used at Pulkovo Airport to control passenger traffic, [5] in the Moscow metro. [6] The use of technology to control the psycho-emotional state of visitors to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi received mixed reviews in foreign media. One review considers the technology of vibrai imaging scientifically grounded, successful and necessary to increase the safety of the audience during mass events. [7] Another publication suggests that the vibration image technology is a useless toy, and its use is an example of corruption in Russian society. [8] The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation recommends using the technology of vibroimage for carrying out technical profiling of passengers at transport infrastructure facilities [9] [10] . There are works dedicated to the use of vibroimage technology for diagnosing the functional state of a person [11] .


How does VibraImage work?

It has long been known to mankind that the life of a person or any other living being is closely connected with a number of complex processes occurring in the body. This is breathing, pulse, the work of the sense organs and a number of other processes that are less noticeable at first glance. It is interesting that the intensity of their occurrence is closely connected with the state of the organism as a whole. You have probably noticed more than once that when a person is in a relaxed state, the frequency of breathing and heartbeat is practically minimal. And at the time when a person is upset, agitated or angry with something, the heart rate and breathing rate increases dramatically. In this case, the excitement of a person in such a state can be easily noticeable even with the naked eye. You also probably watched a person who is in a furious or aggressive state: he is simply shaking from overwhelming emotions, and it is almost impossible not to notice.

But the above example is a very extreme manifestation of human emotions. It is also easy to identify and evaluate less pronounced emotions or general mood in most cases, it is not possible, since their external manifestations are so insignificant that they cannot be seen by an outsider. However, the external manifestations of emotions are always there, they can simply be very small. How, then, to assess the condition of a person and his emotions? In this situation, you can use the help of a computer that can capture and properly handle the smallest movements of a person. In this case, it becomes possible to obtain a new type of image - the vibraimage, which is the same primary image of the object as an x-ray or infrared image.

  Vibraimage   Vibraimage   Vibraimage
X-ray image Infrared image Vibration image

Thus, the vibraimage technology (VibraImage) makes it possible to capture the smallest micromovements of a person and, after analyzing the obtained data, obtain the final result convenient for human perception (for example, the level of aggression is 30%, the level of stress is 40%).

The reader may most likely think that to obtain such data, you need special, expensive equipment that needs to be precisely tuned and calibrated. However, it is not. To get a vibro image, you just need a regular webcam or a home camera connected to a computer. In this case, the operator should not have any specific knowledge in the field of psychology or medicine - everything is extremely simple and clear.

Some journalists call the vibra-image system a vibro-camera, which is not entirely correct, since the vibro-camera itself vibrates, and the vibro-image system must be stationary and measure the vibrations of other objects, primarily people. Analyzing the micromovements and microvibrations of a person, the vibraimage system determines his intentions and psycho-physiological or emotional state. The vibra-image system is a universal detector of emotions, which allows to measure and detect any emotional and psycho-physiological states of humans and animals.

In which areas is VibraImage technology used?

Vibro-imaging technology can be applied in many areas of human activity in which it would be very useful to evaluate a person’s emotions. As an example, you can bring the main directions of application of this technology:


Personal Security


Lie detection


Control of emotions


Determining People Compatibility


View Auras and Self-Knowledge


Identify potentially dangerous people in a crowd


Recruiting (recruitment)

Personal Security

  Vibraimage   Vibraimage

How do we see the person in this image? It can be said that the guest is rather calm, although a bit focused, but no more. Thanks to the use of the VibraImage system, you can immediately understand the mood of the visitor, assessing the parameters of his image. In this case, the system shows that the level of aggression of this person is currently about 88%, which, of course, should alert the host, since such a level may indicate unkind intentions of the person who came.

The following example, on the contrary, shows the parameters of a person in a normal state


It would seem that there is no tangible difference with the example given above, but in this case one can pay attention to the parameters of the person's psycho-emotional state and conclude that he most likely has no evil intentions. In addition, a conclusion about the state of a person can be made by the color of the aura. In the first example, it is mostly yellow or orange, and in the second - green or blue.

It is worth noting that the system does not require the installation of additional expensive equipment. All that is needed is a video camera at the entrance, as well as a personal computer with installed VibraImage software, on which the necessary calculations will be made. In case you need a specific system configuration (for example, to work with several cameras), you can contact the specialists of our company to draw up an individual project.

Thus, complementing the security system with the VibraImage system, you solve a number of critical tasks:

  Vibraimage you work imperceptibly for visitors;
  Vibraimage you have the opportunity to analyze the psycho-emotional state of a person before you let him into your house;
  Vibraimage You can easily integrate VibraImage into your existing CCTV system.

Lie Detector (Polygraph)

  Vibraimage The lie detector is currently finding more and more widespread use in various fields of human activity. Today, it is no longer just an incomprehensible device, used exclusively by members of the special services, but a device that helps solve theft at work or even the lie of spouses. At the same time, the lie detector itself has not changed much - it is also a multitude of wires from sensors that record the heart rate, galvanic skin response, respiration rate and, in some cases, additional parameters. At the same time, the subject cannot but know that he is being tested, which is why he is very nervous, which, in turn, may adversely affect the accuracy of the data obtained.

Unlike the already classic polygraph, the VibraImage system has no wires and is more friendly to the subject. For testing, it is only necessary to install a video camera in front of the person being interviewed. At the same time, you can view the results of the conversation on the monitor both in real time and in the recording. In addition, you can re-analyze the video while reducing the likelihood of error. Once again, it is worth emphasizing that the system works without contact, and the subject does not experience discomfort and may even forget about the ongoing test, which is a huge advantage of the system.

The system is not based on vibra-imaging technology: micromotions of the human head are analyzed using a video camera and a computer with installed VibraImage software. After analyzing them, you can clearly say that when answering such and such a question the state of a person has changed dramatically, and that most likely in this case, he lies.

  Vibraimage   Vibraimage
Classic modern polygraph It looks like a lie detector VibraImage

Another feature of the system is the ability to detect lies, having only a video of the conversation with the person. You can determine the level of lies, not only when answering a clearly posed question, but simply when talking with the subject.


To work with the system, you do not need to have special knowledge in the field of psychology and lie detection - you can configure the system so that it displays numerical indicators of the level of lies. However, professional users will be able to customize the system for themselves, and see all the graphics they need. In addition, the VibraImage system guarantees the highest accuracy of readings, which few lie detectors can boast.

In addition, the VibraImage system is very compact, portable and inconspicuous, since a laptop with a webcam looks much more familiar and inconspicuous than a standard polygraph.

С помощью системы VibraImage Вы можете самостоятельно производить проверку своих сотрудников, не прибегая к помощи экспертов, проводить служебные расследования, а также легко использовать детектор лжи в качестве развлечения (например, анализ речей политиков, разговоров друзей и членов семьи).

В настоящее время предлагается две модификации детектра лжи основанных на технологии виброизображения, первая это профессиональный бесконтактный детектор лжи Vibraimage7 PRO. Данная система используется в качестве доказательств и при проведении экспертиз по различным судебным делам в РФ и Южной Корее. По результатам совместного тестирования проведенного с корейской полицией было получено 95% совпадение результатов автоматического анализа системы виброизображения по отношению к результатам полученным корейскими экспертами на контактном полиграфе. Для частного использования предлагается облегченная версия бесконтактного детектора лжи ВиброЛожь (VibraLie). Упрощенная версия детектора лжи отличается от профессиональной только упрощенным интерфейсом и уменьшенным количеством настроек, алгоритм работу и точность определения лжи легкой версии не отличается от профессиональной. Полные описания профессиональной версии Vibraimage PRO и легкой версии ВиброЛожь можно скачать с данного сайта.

However, it is worth noting that the data obtained with the help of a lie detector cannot currently serve as evidence in judicial proceedings.

Thus, thanks to the VibraImage system, by performing lie detection, you solve a number of important tasks:

  Vibraimage work imperceptibly, does not make the respondent nervous, and therefore does not distort the test results and guarantees high reliability of the results;
  Vibraimage have the ability to analyze a person remotely, just having his video;
  Vibraimage you can work in virtually any environment and in any environment, easily taking VibraImage with you.

Control of emotions


Control of emotions is necessary in modern life for successful business, maintaining good human relationships in the family, when meeting with friends and is a necessary part of human communication. An integral part of any control is measurement, and in order to control emotions, it is necessary to learn how to measure them correctly in the beginning. To measure emotions, you can use simple programs from the VibraLite group or the professional version of the Vibraimage PRO program.

В век высоких технологий большинство пользователей уже не представляют свою жизнь без таких средств коммуникации, как мобильные телефоны, ICQ, Skype или службы сообщений в многочиленных социальных сетях. Однако в случае общения в текстовых сервисах, Вы не можете с уверенностью сказать, какие эмоции вызывает разговор у собеседника и правдивы ли поставленные им многочисленные смайлики. В случае же со Skype все немного лучше: Вы можете видеть виброизображение собеседника, однако истинные эмоции он также может скрывать за маской улыбки.

При помощи программы VibraImage или VibraLite+ Вы имеете возможность не используя дополнительного оборудования показывать свои реальные эмоции собеседнику в реальном времени. Во время разговора программа будет автоматически рассчитывать уровень агрессии, стресса, тревожности и соответствующим образом изменять Ваш статус в Skype. Таким образом, если у Вас и у собеседника установлено программное обеспечение VibraImage или VibraLite+, Вы можете точно сказать, какие эмоции вызывает разговор и вовремя уйти от тем, которые явно не нравятся собеседнику.



Кроме того, благодаря специальной функции программного обеспечения VibraImage, Вы можете показать своё виброизображение и ауру собеседнику. При этом делать это крайне просто. Вам нужно только установить программное обеспечение VibraImage и включить в нем функцию "виртуальные драйверы виброизображения". После этого у Вас появится виртуальное устройство, выбрав которое в качестве источника видеосигнала в любой программе (и в частности в Skype, Вы получите Ваше виброизображение и ауру. Пусть Вашу ауру и виброизображение увидят все!

Таким образом, применяя VibraImage при общении в Skype, Вы решаете целый ряд задач:

  Vibraimage видите, какие эмоции вызывает у собеседника Ваше общение и Вы сами;
  Vibraimage имеете возможность постоянно анализировать психоэмоциональное состояние любого собеседника, у которого установлена наша система;
  Vibraimage можете не задумываться над тем, какой статус поставить в Skype, VibraImage сделает это сам - проанализирует Ваше настроение и подберет наиболее подходящий смайл.

Совместимость людей или биометрический детектор любви?

  Vibraimage С давних времен задача определения совместимости людей была очень важна для всех. И ведь действительно, если, например муж и жена абсолютно не совместимы друг с другом, то конфликтов не избежать. Конфликт между мужем и женой может уничтожить семью, а несовместимость лидеров двух стран может уничтожить все человечество. Для каждого актуален вопрос определения совместимости между коллегами по работе, так как хорошо подобранные, совместимые между собой люди - залог хорошего настроения и успешного выполнения поставленных задач.

В настоящее время придумано огромное количество различных способов определения совместимости между людьми: это и астрологические прогнозы, и гадания на картах, и определение совместимости по именам, и определение совместимости, основанное на датах рождения двух людей. Однако, данные околонаучные способы не всегда дают правильный и точный результат. Обычно подобная оценка совместимости очень грубая и не соответствует действительности.

Научные тесты проверяют психофизиологическую или биометрическую совместимость между людьми измеряя непосредственно биологические характеристики человека. Виброизображение это один из методов получения интегральной информации о психофизиологическом состояние человека, который может использоваться для определения совместимости двух людей. Виброизображение характеризует состояние человека на данный момент, например, если два человека любят друг друга сегодня это не означает, что они не могут ненавидеть друг друга завтра. Таким образом Детектор Любви или Детектор Совместимости основанный на технологии виброизображения позволяет оценивать отношения между людьми на момент тестирования, Вы можете проверять свои чувства каждый день и видеть стабильный результат, если отношения стабильны. Если изменяются отношения, то изменится и результат тестирования. Существуют биологические характеристики человека, которые неизменны в процессе всей жизни, это например, генетичекий код или отпечатки пальцев. Они показывают наследственную предрасположенность человека к типу характера и взаимоотношениям. По отпечаткам пальцев также можно определить наследственную предрасположенность к совместимости двух человек с помощью простого бесплатного теста.

Современные мобильные телефоны являются мощным техническим средством включающем хорошую телевизионную камеру и быстрый процессор. Именно эти компоненты нужны технологии виброизображения для определения эмоций человека и совместимости двух людей в паре. Если два человека близки, чувствуют и думают одинаково, то их микродвижения синхронны, а технология виброизображения с помощью обычного мобильного телефона позволяет измерить степень близости или влюбленности. Программа Детектор Любвипозволяет количественно определить насколько Вы близки по короткому 5ти секундному видео, когда один человек снимает другого. Результат выводится на экран мобильного телефона в виде фотографии с результатом совместимости фотографа и модели.

  Vibraimage   Vibraimage

Таким образом, с помощью мобильного телефона Вы можете легко узнать, кто Вас любит, а кто, на самом деле, ненавидит! Описани программы Детектор Любви или LoveDetector можно скачать здесь.

Другая компьютерная развработка - программа Совместимость-VI+ (Compatibility-VI+), способна дать четкую цифровую оценку совместимости двух людей в одном кадре с помощью веб камеры и компьютера. При этом расчеты производятся, исходя из виброизображения и людей и носят строго научный характер. Ведь каждый человек индивидуален, а соответственно для определения совместимости нужен и индивидуальный подход, а не разработанные общие тесты или иные способы. Рассмотрим пример работы программы:

Система VibraImage строит внешнее виброизображение или, упрощенно говоря, ауру, которая отражает психофизиологические особенности каждого человека. Далее оценивается симметрия этой ауры и делается вывод о совместимости людей. Чем больше симметрия - тем больше люд подходят друг другу. И наоборот, отсутствие симметрии говорит о каких-то проблемах в совместимости.


Такми образом, оценить совместимость двух людей совсем не сложно. Для этого просто необходимо скачать программное обеспечение VibraImage и установить его на свой компьютер. Теперь для того, чтобы найти максимально подходящего вам партнера, или узнать степень совместимости с вашей нынешней "второй половинкой", Вам не надо пользоваться услугами астрологов, экстрасенсов и гадалок с сомнительными способностями. Необходимо лишь сесть вдвоем перед домашней видео- или вебкамерой, и получить ответ на самый главный вопрос - насколько вы совместимы друг с другом. Точно также проверяется совместимость коллег, сотрудников и прочих категорий людей, вынужденных постоянно находиться вместе в одном помещении.

Система также имеет возможность определения совместимости людей по записанному ранее видеоролику. Полное описание установки и использования легких версий виброизображения включая программуСовместимость-VI+ Вы можете скачать с нашего сайта

Таким образом, применяя Детектор Любви и программу Совместимость-VI+ для проверки совместимости людей, Вы решаете целый ряд задач:

  Vibraimage определите, насколько те или иные люди сочетаются по характерам друг с другом;
  Vibraimage можете сформировать сильную и сплоченную команду сотрудников, а также предупредить возможные конфликты на рабочем месте среди "несовместимых" коллег;

you have a unique opportunity, using modern technologies of compatibility analysis VibraImage, to find your soulmate from a huge number of candidates.

View aura and self-knowledge


How often we want to know how our surroundings affect us — friends, music, jewelry — everything with which we constantly come into contact. Our mood and well-being depends on many small things that we see day after day. There are many recommendations in which color to paint the walls in the room and the decoration with which gem to wear, but they are all quite common and, at times, too embellished. No matter how accurate your personal horoscope and other forecasts are, none of them will have all the information about you personally at the moment.

We offer you to try out the development of the company "Elsis" - the VibraImage system, which will allow you to assess how you are affected by certain sounds, images and other settings. For example, we will demonstrate the influence of different music on the psycho-emotional state of a person.
Rock music
Pop music
Bardic music
the beatles

The system in quantitative and color indicators shows how your body actually feels, for example, when listening to various music.
In addition, you can see which factors are soothing to you, and which cause a feeling of aggression or fear, you can determine which fairy tale is better for the child to read at night or what color he likes. You can also monitor your health - everything, even the most minor changes ultimately affect the aura.
It is very easy to work with the system - you just need a personal computer with the VibraImage system installed and a regular webcam.

Thus, using VibraImage to control health and self-knowledge, you solve a number of important tasks:

  Vibraimage You can see how certain objects influence your psycho-emotional state, more deeply knowing yourself and your capabilities;
  Vibraimage you have the opportunity to constantly and independently control your psycho-emotional state and physical health;
  Vibraimage You can create for yourself a unique habitat, choose the environment most beneficial for you, whether it be relaxing music, jewelry or a bedroom interior.

Identify potentially dangerous people in a crowd

  Vibraimage As it develops, society is increasingly aware of the need to ensure its security. Especially acute this problem becomes in places of large crowds of people, such as subways, train stations, airports, where, with all the most complex control systems, it is almost impossible to keep up with everyone. Indeed, in such situations it is more important to know not only the CTO is in front of the camera lens, but also to predict WHAT it can do if it is not dangerous for others.

Today, this problem, which seemed to be impracticable recently, has been successfully solved thanks to the latest developments of the Elsis campaign - the system for monitoring the psycho-emotional state of a person VibraImage. It is designed to detect aggressive and potentially dangerous people with the help of contactless remote scanning to ensure security at airports and other protected objects.

Targets and goals:

  1. ensuring security in crowded places;
  2. identifying in a crowd of subjects potentially dangerous to others;
  3. constant psycho-emotional identification of a large flow of people.
How VibraImage works: the system has the ability to assess the emotional state of each person caught in the camera lens. Then the image is displayed on the monitor. At the same time, for the convenience of the user, in addition to various mathematical data, emotions are represented visually in the form of a color and image of each person, while the color is directly dependent on the intensity of a particular emotion (for example, the vibro image of the aggressive person will be painted in a rich red). The data, as in each case, which is analyzed by the VibraImage system, is a person's micromovements, performed by him unconsciously, but transmitting well his psycho-emotional state. Thus, it is impossible to “fake” indicators, in this case emotions, which is one of the most important characteristics in security systems.

This is what VibraImage looks like in action:

  Vibraimage   Vibraimage
As we see in the image, the emotional state of each passer-by who has entered the frame is analyzed, while the emotional state of each and the general mood of the crowd are clearly displayed. At the same time, which is perhaps the most important, the analysis is non-contact, so people do not know that they are being observed and behaved naturally, without experiencing discomfort or fear, which makes the study even more accurate.

The VibraImage system has been successfully used for many years in various places of large crowds of people, and it is constantly being improved, solving the more and more complex tasks that modern society poses to its developers.

Thus, using VibraImage to ensure security in public places, you solve a number of tasks:

  Vibraimage work without contact and, therefore, imperceptibly to others;
  Vibraimage you can constantly analyze the psycho-emotional state of a huge flow of people;

you have a unique opportunity to work with data that is almost impossible to forge, which greatly increases the efficiency of the security service.


The market of recruitment agencies today is constantly being improved and growing, and the desire of companies to find a decent staff and even more so. Each agency seeks to provide the maximum effective recruiting methods, which directly affects its prestige in the market and, as a result, the number of clients and the amount of profit. Agencies are aware of the need to introduce modern technologies in the personnel selection process, and the more unique and effective these technologies are, the more attractive they are for the customer.

One of these methods is the staff recruitment method using the VibraImage system, which is an independent and impartial expert, which effectively helps the personnel specialist to better understand the applicant during the interview.

  Vibraimage   Vibraimage

Often, employers go to recruitment agencies to search for those categories of employees that are practically impossible to attract by advertisements in the media or via the Internet, such as top managers and the most qualified specialists who are currently employed in other organizations and are not interested in finding a new place. work. In such cases, a thorough study of the candidate and the need to minimize errors comes first, which is qualitatively solved by the VibraImage program.

Moreover, the indisputable advantage of the VibraImage system is its non-contact principle of operation. At the request of the recruiter, the applicant may not even guess that the system is currently active and analyzes its psycho-emotional state and determines whether the applicant is telling the truth (or something different, but it seems to me here to mention lie detection). If the recruitment specialist decides that the candidate should see the work of the program, as this will reduce his stress, then it is enough just to turn the computer monitor to him.

The desire to show themselves from the best side is peculiar to everyone, the more clearly this desire is manifested in a person at the interview. But, often for this reason, the interview process turns into a permanent “embellishment” by the candidate of his abilities and creates many problems for the personnel specialist. It is at such a moment that VibraImage turns out to be very useful, revealing all the cards and demonstrating how truthful the applicant is.

Thus, the VibraImage system solves a number of problems of modern recruiting: it helps to get to know the interlocutor more deeply, to catch a lie, to reduce the candidate's tension during the interview, to increase the prestige of the recruiting agency. VibraImage in its work can easily replace a number of psychological tests, which saves time and money for both the agency and the applicant.

The VibraImage system can also be successfully applied directly in an organization that requires constant staffing. The system is very easy to manage and does not require an individual specialist, it can be used by any employee who has computer skills, so extra costs for the education of the personnel officer are not required. And most importantly, thanks to the VibraImage system, an organization is freed from the need to constantly apply to staffing agencies, which, of course, effectively saves its funds.

Thus, using VibraImage for staff recruitment, you solve a number of tasks:

  Vibraimage determine how truthful each applicant is for the position;
  Vibraimage You can work without contact, and therefore imperceptibly for the applicant

you have the opportunity to effectively save money on recruitment, making it yourself and not contacting recruitment agencies.


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