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Это окончание невероятной информации про слова и изображение в аудиолингвовизуальном сообщении.


that many TV journalists are interested in the verbal element of the program. So, V. Zorin believes that "the specifics of television journalism consist in trusting, in addressing the viewer and in the primacy of an idea, a word, a concept. And the visuals should support this."
But again there is a danger of a different kind, which R.N. Ilyin warns about: "... on a television screen, if one is too enthusiastic about the word, one can easily lose the plastic culture of the image."
By definition, E. G. Bagirov, it is not by chance that the one who watches the TV show is called a TV viewer, not a TV listener. To maintain the interest of the viewer at a sufficiently high level, it is necessary to periodically transfer the leading role in the communication from the sound series - to the visual one, at times to increase their information richness, creating peculiar semantic transmission or film nodes, and from time to time give the viewer to relax attention in peculiar pauses, when is large enough in both channels.

2. The distribution of information between the visual and sound series

One of the main requirements for tele-journalism is the availability of information, which should be communicated through as simple as possible text written in accordance with generally accepted standards of the literary language. The development of action on the screen and in the text should go from simple to complex, from less meaningful to more effective. A well-chosen text should draw the viewer's attention to interesting conclusions that follow from the image, and the image itself should carry enough interesting information.
S. Medynsky believes that in connection with a large audience, "the importance of the visual series in the documentary television film is greater than it was before, in the era of television documentary filmmaking."
However, it is useful to pay attention to the fact that a large part of the audience has recently been developing more and more, so to speak, the “absentee” perception of television programs, as is usually the case with radio - without looking up from a newspaper or any household chores. It is probably this fact that explains the appearance of the corresponding most popular TV channels in modern ultrashort-wave receivers.
In general, it is possible to consider fair (both for film and television journalism) the general rule: the narration should not be the basis of a film or a television program. On television, this rule is often ignored. The object of discussion in the preparation of television programs is usually the text - it is edited, processed, limited to only general outline of the visual series, painted somehow in the left page of the sheet. "At best, the image is considered as some kind of illustration to what has been said, and often it is completely forgotten about it." These words, spoken by E. G. Bagirov more than 20 years ago, are still relevant today.
Thus, if film publishing for the long history of its development has established for itself empirically certain acceptable criteria for the relationship between the visual and sound series, then on television, dealing with the solution of these issues is not as good as we would like.
Television today, unfortunately, very often sins verbosity. It is even accepted to talk about the famous waste of words on television. Sufficient informational saturation of the visual series requires a lot of attention, and verbose narration text, read to the same patter, often distracts the viewer, confuses him with the perception of basic information.
In the same way, the viewer may be perplexed and excessively animate the narration, intonation of delight, admiration or dissatisfaction with the object of the event, inappropriate sincerity of reading informational materials.
The intonation of the narration in general should correspond to the seriousness of the problems posed in the journalistic work.
Of course, it is impossible to completely reject the possibility of intonation allotments in journalistic texts. Correctly found intonation can enhance the emotional impact of the word, helps to better understand the content of the frame.

3. Types of television programs on the nature of the ratio of sound and image

By the nature of the ratio of sound and image, television programs of three types are possible:

1. The transmission is dominated by information coming to the viewer through the audio channel (narration). These are mainly studio productions dominated by static frames: training programs, political observers, television magazines with permanent presenters, etc. According to expert estimates, such programs make up an average of about 60 percent of the total programs of the first ORT channel.
Considering, say, an interview as a transfer of a conversational plan, M. Zarva notes that "... carefully organizing the elements that make up the visual perception of the program, you must be clear that these elements exist only as auxiliary, accompanying the main word."

2. In the transmission of the leading role played by information rich image. The text in this case only explains the image, revealing its content. The programs of this group are based on the use of various video materials and are characterized by a quick change of the plots and plans. Such broadcasts in the volume of broadcasting ORT occupy about 30 percent. These include cinema and television films proper, information programs “Time”, “News”, some thematic programs.

3. Information is distributed evenly between the sound and the image, not duplicating each other. This case, as they say, is perfect, almost unattainable neither in the cinema, nor on television. Therefore, most researchers distinguish only two types of transmissions - colloquial and pictorial. However, in the creative appendix to the thesis, its author presents his own example of the transfer of the third type - the music video "Waltz Boston".

4. The word in the context of the image
The screen context, as VF Minaev points out, occurs when a verse is linked to the visual. In the case when the word acts in unity with the image, explaining what is happening on the screen and without changing the content of the visual series, it is customary to talk about the semantic unity of the word and image. As a rule, “the off-screen word must, in its sense, correspond to what we see on the screen at any given second, and at the same time carry some additional information, enrich our perception”.
However, extremes are possible here: one of the most common mistakes found in telepublistics is that the word is too frankly attached to an image. In this case, the announcer’s comment echoes the image, and one of the information channels, visual or sound, becomes superfluous. To create a single holistic screen image, it is necessary that the rule is immutable: "... not to repeat what is indicated on the screen in words, since any tautology violates the integrity of the message."
Of course, one cannot go to the other extreme, when the sound begins to exist abstractedly from the image, it loses all semantic connections with it. The word and the image should be united by the context, then the author has the opportunity to go beyond simple information, to rise to create a full documentary image.
The semantic unity of the sound and visual series can be used to deliberately focus the viewer's attention on any particular side of the message, to contribute to a more complete disclosure of the information content.

5. Counterpoint link words and images
On television, a special effect creates multidirectional movement of words and images. "A word in a figurative meaning or phraseological use, sometimes arising associatively under the influence of a direct meaning given in an image, creates additional voice information for video information."
This technique is widely used in modern journalism: the politician’s story about how he intends to equip Russia is accompanied by a display of his adventures abroad, absurd rubber figures talking in the voices of the most senior officials. This technique allows authors to express their attitude to the subject or object of conversation much more precisely and more subtly.

6. Screen metaphor
The relative autonomy of the sound and visual channels and the possibility of contrasting the information in them allow publicists to make wide use of the original method of screen metaphor.
Using the metaphor in a film or broadcast, you can always find an interesting visual equivalent to any event. In preparing the report from the first meeting of the city council board under the newly elected mayor in the words of the mayor that he intends to reorganize the city administration, the author turned the camera to a window behind which the janitor diligently cleaned the snow with a huge shovel. In a report from the venue of the mourning rally dedicated to the Victory Day on May 9, the author showed the laying of wreaths by the authorities, after which they left, and in the bustle of the diverging crowd one veteran made his way to the foot of the monument, laid flowers and stood for a long time looking at the monument . The sound at that time was synchronous, and the comments were superfluous.

7. Numbers in Telepublicism
Television narration is often overloaded with numbers. As practice shows, the numerical information is perceived by the ear very badly, it needs reinforcement in the visual range.
You can write numbers on the screen or try to find a visual equivalent to them. For example, in the story about the weight of an elephant, a figure can be supported by a close-up of the foot of this animal, crushing a thick tree.
Visibility of the figures can be given by characteristic comparisons, unexpected associations, as was done by M. Romm in the film "Ordinary Fascism", where the growth of National Socialism is measured by the number of sausages eaten at party gatherings: "Already in these years a million or a million two hundred were eaten thousand sausages, and by 1934 this number had already reached two and a half million for one meeting. "
We conclude: what we see on the TV screen is called a complex audio-lingual-visual message, the components of which are voice-over and image. The meaning of the message is expressed not through any one of them, but through both components, which greatly facilitates the perception of information to the fullest extent possible.

to contents



Chapter 4. From the author's microphone folder

1. Editorial form

The editorial office of the Oryol State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company was formed in 1992. It has four journalists and two operators, which are served by a specially designated passenger car.
The need for its creation was dictated by the increased demand of residents of the Oryol region for local information, as well as competition between four other media outlets operating in the regional center.
Studies conducted systematically by the sociological group of the Oryol State TV and Radio Company indicate the continued popularity of news programs, telling both about the events of the current day and about concerns that are outside of time stamps or have a seasonal character, such as, for example, sowing and harvesting campaigns.
Information editors release the News program three times a week for 20 minutes and once a week for the information-analytical program Day-to-Day for a period of 30 minutes. Thus, the weekly volume of broadcasting in terms of one writing editorial staff is 22 minutes.
The structure of the program "News" - mostly reports. Occasionally there are interviews, notes, sketches. In the information and analytical program "Day after day," comments and reports dominate.
The technology of passing the materials is as follows: the filmed report is "unsubscribed", is submitted for printing to the typewriter bureau or is typed on a computer. It often happens that during the printing of the scenario plan, the journalist manages to go to the next shooting, the number of which reaches three or four a day. After editing the printed text, the scenario plot is included in the general scenario prepared by the issuing editor. At 13 o'clock the issue is viewed and signed by the editor-in-chief, after which the installation begins. Quickly filmed scenes are included in the script as they become available.
Plots are mounted on a separate tape, as a rule, by the author himself in the presence of the director. The sequence of editing is determined by the workload of the journalist: the one who is "pressed up" shooting, mounts his story first.
Towards the end of the montage, in accordance with the script, the scenes are “driven off” to the on-air cassette, from where they will be broadcast.
The formation of the editorial took place in front of the author's thesis. In 1992, when the first issues of “News” were published, there was neither a computer screen saver of the program, nor a corresponding enclosure in the studio. The broadcasts were recorded, and the inclusion in the release of the newly shot scenes was excluded.
Already in 1996, the "News" go on the air only. Computer screensaver, enclosure and announcer style and airing time have long been familiar to viewers.
The following is the text of the reports, prepared by the author in recent years in the wording of the information. Scenario plans are presented in the form accepted for production in the Oryol TV and Radio Company.

2. From the author's microphone folder

1 When preparing a report from the children's rehabilitation center, the author of the thesis worked not only as a correspondent, but also as an operator. The boy, telling about why his mother does not take him home, was shot close-up, and in the place where he tries to remember what she does, the author found an appropriate and necessary super-large plan, which greatly enhanced the expressiveness of the video sequence.
Moderator: Children's Rehabilitation Center at the Railway Hospital - two and a half years. Today our correspondents visited it.
Corr. (VO): In the life of these children there is one very sad paradox: they have a home and no home, they have parents, but their parents have no children. They are abandoned, and not legally, but in fact. Their families are the courtyards, the parents — the local gangsters, the universities — the streets. They have not yet reached the senior courses of these universities, the result of which is children's colonies. They only went there, and with the direct assistance of parents who prefer to bring up children and the children themselves, all the rest, and far from the best, activities. And sometimes even hindering the intentions of the social security services and the center's employees to arrange the child under the care of educators and doctors.

- SNH -
The boy says that his mother is engaged in some work.
- End of SNH -

Reporter (behind-the-scenes): Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the social protection services, children came here to the rehabilitation center of Zheleznodorozhny district. Here they were washed, fed and cured of many accumulated diseases.
For two and a half years, thus, more than 300 children from the Zheleznodorozhny district, who returned to their families well-fed and healthy, were rehabilitated. Much more awaits his turn to the center, which, with all the desire of doctors and educators can not simultaneously accept more than 20 children. The center lacks space and funding. Sponsors are helping to make ends meet: this is the playground that was presented to children by the territorial road-building administration - military unit 1371, the head - Ivan Fedorovich Novikov. The feasible assistance is also offered by the Orel railway station, joint-stock companies OSPAZ TOIR, Oreloblsnab and others.
The fates of those who leave the walls of the center develop differently. For example, Anna Sholokhova, who lives in the center and finished 9 classes at the city school 9, intends to enroll in the Mezen Pedagogical School. Most of the prospects are not so clear. Most likely, they will have to return to the center again and again, since the houses of these guys very much resemble these sandy,

loose and clumsy buildings.

S. Zvonenko
Operator S. Zvonenko
The report was broadcast on May 15, 1997 in the program "News".
Chief editor of OGTRK __________ V.G. Dremachev

1. On the eve of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, the editorial board of the Oryol TV and radio company traditionally prepares many thematic plots. Below is an example of one of them, taken in the regional museum of local lore and telling about the meeting of veterans of the Great Patriotic War with schoolchildren. When assembling the report, the author used shots made in the halls of military glory. Frames of weapons of the Second World War, war-torn personal belongings of warlords successfully fit into the narration.
Host: Our next report is about the upcoming holiday of the defenders of the fatherland. Today in the regional museum of local lore a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War took place.
Corr. (VO): The meeting was held by Svetlana Dmitrievna Krasnoshchekova, head of the scientific and educational department of the regional museum of local lore. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War - Zinaida Aleksandrovna Shvetsova and Alexander Ivanovich Ovchinnikov addressed the students of the 2nd city school.
For many years, we have become accustomed to the phrase "winning nation" and behind the facelessness of this formulation, we increasingly forget that these people, war veterans, live next to us, travel with us in public transport and buy products in stores and markets.
But the participants of the war are becoming less and less every year and even the month; the war times go on in history, our country is still shaken by various military clashes, the horror of the consequences of which re-enters into Russian families.
Now, speaking of the war, you need to specify the year of its beginning. The war of trivial aggression has become a means of profit and even a bargaining chip of political trades. And hardly anyone remembers and remembers the kind word of her veterans.
Veterans of the Great Patriotic War more than deserved it. After the occupation of the Oryol Region, Zinaida Aleksandrovna voluntarily went to the Dzerzhinsky Partisan Detachment, which operated in the Bryansk Region. The awards of the young partisan are shown by her awards - the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, I Degree, the medal, The Guerrilla of the Patriotic War, I Degree, the Order For Bravery, and many others.
Alexander Ivanovich - military journalist, author of the books "Landing on the Dnieper", "Land of the Fathers", "Mermaids of Tears". He also illustrated albums dedicated to the history of Oryol region.
What did they tell the students about? Ultimately, the fact that you need to make every effort to become real people, real citizens of their country.

S. Zvonenko
Operator S. Zvonenko
The report went on the air on February 23, 1997 in the program "Day by Day"
Chief editor of OGTRK __________ V.G. Dremachev

1. The author of the thesis managed to take a good shot during the visit of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Head of the Oryol Region Administration Yegor Semenovich Stroyev to the Proton Joint-Stock Company Oryol. The experts who met him first acquainted him with the work of the enterprise. In one of the shops Stroyev looked through a microscope, and the operator managed to remove what he saw there. Complementing the offscreen commentary, the camera also informs the viewer about the number of workers in the enterprise and the nature of the production.
Moderator: Today, the head of the administration of the Oryol region, the chairman of the Federation Council, Yegor Semenovich Stroyev, visited the joint-stock company Proton. Details are in our report.
Reporter (behind the scenes): In the past few months, the social atmosphere in this production association has heated up to its limits. The team of the plant for several months does not receive either wages or social benefits. The transformation of the plant into a holding company, that is, its division into eighteen subsidiaries, did not save the workers either. The desperate workers turned to Egor Semenovich Stroyev with their sore questions, rightly believing that the problems of the plant could be solved only at the highest level.

- SNH -
Factory workers: We have not been paid a salary since August, and there are no child benefits either.
N. Malyshev, director of the subsidiary company "Opto-elements": We have no arrears to the power industry, but the biggest salary debt.
E.S. Stroyev, head of the regional administration: I signed a decree yesterday to pay 30 percent of my salary earnings.
- End of SNH -

Correspondent (behind-the-scenes): The problems of the company "Opto-elements", whose products, by the way, are in great demand, have spread to other Proton subsidiaries, ruining some of them. As of today, the existence of Proton as a whole seems highly doubtful - the lump of accumulated problems is too large. The workers have no hopes for the head of the association. The only hope of these specialists was attention to their problems of the regional administration.

S. Zvonenko
Operator S. Zvonenko
The report was broadcast on August 28, 1997 in the program "News".
Chief editor of OGTRK __________ V.G. Dremachev

1. In a report about the plight of the inhabitants of one of the houses located in the center of the regional center, the offscreen text informs the viewer about the facts, and the video series gives an idea of ​​the really awful living conditions of the heroes of the report. In addition, this television material ends with a frame-symbol: the sign of the Rodina cinema is clearly visible between the two rickety houses. As conceived by the reporter, he should hint that in his own country, caring for a person is still in last place.
Host: Our next report is about a truly unique place in Orel. True, the inhabitants of this place of its uniqueness are not at all pleased.
Corr. (VO): These are houses number 51 and 53, located in the very center of the city along Moskovskaya Street. 51 house was built by a German merchant before the revolution. In the part that is closer to the street, he lived himself, and used the rest of the premises for workshops and salt warehouses.
It was at the beginning of the century, but who would have thought that at the end of the 90s more than 20 families would live in it without heating, sewage, water supply and gas. The tenants received these apartments mainly after the war — that was a joy, but it soon became clear that it was because of these little rooms that no one else would give them any more — say, thank you, and for this house, in no way, in the very center of the city.

- SNH -
Resident: I worked at the Medvedevsky plant, then at the fifth and in the electrical network. They gave me this little storage room, and then cut through two windows - as well, we live like this.
- End of SNH -

Corr. (VO): For most of us, because of our own ambitions, we don’t see true happiness. Even in such conditions, only young people complain. Very elderly people are already looking at the problems of everyday life, especially since they are accustomed, especially in recent years, to save on the essentials - on heat, food, and peace. Firewood will be picked up during the autumn cleansing of the city greenery or bought from the local drunk for the top ten or the other, neighbors will help you more than they can - cut the firewood, bring water and cook dinner on such a tricky device. In the 59th year, gas pipes were put into the house, but the fire department did not allow gas in the apartments. More than once the tenants applied to the housing and communal services department and the city administration, but the measures taken did not go beyond promises and redecorations. The ceiling of the house is kept on parole, the floor under your feet breathes. From the walls it smells damp, and from the apartments - the cellar.
However, these people are not alien to the feeling of envy - they are also jealous - for example, to neighbors in the house, who burned down last year. They were probably given rooms in a close, but at least warm Khrushchev communal flat, and single grandmothers were identified as state guardianship.

S. Zvonenko
Operator S. Zvonenko
The report went on the air on November 30, 1997 in the program "Day by Day"
Chief editor of OGTRK __________ V.G. Dremachev

1. The author of the following “plot” about the Oryol organization of karate is ambiguous about this kind of leisure and sports. What is positive in karate inspired the shooting and preparation of the text (especially the summary), and the reporter expressed his negative attitude to violence in general and of this kind in particular by editing, selecting for him shots of successful blows struck in most cases to the head. one friend to another.
Moderator: Oyama KioKushinkai Karate-do Oryol conducted educational and methodical fees.
Corr. (VO): The Oryol organization of Kyokushin - the strongest type of karate has existed since October 1995. It is engaged in more than one and a half hundred orlovtsev aged from 7 years.
Oryol athletes have already traveled to competitions in Moscow, Kursk, Dzerzhinsk.
On Sunday, training sessions were held in the gym of the commercial institute, during which the students of the organization showed their general physical data, technical standards and military equipment.
Kyokushin karate rules are as close as possible to the rules of a real fight. The degree of proximity of the contact is not limited.
It is forbidden to hit only those places that are impossible to prepare in advance. Protective agents are not used.
The criterion for the evaluation of the fight is the objective impotence of the athlete to continue the fight, and not the subjective opinion of the judges.
Of course, harshly. But karate has already won the hearts of young people all over the world. They turned to this sport in the hope of realizing the dream of all men - to become strong.
However, for those who decided to practice Kyokushin seriously, karate will become not only and not so much the ability to fight as a kind of psychological shield in a modern, emotionally oversaturated life.
The founders of Kyokushinka quite rightly believe that the pain that strangers cause us, and sometimes even friends, is immeasurably stronger than the most terrible blow.
Of course, the fight is unnecessarily tough, but it is also indisputable that the guys involved here are much better than street boys with a cigarette, a glass of port wine, drugs, and, in the end, overweight.

S. Zvonenko
Operator S. Zvonenko
The report was aired on February 12, 1997 in the program "News".
Chief editor of OGTRK __________ V.G. Dremachev

1. The situation that had opened up to the gaze of the reporter was so comical that he shared it with the audience: the inhabitants of Kulturny Lane themselves filled up with food and industrial waste; and then there's the accident on the water line. Filming of the most emotional part of the story by the site manager about the problems of eliminating the accident of the water conduit was done by a hidden camera, and even if the sound recorded by the built-in microphone was not very high quality, it was a fragment of a lively conversation - with natural mimicry and expressive gestures. In addition, in the preparation of the “plot” the reporter used an associative assembly technique, showing a whirlpool in words about a meaningless waste of taxpayers' money. As a result, the unspoken out loud thought that there is no real owner in the city became clear. By the way, a year later, the mayor of Orel was re-elected.
Host: Today, residents of Kulturny Lane, Orel, have called our editorial office, expressing indignation at the outrage that is happening under the windows of their houses. Our correspondent left for the place.
Corr. (VO): The troubles of Kulturny Lane are typical for the city as a whole. By bitter irony, it was his people who staged a landfill with its size under the windows of their own houses. By the summer stench quickly got used and stopped noticing. And the editorial office called, reporting yesterday's rush of the water pipe. The rushing water flooded the already very liquid asphalt of Kulturny Lane and poured into the basements of the houses of the neighboring streets. Without a normal pressure of water there were inhabitants of Zheleznodorozhny and Sovetsky district. And maybe not the last day.
According to Alexei Rykov, head of the railway section of the water utility, Alexei Rykov, the workers couldn’t eliminate the leak, or rather, the gust of the pipe on the same day because of the private construction that started in the immediate vicinity of the waterway.

- SNH -
A. Rykov, site manager: When did you build, where did you look? Now the land will have to throw there, to him, in the mansion.
- End of SNH -

Reporter (behind the scenes): In order to temper the protests of the owners of the building that naturally arose on this occasion, water operators invited representatives of the city and district administrations and, of course, police officers to the site. “Otherwise, there was no other way,” the head of the site said with conviction, and he was right: when one of the accidents in the Zavokzalny village was eliminated, his workers barely received serious beatings - the benefit left in time.

- SNH -
A. Rykov, site manager: Now many have begun to conduct unauthorized construction, without asking anyone for permission. And so it turns out: you come for an accident, but there is a house or a garage. We have to dig undermines. Time and money are running out, and we upset people with poor cold water supply.
- End of SNH -

Reporter (behind the scenes): As for this particular conduit, it is not on any map. Local old men say that the captured Germans laid the pipe back in the year 46. They put it on the conscience - for more than 50 years the pipe did not make itself felt.
In those years of thrift, no one needed to be taught - they were shot for carelessness and stupidity. Now the times are different, and the money of taxpayers — our money with you — is quite permissible to flow away with impunity as quickly and uselessly as this water. And it is surprising that in this case it would not even bother to search for anyone guilty of losing many tons of artesian water and disrupting the city’s water supply.

S. Zvonenko
Operator S. Zvonenko
The report went on the air on March 16, 1997 in the program "Day by Day"
Chief editor of OGTRK __________ V.G. Dremachev

1.When creating a report on Human Rights Day, the method of associative editing was successfully used. Unfortunately, our country has not reached particular heights in ensuring these rights, therefore, this holiday was probably not widely celebrated. The corresponding text sounds on the background of frozen houses, trees, snow-covered cars and petrified icicles.
Host: On December 10, all progressive humanity celebrated the International Day for the Protection of Human Rights. About what this day is marked in our area, the report of our correspondent.
Corr. (VO): Wednesday 10 December did not become a holiday. One of the versions of this sad fact was expressed by our contemporary, the poet Vladimir Sokolov:

I'm tired of the twentieth century,
From his bloodied eyelids.
And I do not need human rights -
I have long been no man.

Meanwhile, it was precisely on December 10, 49 years ago, that the Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a universal declaration of human rights, for which, by the way, the Soviet Union did not vote.
The first paragraph of the declaration states that all people from birth are vested with certain inalienable rights that should be protected by the state. Note - be guarded. We realized, and even now we realize only those rights that the state graciously gives us.
Therefore, we know little about our rights. And to study them is necessary. Unfortunately, far from all schools introduce the study of the most important human rights into the program. But such studies have been held for the fourth year in the humanitarian lyceum "Master".

- SNH -
Students of the Lyceum "Master": We listened to a course of lectures on human rights and concluded that these rights are violated everywhere. For example, a restriction on staying without registration was introduced in Moscow, which is contrary to a person’s right to move freely within his country. And in general, what kind of human rights can we talk about, if only that we survived the bloody war in Chechnya and there is no certainty that this war is not the last?
- End of SNH -

Reporter (behind the scenes): In the Lyceum "Master" human rights are studied according to the author's program written specifically for this purpose.
- SNH -
E. Mendelevich, teacher, employee of the Moscow-based human rights newspaper Express-Chronicle: “Ten years ago, the text of the declaration of human rights could not be bought anywhere, and for its reading it was possible to put behind bars. Now we have the opportunity to teach these rights to schoolchildren at the end of grade 11, they knew their rights and could defend them. "
- End of SNH -

Corr. (VO): Human rights are the very foundation on which our whole life and all other holidays are built. Therefore, the day of December 10 deserves much more attention than the one he was awarded in the Oryol region, and in Russia as a whole.

S. Zvonenko
Operator S. Zvonenko
The report was aired on December 10, 1997 in the program "News".
Chief editor of OGTRK __________ V.G. Dremachev

1. Work on the music video "Waltz Boston" lasted more than two years. Among the television materials illustrating the main idea of ​​the author's thesis on the relationship between words and images, the music video appeared because the lyrics and video series exist as if separately, but at the same time they are closely interconnected. You can see that the song has its own artistic images, and in the video image - its own. Perceiving them simultaneously, the attentive viewer receives a “double dose” of information, penetrating deeper into the author's intent.
При создании видеоклипа задействованы актеры орловского Театра для детей и юношества "Свободное пространство", сценарий, съемки и монтаж выполнил автор дипломной работы.

С. Звоненко
Оператор С. Звоненко
Видеоклип вышел в эфир 20 декабря 1996 года в программе эфирного дня
Главный редактор ОГТРК __________ В.Г. Дремачев

к оглавлению

(Дипломная работа)


Проблема соотношения слова и изображения сравнительно новая в теории публицистики. Она возникла с появлением звукового кино и приобрела особую актуальность с бурным развитием телевидения, с формированием особого, принципиально нового языка, основанного на использовании двух различных семиотических систем - изобразительной и словесной.
Сегодня вопросы структуры аудиолингвовизуального языка экранных форм публицистики еще не получили достаточно полного освещения в работах исследователей кино и телевидения.
Многие исследователи в своих работах исследуют отдельные стороны взаимодействия слова и изображения на телевидении и в кино, но единых принципов соотношения вербальных и иконических элементов в аудиовизуальном сообщении до сих пор не выработано.
В данной работе сделана попытка более детально рассмотреть структурные составляющие экранного образа, механизм взаимодействия слова и изображения на телеэкране, показать на конкретных примерах возможности, которые открывает перед телепублицистами умелое использование особенностей функционирования аудиовизуального сообщения.
Проведя собственное исследование, автор дипломной работы пришел к выводу, что изображение является носителем достоверности сообщаемого с экрана факта и отличается довольно сложной собственной структурой. Слово же, связанное с абстрактно-понятийной стороной сообщения, является выразителем мысли, носителем логических элементов информации.
Большой интерес телевидения к слову - следствие его коммуникативной природы. Сегодня филологов слово интересует все больше не в чистом виде, а в определенной ситуации, в определенной обстановке. Думается, во многом это обусловлено возрождением культуры разговорной речи (а именно в устном высказывании роль ситуации особенно велика) в эпоху развития телевидения, где слово немыслимо вне экранного контекста, без его взаимодействия с изображением.
В целом надо отметить, что сегодня, когда мы наблюдаем процесс сближения форм кинематографической и телевизионной публицистики, происходит сближение и структуры кино- и телесообщения: документальное кино все больше проявляет интерес к звучащему с экрана слову, а телевидение, совершенствуя изобразительные возможности малого экрана, получает возможность значительно шире использовать в своих передачах различные иконические элементы.
Сегодня телевидение располагает мобильной аппаратурой, позволяющей передавать информацию с мест, значительно удаленных от студии, одномоментно с показываемым событием. Естественно, что в этом случае телевидение максимально использует одно из главных своих преимуществ - полностью устраняется временной разрыв между поступлением сообщения и совершением самого действия.
В этих условиях особенно повышается роль взаимопонимания отдельных членов творческой группы, иначе было бы просто невозможно добиться правильного соотношения изображения и звука, без чего, как мы выяснили, невозможно создание полноценного экранного художественно-публицистического образа, складывающегося из двух основных элементов: изображения, звукового ряда и правильного их соотношения.
Сегодня на телевидении нужен журналист-универсал, одинаково хорошо понимающий природу и специфику, как зрительного ряда, так и звука в средствах массовой информации, умеющий с полной отдачей использовать поступившие в его распоряжение изобразительно-выразительные средства.
Поэтому нельзя не согласиться с тем, что "важность комплексных исследований проблематики телевизионного слова неоспорима: они вплотную приблизят нашу науку к познанию всего многообразия путей, ведущих телевизионных публицистов к высотам литературно-экранного мастерства".
Думается, в этом направлении еще предстоит многое сделать, чтобы поддержать на достаточно высоком уровне интерес зрителей к важнейшему каналу распространения информации - телевидению, усилить действенность аудиовизуального сообщения, повысить достоверность информации, передаваемой посредством телевизионного экрана.


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created: 2014-10-08
updated: 2024-11-13

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