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Features of work in print media

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Global communication

Universal preparation for work in the media system

In the journalistic activities a special and important role is played by the technological factor. Depending on the technique used to collect and disseminate information, the style, nature and effectiveness of a journalist’s work change. Of course, working conditions are changing. One thing is when you are equipped with only a pencil and a notebook, and something else is completely different if you have a video camera in your hands.

Differences between the media are fixed in Russian laws. A periodical is a newspaper, magazine, almanac, bulletin, other publication with a permanent title, current issue and published at least once a year [1]. A radio, television, video, newsreel program is a set of periodic audio and audiovisual messages and materials (broadcasts) that has a permanent name and is published (broadcast) at least once a year [2].

The level of technical equipment inevitably determines the differences in the organization of the work of journalists. Consider this on the example of a typical Russian newspaper.

When the high print was central for Russian newspapers, the staffing and organizational structure of the editorial staff was as follows. The team was headed by the editor-in-chief, to whom the deputy editor, executive secretary, and department heads were directly subordinate. The material received from the author to the editorial board, after registering with the letters department, got to the staff member. He prepared the manuscript for publication, then handed it over to the head of the department. He offered material to the responsible secretary. The executive secretary finally prepared the future publication for publication and developed a draft layout of the newspaper, which indicated the layout of the materials on the page, fonts and everything necessary for the layout. The editor of the newspaper signed each page separately for printing and the entire number as a whole after the layout and necessary editing.

In connection with the transition to the offset printing method, the organizational structure of the editorial board has changed. Offset involves the computerization of the process. There was no need for multiple reprints of the same material; It became possible to make changes and revisions at any stage of the work on the manuscript. In some editions, they refused the post of executive secretary, since the draft layout is no longer needed - the original layout is carried out, which completely imitates the newspaper page. The ability to work "online", that is, using computer networks, has led to an even greater reduction in the list of editorial staff. Now the editors may well consist of one editor, and the authors in this case send their works by e-mail. In order to reduce the time for layout, standard layouts, single-type layout, etc. are used. There has been a tendency to differentiate the functions of the chief editor and CEO, to separate advertising from news and editorial materials.

Russia's entry into the global information infrastructure and the unification of the organization of newspaper and magazine production led to the fact that in some publications they began to switch to foreign standards of activity. In particular, the American version of the organizational staffing table is spreading. But here there are difficulties due to the inconsistency of the systems of national legislation, as well as traditions and practices of daily work.

To clarify what was said on a specific example, consider the organization of a typical American newspaper with a circulation of 50 thousand copies. With smaller print runs, the functions of full-time employees can be combined, with large runs, new positions arise.

The owner, owner of the publication is a person who has invested money in a newspaper and wants to make a profit. To do this, he hires the publisher, or he performs its functions. In Russia, the law does not provide for such a category as the owner of the publication. Therefore, the real owners of newspapers and magazines are often not known to anyone and do not bear any formal responsibility. The founder of the publication may not be its real owner.

The publisher is the main administrator of the publication. He is responsible for all the activities of the newspaper, and most importantly - for its profitability. It is forbidden to distract from public meetings and the development of concepts. Only two people have the right to come to him with reports, and they also report to him for their activities: this is the editor-in-chief and the general director. In Russian conditions, the functions of the publisher are different. In accordance with the Law “On Mass Media”, “a publisher means a publishing house, other institution, an enterprise (entrepreneur) that provides material and technical support for the production of mass media products, as well as a legal entity or a citizen equal to the publisher for whom this activity does not is the main or does not serve as the main source of income "[3].

The general director is responsible for the technical support of the editorial board, the printing house, and the distribution of the newspaper. Subordinate to him: manager, director of marketing, business manager, head of computer processing of information, production director. The accounting department and, which is very important for us, the advertising department are also subordinated to it. In Russia, the CEO may be completely absent from the staff of a newspaper or magazine. We traditionally have the chief editor responsible for everything, combining in one person the functions of both the publisher, and the chief editor, and the general director in the American sense of these terms.

The editor- in -chief in the United States is responsible for all newspaper content, including editorials. He has no right to interfere in the affairs of the advertising department - it is the prerogative of the CEO. With us, advertising is one of the most important cases for the editor-in-chief. This leads to sad consequences: the pursuit of profit stimulates the emergence of so-called "custom" articles, leading to the influence of the advertiser on the content of the publication. The lower along the “vertical”, the more significant the Russian organizational and staff structure differs from the American one. We will continue to review the staffing of a typical American newspaper.

The managing editor is subordinate to the editor-in-chief and at the same time to the publisher, which emphasizes the priority of news compared to editorial articles. With such a structure, the likelihood of an editorial opinion in the news column decreases. The managing editor is the complete owner in the information department. Stored by:

Ø editor of general news,

Ø editor of the capital news,

Ø editor of regional news,

Ø sports news editor

Ø business news editor

Ø art editor (photo editor),

Ø Editor of the Sunday editions.

In addition, the department may include editorial editorial editors, editors, assistant managing editor, the editor of the capital news with his assistants, a librarian, graphic artists, system editor. In total, the staff of the information department is 55 people. In recent years, with the editor-in-chief and the general director, special groups of employees began to be created who are responsible exclusively for increasing the profitability of the publication.

As we see, in the organization of the work of the editorial board there are significant differences between the Russian approach and the American one. Thoughtless copying of someone else's scheme leads to the need to change the content and form of materials: information is written according to the “inverted pyramid” principle, the number of used newspaper genres is reduced, the traditional division into departments is often eliminated, and thus the publication is impoverished. But be that as it may, the trend towards a transition to the American scheme exists. In particular, according to a similar model, the newspaper “Business Petersburg” works.

Technical innovations affect radio, cinema, television, and news agencies to an even greater degree. The inevitable complication of technology leads to the need for its collective service, and this, in turn, seriously affects the organizational structure of any editorial staff. If a journalist is becoming more and more a universal person in print publications, he is able to solve the tasks set before the editorial board alone, then in electronic media there is an increasingly narrow specialization. Here the ability to work in a team is immeasurably more valued. For example, the film crew of television includes, as a rule, the author of the script or the script plan, the director, the operator, the editor, the driver of the car. Sometimes it includes an editor, administrator, lighting specialist, sound engineer, technician, or equipment maintenance engineer. But at the same time, working out interchangeability is also essential: the operator must have the skills of a reporter, the reporter needs to “feel the frame”, etc.

created: 2014-09-27
updated: 2021-03-13

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