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Information and communication activities at the source of excellence

Journalistic Professionalism: Milestones in the Formation

Journalism: vocation, craft, profession

Journalist: professional personality features

Journalism: a profession in the mirror of a model of the world

What is a profession? In its most general form, this is a type of labor activity of a person who possesses theoretical knowledge and possesses practical skills. The concepts of profession, professionalism and professional culture, which is a combination of material and spiritual formations, all that is called labor technology, are interrelated.

In the field of media, professional culture is not only a repository of standards, stereotypes, the “memory” of the journalistic community, but also creative originality, the individuality of the master, the ability to break habitual norms and create new things. In the final form, professional culture melts over the whole way of life of a journalist, his world perception, behavior, in the way he performs social roles in the system of information structures.

Professionalism implies mastery of skill, i.e. achieving a level of excellence that allows you to most fully perform specific functions in a particular area of ​​social practice. Professionalism and craftsmanship are both individual and social. They are realized in time and space, being filled with concrete content depending on certain historical conditions, sociocultural circumstances, national and ethnic factors, on the peculiarities of the unique personality of a specialist. This is convincing by a historical insight, which allows a deeper understanding of the origins of journalistic professionalism - those nine tenths of the iceberg, which are under water and give it not only buoyancy, but also stability.

The classic idea of ​​a professional journalist is not accidental, it took a long time to develop. Knowledge of those who preceded you enriches life experience and helps expand the creative horizons of a media employee.



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