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As the empirical and theoretical cognitive tasks facing the journalist are resolved, he develops an ever more distinct idea of ​​the situation being studied, which, by the time the work is completed at the facility, becomes conceptual. It can be said that the product of the cognitive stage of journalistic activity is the concept of the situation studied, which is a unity of knowledge about what is happening and attitude to it. At the same time, in accordance with the tasks that were solved, knowledge is two-sided: its empirical layer is represented by facts characterizing the situation, and the theoretical is understood as an understanding of the connections of these facts (primarily cause-effect ones), their significance, as a vision of the prospects for the situation. Two-sided and attitude: on the one hand, it is a system of logically verified assessments, on the other - their emotional “highlight”, the result of more or less deep empathy, the “feeling” of the journalist in the emotional state of the characters of his future material.

However, the concept of the situation studied is not yet the knowledge that is intended for the consumer. This is a kind of semi-finished product, which has to undergo more than one processing procedure before it turns into a journalistic work - an information product that can more or less accurately convey to the mass audience operational knowledge of what is happening in life. The degree of accuracy directly depends on how well a journalist conducted the process of knowledge of reality, and how skillful and conscientious his actions will turn out to be in the next stage of work. In the course of the embodiment of the symbolic-symbolic picture of life, concern for its adequacy to real processes is just as important as it is in the course of cognitive activity itself.


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