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10 Analytical Report


One of the most remarkable features of the domestic media has traditionally been their focus not so much on reporting news as on analysis, research, interpretation of current events, processes, situations. Because of this, the media have developed a fairly effective system of analytical genres. This system is not something once and for all given - it is constantly evolving, adapting to the tasks that confront analytical journalism. Especially noticeable changes have occurred in it in recent years: some well-known genres have been “modified”, and in addition, new stable types of analytical publications have appeared. In the proposed chapter, the “slice” of the analytical genres inherent in the modern periodical press is considered.

As mentioned above, the report as a type of publication is one of the most ancient genres of journalism. First of all, it concerns the very kind of it, which is called an information report. Existed for a long time in the form of oral reports, reports to emperors, kings or people about some forums, meetings of parliaments, meetings and other phenomena, with the advent of newspapers this kind of report migrated to their pages (for example, it was presented in the first Russian newspaper - Petrovsky "Vedomosti"). Initially, publications, now called reports, were called “reporting” (ie, a message), but over time, publications began to be called publications that were similar to modern essays and reports.

The report genre is actively used in today's journalism. This statement is also essential for the variety that is called the analytical report. What unites and what distinguishes it with the "older brother" - an information report?

The subject of a journalistic analytical report, as well as an informational report, in the language of modern science, is the result of the verbal activity of a specially gathered group of people, or more simply, speeches, reports, speeches of participants in various meetings, meetings, congresses, meetings, conferences, etc. The same subject, of course, can be displayed by a journalist in the genre of notes, reportage, correspondence, inherent in this genre in ways, language, etc. But this fact does not prevent us from speaking about the analytical report as an independent journalism genre.

So, if publications of informational genres mainly state the course of meetings, conferences, etc., they report who spoke what he said (or even shows how he said it and how it was perceived by the audience), i.e. reflect the external side of the subject, the analytical report “takes” another in the subject, namely, it reflects the internal connection of speeches, reports, speeches. The angle of display of the subject in publications of different genres sets the goal of performances. As is known, the purpose of the information report is to inform the audience about the course of the meeting, conference, etc.

The purpose of the analytical report is different. And it consists in showing the interrelation of those or other judgments, assessments, conclusions, proposals contained in the speeches of the speakers, with real problems, situations, processes that currently exist in the life of a city, district, country. And, already on the basis of such correlation, to make an assessment of the speeches of the participants of this or that forum, to determine their significance for the city, district, country.

Selection can be made, for example, on the basis of thematic unity of a number of speeches. And in this case, the author gets the opportunity to consider some one side of actual reality from the standpoint of different speakers. He can focus on one, the most significant speech and from his position to highlight the various problems of real life. In any case, the analysis goes beyond the scope of the presentations themselves.

Depending on the current real situation, the real problem, the real process with which the presentations of the forum participants correspond, the journalist can focus his attention in the analytical report either on explaining the reasons for this situation, problem, process, or on assessing their current status or on forecasting them. development, or on the plan, the program of action in connection with them. In accordance with this, he will pay attention either to explanations or to the proposals contained in the speeches and related to the problems, situations, processes occurring in reality. This will largely determine the type of analytical report - whether it will be an explanation report, an evaluation report or a program report.

Information report The reason for attributing the type of publications designated as “information report” to an independent genre is the special nature of the subject of the display. As such, the reports are the events committed in the form of information exchange. These are various conferences, meetings, symposia, seminars, meetings, etc. It is in the course of their production that “products” are produced, representing various plans, statements, intentions, decisions, etc., and reproducing a potential object of interest to the media audience (although Of course, she may be interested in various aspects of the conferences, meetings and other events themselves).

The author of any report that mentions the people participating in the events described in the texts, must necessarily check and accurately state their names, surnames, and positions. If the publication contains the wording of the adopted decisions or tasks, then they should be accurate and, if possible, given not in the retelling of the author of the publication, but in a literal presentation. Such accuracy insures the author of the report against possible troubles related to the distortion of information.

See also

created: 2014-09-27
updated: 2024-11-12

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